Alasdair Macleod says that Russian Economist and Finance Minister Sergei Glazyev is planning to make an International Settlement currency to be used to settle trades. but the real purpose of this currency is to replace the US Dollar as the reserve currency. China, Russia, and BRICS are started to adopting this idea and they're using the four nines (99.99) Gold Bar as their backing to the new International Currency. That's what Alasdair Macleod says. There's a lot more to know in this Alasdair Macleod latest interview video. so watch it thoroughly and please support us by subscribing to our channel. ------- Warmest thanks to : %REPLACE% Stansberry Research Alasdair Macleod All Rights Reserved. all contents used in this video has been covered either in Public Domain or in Commercial Licenses, except the subject matter that is presented in this video that is fully altered by us and fall under Fair Use doctrine. send us an email If you have any concerns or any business inquiries, or just want to say hello! You can find our email in the "About" section of our channel. Sincerely, The Plain Finance. A MASSIVE Global Liquidity Crisis Is Coming, Much Bigger Than 2008 Financial Crisis | Jim Rickards |
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