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Inside The Shanghai Gold Exchange Vaults

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Koos Jansen
Koos Jansen is a Precious Metals Analyst from the Netherlands. Koos mainly provides unique insights about the Chinese gold market.
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  1. StackAndPrepper

    Domo arigato!

  2. NitroCharged

    Please note 0:27 seconds into this video. This is exactly what is happening in the US. They are backing the truck up and taking delivery by the tonnes at the Comex!  😉

    1. James Anderson

      Bloomberg claims the Gold market to be $20 TRILLION on an annual basis. Humans bring about 150,000,000 oz of physical gold bullion to market per year (40% recycled, 60% mined). That means on an annual basis we are looking at paper to physical leverage of about 100 to 1. He who has the gold will be making the rules. He who has paper will be following the new rules.

    2. James Anderson

      @***** at about $17 an ounce for silver bullion, it's a longterm lock of value. Although silver is scarce compared to many other elements and resources, it is the most plentiful and least expensive of the elements which have earned precious metal status (gold, platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium, iridium, and silver).

      Silver’s natural properties make it…

      – the most reflective metal on Earth
      – the most electronically conductive of all metals
      – the most thermally conductive of all metals
      – naturally anti-bacterial
      – very soft and malleable, only slightly harder than gold

      Keep stacking silver bullion.

  3. Artytom Inquisitive Minds

    At 1 minute 40 sec, the box's are being carried by only one person. They can't have a lot inside.

  4. Vim Hill

    at 1.42 min you see a fellow casually pushing 3 cans supposedly carrying gold with one hand, if this is gold he must be incredibly strong

    1. cassanoa

      you make an interesting observation – if that " monster box " of Chinese kilo bars – that must weigh hundreds of pounds – but i dont know how much they pack into one box

  5. Chuck Baker

    How do you get the sub-titles working?  My Mandarin isn't so go. 

  6. James Anderson

    Gold & China are becoming synonymous.

    China is now the #1 Miner and Buyer of GOLD . It is anticipated by many financial experts that soon China will officially declare much larger gold reserves than its 2009 claim of 1054 tonnes.

    Speculation varies that China will report official gold holding ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 tonnes of Gold. The USA supposedly has 8133.5 tonnes of gold though no legitimate audit has been performed for decades.

    Certainly the IMF will help China along in the coming new monetary order –

    Here is what the chairman of the Shanghai Gold Exchange had to say about Chinese gold demand in 2013 alone…

    Last year, China imported 1,540
    tonnes of gold. Such imports, together with the
    430 tonnes of gold we produced ourselves,
    means that we have, in effect, supplied
    approximately 2,000 tonnes of gold last year.
    The 2,000 tonnes of gold were consumed
    by consumers in China. Of course, we all
    know that the Chinese ‘dama’ [middle-aged
    women] accounts for a significant proportion
    in purchasing gold. So last year, our gold
    exchange’s inventory reduced by nearly 2,200
    tonnes, of which 200 tonnes was recycled gold.

    Source: Page 6 –

    Remember, the world only officially digs about 2,500 tonnes of gold out of the ground each year.

    GOLD is flowing from the west to the east.

    Gold & China are becoming synonymous.

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