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A nightclub in an isolated Swiss town


Before Juliane and Nici opened Cult, young people in the eastern Swiss town of Scuol had to drive for miles – even across the border into Austria – for a bit of fun.

“Scuol was a ghost town in terms of nightlife,” Juliane admits. As a result, local youngsters organised a petition saying there needed to be somewhere in Romansh-speaking Scuol where young people could meet and dance or just have a few drinks with friends. Parents were also supportive as the risk of drink-driving was reduced.

On a limited budget, the two created from scratch the wildly successful Cult, which is not just a bar and nightclub but also a platform for various cultural events.

They say everything’s going really well and they’ve received a lot of positive feedback, although they wish people would dial back the rock’n’roll behaviour and stop breaking doors and loos.

“I have to say that I was really surprised at how much vandalism we were constantly getting in the club, right from the beginning,” Juliane says.

“I think this makes communication extremely important so that we can make it very clear to people: Hey guys, we’re doing all of this just for you and not for anyone else. And it would be great if you’d respect that.” is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events.

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SWI – the international service of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Since 1999, has fulfilled the federal government’s mandate to distribute information about Switzerland internationally, supplementing the online offerings of the radio and television stations of the SBC. Today, the international service is directed above all at an international audience interested in Switzerland, as well as at Swiss citizens living abroad.
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