Blog Archive

Digital disruption: chasing exponential innovation

Disruption has become the new normal in the modern digital economy. Technologies such as analytics, Big Data, artificial intelligence, mobility and augmented reality are reshaping virtually every aspect of how the world interacts and conducts business. Leading futurist Ramez Naam offers four ways that companies can get to grips with digital disruption. Find out how: …

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Thembelihle Dlamini, an architect of her own destiny

Midlands Community College, in KwaZulu Natal, has given Thembelihle Dlamini the maths and science marks she needed to study architecture. Investec has partnered with the college which provides an opportunity for Grade 12 learners to improve their matric results in Maths, Accounting and Science for a full-time residential year. The programme offers 90 places a …

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Four things fintech investors are looking for

With the global fintech investment ballooning from $1.89bn in 2010 to $57bn in the first half of 2018, the sector is attracting a flood of tech start-ups. Here’s what you need to do to seal the deal. Read more:

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Blockchain: the invisible engine of trust

For centuries, we’ve put our trust in a third party when it all comes to all our financial dealings. So, what happens when a new technology emerges that is engineered to automate trust? Blockchain was one of the topics that dominated the 48th World Economic Forum in Davos – that’s because, at its most basic … Continue reading...

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Das ist die neue 100-Franken-Note

Mit der heute präsentierten 100-Franken-Note schliesst die Schweizerische Nationalbank die Emission der neuen Banknotenserie ab. Die Note zeigt die humanitäre Seite der Schweiz.

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«Man übt heute nicht mehr 40 Jahre lang den gleichen Beruf aus»

Am 3. September 2019 findet in der Schweiz der dritte Digitaltag statt. Was bezweckt der Anlass? Wie soll man sich im digitalen Zeitalter verhalten? Digitalisierungsexperte Urs Haeusler gibt im cash-Video-Interview Antworten.

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Banks and fintechs: competition or collaboration?

For many players in financial services, whether or not fintech will disrupt financial services is now no longer a question of ‘if’, but rather, of ‘how much and fast?’ Banking the unbanked and simplifying people’s lives are two of the most appealing benefits of fintech. Many pundits believe that for these to be truly realised …

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How is technology disrupting the competitive landscape in financial service?

Just a few years ago, it seemed as if fintech companies represented a clear and present danger to traditional banks. Today, the picture is a little different. Increasingly, we are seeing more progressive incumbents choosing instead to partner with fintechs in an effort to evolve their own businesses. The result may be a new era …

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Das ist die neue 100-Franken-Note

Mit der heute präsentierten 100-Franken-Note schliesst die Schweizerische Nationalbank die Emission der neuen Banknotenserie ab. Die Note zeigt die humanitäre Seite der Schweiz.

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«Man übt heute nicht mehr 40 Jahre lang den gleichen Beruf aus»

Am 3. September 2019 findet in der Schweiz der dritte Digitaltag statt. Was bezweckt der Anlass? Wie soll man sich im digitalen Zeitalter verhalten? Digitalisierungsexperte Urs Haeusler gibt im cash-Video-Interview Antworten.

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Bringing clean water to rural communities

A partnership with Innovation Africa and Investec’s Entrepreneurship Development Trust (EDT) has seen several communities in rural Mpumalanga benefit from water infrastructure development. By the end of 2018, eight villages in the Bushbuckridge community had access to clean running water from water towers where solar panels power pumps extract clean water from bore holes. Read …

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Biggest group of rhino orphans released back into the wild

Investec Rhino Lifeline partner, Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary, released “the biggest group of orphans in the history of the world that’s been released back into the wild,” said Petronel Nieuwoudt, Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary founder. Read more:

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Tackling youth unemployment in rural areas

As South Africa battles unemployment with millions of youth jobless, Investec in partnership with the Youth Employment Service (YES) is changing lives in the rural Mpumalanga. The partnership has seen over 300 youth employed in projects run by the Sabi Sands Pfunanani Trust and Care for Wild. Read more:

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Preserving the wildlife economy

The South African economy has been sluggish in recent months with growth forecasts decreasing due to local politics as well as international influences. One silver lining in these trying times is the wildlife economy that is growing and bringing some much-needed skills development, job creation and cash injection into rural communities. Read more:

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Uninterrupted Eskom supply to boost Q2 growth

Eskom has managed to keep the lights on in South Africa over the winter period. This is expected to translate into a bounce in South Africa’s second quarter growth. Read more:

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Educating rural communities

Investment in education is a critical focus for any economic growth strategy. With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, digital education has taken centre stage. Through the Good Work Foundation (GWF) in partnership with Investec, rural youth in the Hazyview area, in Mpumalanga, have been introduced to digital learning and English. Read more:

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Would you have beef with in vitro meat?

Is in vitro meat healthier? How is it produced? How will in vitro meat affect other industries in the supply chain? Mosa Meat chief scientific officer and professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, Mark Post, answers some of the key questions about the rise of in vitro meat. Read more:

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Reselling, klappt das überhaupt ODER reine Zeitverschwendung? ?? | Sparkojote

Klappt Reselling überhaupt? Das versuche ich in diesem Video zu beantworten. Kürzlich ist der Kanal Reselling Mit Kopf gestartet zusammen mit René und Kolja. Da ich selber schon seit mehr als 6 Jahren Reselling betreibe möchte ich auf die Skepsis der Community eingehen und aufklären. #Reselling #Business #Geld ⭐Mein Webshop ►► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ?? Der …

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Hat Erfolg mit Zufall zu tun? | Florian Homm

?Florian Homm, Deutschlands bekanntester Ex-Hedgefonds-Manager – einst Dollar-Milliardär -, spricht in diesem Video über die vielen Wege zum Erfolg und warum es nicht allein durch Glück und Zufall zum Erfolg kommen kann! ? ? World of Value Tickets: ? Mein neues Buch bestellen: ? Börsenbrief: ? Facebook:...

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What level is key for GBPUSD through latest Brexit votes

The UK lawmakers will vote on whether to extend Brexit into 2020. What level is key technically for the GBPUSD through that vote?

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