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Jim Rogers and his Survival Plan for the coming Debt Collapse

It's rare that I get the opportunity to interview somebody who is described as a financial markets guru, a commodities legend, the best selling author of multiple books, and above all else, a true gentleman. But, it is even rarer that I get to do it three times. Luckily for me that is the case when it comes to #JimRogers, who I spoke to earlier this week.

Jim first bought gold in 1971 when it was still illegal for Americans to buy #gold. Since then he has been on quite a journey in terms of his portfolio and making calls about where to store his ever-growing wealth. Today he is a fountain of historical knowledge and incredible wisdom, yet remains humble about the fact that even he cannot expect to know how things are going to play out.

With echoes of our conversation with Marc Faber, Jim reminds us why we hold gold: We don't do it to make a quick profit as one might expect to in the stock market, instead we do it so we can invest in the #stockmarket and still sleep at night. We buy gold for insurance, for peace of mind.

I always enjoy my chats with Jim, but I think this might be favourite one so far. Let me know what you think.
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GoldCore was founded in 2003 and has become one of the leading bullion brokers in the world for both delivery and storage.
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