DAOs: The $10 Trillion Business Revolution No One Is Talking About – Tom Wheelwright, Kevin Owocki
Join Tom Wheelwright as he explores the new frontier of blockchain and how DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) can reshape your entire business with his guest, Kevin Owocki.
Kevin Owocki is a blockchain expert and computer scientist. He cofounded Gitcoin and hosts the GreenPill podcast. Since founding Gitcoin in 2017, his vision of a positive-sum ecosystem has facilitated the distribution of over $64 million to projects, solidifying Gitcoin as an essential component of the Ethereum ecosystem. In 2021, the Gitcoin DAO launched, and Gitcoin Grants evolved into a suite of modular and decentralized protocols. As of 2023, Web3 projects integrate Gitcoin Grants through Grants Stack or Allo Protocol, alongside Gitcoin Passport or PublicGoods.Network, further reinforcing its pivotal
Unlock Entrepreneurial Freedom: The Secret Power of Executive Assistants – Tom Wheelwright
Join Tom Wheelwright as he discovers how you can have more time, make more money, and have more fun doing it with his guests co-founders and partners of Superpowers, Ryan Cassin and Steven Neuner.
Superpowers helps entrepreneurs achieve new levels and freedom and growth through their unique process, which provides Executive Assistants the three key components of an effective relationship: curriculum, coaching, and community. Ryan Cassin and Steven Neuner co-authored Superpowered with Shannon Waller, which uncovers the secrets of what makes our favorite entrepreneurs as stellar and impactful as they are: through finding the right assistant.
In this episode, learn how to control your time as an entrepreneur with the superpowers of the right assistant so you can spend your day on the
How Financial Statements Can Transform Your Finances – Andy Tanner, Del Denney
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Ever wondered how the rich build their wealth? It all starts with understanding financial statements! In this episode of Rich Dad’s StockCast, Del Denney and Andy Tanner break down the power of financial literacy and how mastering financial statements can transform your financial journey.
From income statements to balance sheets and cash flow, we’re diving into the basics and how these tools can help you make smarter investments in stocks, real estate, or your own business. Plus, we’ll show you how understanding your personal financial statement is the first step to taking control of your money and building long-term wealth.
00:00 Introduction
00:50 Understanding Financial Statements
05:18 Key Components of
Vende más de 1 Millón de Dólares con Marketing Digital como Josue Peña
👉 https://realmentor.net/rd 👈 ENTRA AQUÍ ¡Descubre Cómo Alcanzar La LIBERTAD FINANCIERA y Crear INGRESOS PASIVOS Usando El Sistema Que Me Convirtió En Millonario!
¿Estás CANSADO de sentir que tu negocio solo depende de tu esfuerzo diario? En este episodio, Josue Peña, reconocido líder en marketing digital en América Latina, nos revela los secretos que llevaron a miles de emprendedores a convertir seguidores en clientes de alto valor y a escalar sus negocios sin que ellos mismos se quemen en el proceso. Josue nos explica por qué la mayoría sigue atrapada en la "carrera de la rata" y cómo pocos logran hacer que su negocio trabaje por ellos, y no al revés.
Descubre cómo elevar tus ingresos sin agotar tu tiempo a través de estrategias de marketing digital,
Is the Global Economy on the Brink? Gold, Silver, and Crypto as the Solution – Robert Kiyosaki
In this episode of The Rich Dad Radio Show, host Robert Kiyosaki discusses the implications of quantitative easing and the ongoing money printing with guest John Adams, Chief Economist at As Good As Gold Australia. The conversation delves into the debt bubbles in Australia, the economic similarities with the U.S., and potential investment strategies involving gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies. John Adams shares insights from his diverse career in economics and offers a comparative analysis of economic policies in Australia and the U.S.
00:00 Introduction: Gold, Silver, or Crypto?
02:32 Australia’s Economic Landscape
07:03 Comparing Global Economies: Australia, USA, and New Zealand
11:42 The Role of Gold and Silver in Economic Stability
23:57 Cryptocurrency: Risks and Realities
Shocking 2024 Election Impact on Your Wallet! – John MacGregor
In this episode of Full Disclosure, host John MacGregor explores the profound economic and societal challenges shaping our world today. As we approach one of the most critical elections in modern history, John dives deep into the global concerns surrounding political outcomes and their economic impacts. With rising crime rates, economic downturns, and media narratives often obscuring the truth, this episode delivers crucial insights to help you stay informed and prepared for the volatile road ahead.
The Election and Its Global Impact
John discusses the heightened global attention on the upcoming U.S. election, highlighting conversations with experts from around the world. The anxiety surrounding potential outcomes is palpable, with many concerned about the ripple effects of U.S.
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