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Nuclear’s Untapped Potential: Unlocking Unlimited Clean Power | Robert Zubrin

Energy demand is set to skyrocket—in the US and around the globe. What if we could tap an energy source that is clean, abundant, and cheap? We could if regulators would get out of the way.

Aerospace and nuclear engineer Dr. Robert Zubrin highlights how oppressive regulation blocks nuclear projects without improving safety. You will hear about the exciting progress scientists are making with fusion and small modular reactors. We also cover how the US is ceding lucrative global nuclear markets to China.

Dr. Zubrin is the author of The Case for Nukes: How We Can Beat Global Warming and Create a Free, Open, and Magnificent Future. Learn more here:

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Time stamps:
00:00 – Introduction
03:08 – The way past fossil fuel pollution
06:43 – How the US gave up its nuclear edge
12:09 – Nuclear waste solutions
17:00 – Political obstacles to nuclear
21:55 – How the US cedes nuclear energy markets to China
33:39 – Nuclear safety concerns
38:35 – The holy grail of nuclear
Full story here Are you the author?
John Mauldin
Each week, investors and financial professionals around the globe turn to John Mauldin to better understand Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. And for good reason. John is a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance—Thoughts from the Frontline—one of the most widely read investment newsletters in the world.
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