17 year old Michael explains how the US transported 42 tonnes of sovereign gold from the Ukraine to US soil in the turmoil that erupted after president Yanukovich resigned. |
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17 year old Michael explains how the US transported 42 tonnes of sovereign gold from the Ukraine to US soil in the turmoil that erupted after president Yanukovich resigned. |
Permanent link to this article: https://snbchf.com/video/jansen-swiss-explains-ukrainian-gold-transport/
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Hang The Bankers
2014-08-11 at 12:46 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
2014-08-11 at 14:19 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Hey koos anywhere i can get a english translation? Id love to hear what hes talking about.
Kees Scherer
2014-08-11 at 14:50 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Enable the English subtitles (the 4th icon from the right in the bar)
Matúš Knapec
2014-08-13 at 11:12 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
learn Deutsch amigo
2014-08-11 at 16:11 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Tja das muß natürlich eine völlig falsche Meldung sein Kinder, mal nix für ungut, aber man kann eine solche Menge Gold nicht einfach wegtransportieren – woher ich das weiß? Das hat den Deutschen das US Schatzamt klargemacht! Für solche Mengen braucht man MINDESTENS ein Jahr!
So und nun wollt Ihr den Deutschen erzählen, daß die US-Leute in einem fremden Land – in dem ein Aufstand abläuft, in dem geschossen wird, etc – Gold einpacken können, aber in New York – ohne Aufstände und Beschuß – nicht auspacken können?
Ihr müßt doch selber einsehen, daß das gar nicht richtig sein kann, oder?
Wenn Ihr recht hättet – müßte der deutsche Michel schon längst aufgewacht sein, wäre er dann doch seiner Reserven beraubt wie die Ukraine es wäre. Aber der Michel schläft und die Bundesbank bestätigte, daß alles in Ordnung sei. Also wenn Ihr recht hättet, wären die deutschen Bundesbanker demnächst in Lebensgefahr. Denn was meint Ihr, was der deutsche Mob mit solchen Bundesbänkern machen würde?
2014-08-11 at 16:20 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Halt, ich muß da was korregieren:
Die USA gaben, glaube ich, nur 5t der versprochenen Menge des dt Goldes zurück, mehr geht aus logistischen Gründen oder wegen der Versicherung nicht. Wenn also nur 5t pro Jahr von Amis einzupacken ist – dann dauerte Euer Transport (über 40t richtig?) also über acht Jahre.
Carl Drysdale
2014-08-11 at 17:34 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Now do a spot on simple math:
70% of all American dollars reside outside of America and are used to facilitate trade between other nations.
If there ware a hypothetical 100 dollars in existence, 30 would be inside the country and 70 outside the country.
When the Fed prints up out of thin air an additional 100 dollars, there are now 200 total, and the initial 100 are each worth half as much.
The people holding the 70 dollars outside the country lost 35 dollars in percussing power and the American people have lost 15 dollars of percussing power. and the 100 the Fed printed up now has 50 dollars of percussing power.
The Fed has doubled the money supply about 100 times.
How much money has the Fed extracted from those nations outside of the United States who use the US Dollar to facilitate trade between nations?
R Sinclair
2014-08-11 at 19:30 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
I disagree if the extra 100 dollars are used to buy oil from a foreign country then the 100 dollar would be exported away from the U. S. And unless the money was used to buy US goods or goods that are bought competatively by the US, it would have no effect on the US money supply. Neither would they, if they were saved or converted to gold and hoarded.
2014-08-11 at 19:29 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
1. What Ukrainian news station reported this transfer of Gold and where are they getting these sources from?
2. Who was the leading figure of the former ministry of finance who confirmed the transfer of gold?
3. To answer your question regarding who the people in the new regime in Kiev are….. well they are a NATO backed puppet government controlled by the world financial corporations.
You are correct that this information must be investigated and brought to light….. however you need to give sources of your information otherwise this is all unsubstantiated and speculation.
Rumple Stiltskin
2014-08-15 at 20:16 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Well no Mr. Sport. This is not the first time I have heard or read about this in the last two weeks, and it was not by this young man. I believe the banking cartel is trying to force the Ukraine to use the American fiat dollar. It was reported that the FED was running their bond purchasing through Belgium so as to hide the actualy quantity of the QE3 by-back. I believe they are doing the same thing with the Ukraine to also hide what is now becoming more and more evident, that the Petro Dollar is about to collapse.
I also believe that the United States does not have any of its own gold in Fort Knox. There are differing scenarios that have been entertained such as; The gold in Fort Knox has all been doped with tungsten, or that all of that gold has been leased out, such as in Fractional Reserve banking where they loan money they don't have, or that any gold held by the United States all belongs to other countries.
Any of the three could spell disaster for the American economy if and when the truth comes out. As you know Germany acquiesced to American hegemony when they agreed to accept small incremental payments against their request for repatriation of all of their tonnage of gold. The US told Germany that they could have their gold but in small amounts over the next seven years. Obviously the FED is waiting for it to be dug up because they don't have any to given them.
If the COMEX had to turn over all of the Gold it has sold because everyone wanted to have their gold in their physical possession, the COMEX would collapse, spelling disaster for the world's economy.
2014-08-11 at 23:56 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Did everyone get a good picture of how things work with the USA? Can ship 42 tonnes of gold into USA in one night. Can only ship 5 tonnes of gold to Germany in 13 months…..
2014-08-14 at 02:03 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Even the C-130 has a maximum capacity of only 60,000 pounds. Maybe if troy tons are measured differently, you could load 42.3 metric tonnes onto a single plane, but it seems like it would be a difficult feat, dangerous on a flight across the Atlantic, and require constant refueling.
Maybe this kid has been brainwashed — like many JuSos in Europe — to just naturally suspect the US government of all sorts of X-Files types of behavior.
2014-08-31 at 19:41 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
I don't know if this report is true or not, but are you saying that the US government or it's agents, never do anything wrong?
2014-09-01 at 11:54 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
@TheRiverat1 Is this a rhetorical question, or the best attempt you can muster as logic? I guess your logic impels you to say, "Because the US must do some things wrong, it does everything wrong, therefore all conspiracy theories implicating the US must be true." Then it does not matter if the facts undermine the conspiracy theory. If the conspiracy theory implicates the US, it is ipso facto true.
No, my argument would be that the US is a great nation, probably the greatest in human history, founded based on thousands of years of human experience of what does not work in a government, and with the underlying premise that no government will ever work unless it is based on a moral understanding that all humans are a mixture of good and evil. It is filled with dedicated professionals at every level, most of whom wake up every day trying to do the right thing. Conspiracy theories like that of this kid prevents people from using logic to understand basic principles, much less using their minds to understand how the world works. More and more people — like this kid — are untethered from moral principles (except their own) and a sense of the importance of logic — and the only principle they live by is that someone else is the cause of all evil in the world. It couldn't possibly be because of something they do.
A logical understanding of these principle forms a government that is very different from the mobocracy you desire.
2014-09-02 at 03:35 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
@AtlantaUserC You admit they make mistakes, interfere in other countries affairs so why can't they be involved in this matter?
2014-09-02 at 03:36 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
@AtlantaUserC Do you feel the CIA is filled with "dedicated professionals"?
Rumple Stiltskin
2014-08-15 at 20:01 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
Sorry son, but 42.3 tones of gold are worth more than 1.3 billion euros. I believe it is a little closer to 2 Billion Euros.
Koos Jansen
2014-11-18 at 18:52 (UTC 2) Link to this comment
There is now news there is still 21 tonnes left in the Ukraine. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-11-18/ukraine-admits-its-gold-gone