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An Entreprenuer’s Guide to AI – Tom Wheelwright & Matt Beane

Join Tom Wheelwright as he discovers how entrepreneurs can incorporate and leverage human skills in the age of AI with his guest, Matt Beane.

Matt is an assistant professor in the Technology Management department at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Digital Fellow with Stanford’s Digital Economy Lab and MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy. He does field research on work involving robots and AI to uncover systematic positive exceptions that we can use across the broader world of work. His award-winning research has been published in top management journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly and Harvard Business Review, and he has spoken on the TED stage.

In this episode, learn how to relook at your business model, retrain or repurpose your employees, and "How to Save Human Ability in an Age of Intelligent Machines."

Order Tom’s book, “The Win-Win Wealth Strategy: 7 Investments the Government Will Pay You to Make” at:

00:00 – Intro
04:09 – The Big Surprise.
08:00 – The Skill Code: Challenge, Change, Complexity
11:20 – Dissecting complexity & collateral understanding.
15:00 – Create different jobs.
19:30 – "If you aren't, your competitors are."
22:55 – How “interactive skill” is valuable in an AI environment.
28:22 – The atrophy of human skill.

Tom Wheelwright, #CPA is a Best-Selling Author, Entrepreneur & Worldwide Authority on Tax.

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Looking for more on Matt Beane?

Books: “The Skill Code: How to Save Human Ability in an Age of Intelligent Machines”
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.

The content presented here is based on the speaker's personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.
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Robert Kiyosaki
Robert Toru Kiyosaki (born April 8, 1947) is an American businessman and author. Kiyosaki is the founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education company that provides personal finance and business education to people through books and videos. The company's main revenues come from franchisees of the Rich Dad seminars that are conducted by independent individuals using Kiyosaki's brand name for a fee. He is also the creator of the Cashflow board and software games to educate adults and children about business and financial concepts.
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