Larger Than Fort Knox: A Stunning Look Inside the Newest Gold Depository in North America
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0:00 Company Origins and Investment Philosophy
1:30 State-of-the-Art Precious Metals Depository
2:45 Purchasing Options and Subscription Model
3:30 IRA Investment Opportunities
4:15 Precious Metals Lending Program
5:00 Sound Money Defense League
6:30 Company Mission and Values
? Origins of Money Metals Exchange
In the early two thousands and leading up to the financial crisis, myself and my brother, Stefan and brother-law, Clint, we were all precious metals investors because we were concerned about the state of things we saw, you know, the inflation that was coming potentially, you know, financial crisis at some point and, and really precious metals was just a way to kind of protect ourselves, a hard asset like gold and silver just seemed to make a
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