Marc Faber sees that a lot of people will lose all their money, and lot of people will lose the half of their money, and added that he himself wishes to lose only few. °Dr. Marc Faber is a Swiss investor, born and educated in Switzerland. The director of Marc Faber Ltd, an investment advisor and fund manager. Mr. Marc known for publishing the monthly investment newsletter "The Gloom Boom Doom Report" a depth economic and financial publication highlighting unusual investement opportunities worldwide. °Special thanks and appreciation to: *Adam Taggart and wealthion *Mr. Marc Faber and Gloom Boom Doom Share this video with your friends if it's informative, and give us like and subscribe for more informative content about investing, building wealth, stock market and financial freedom. For any matter, please contact us [email protected] "A Lot Of People Will Lose All Their Money"| Marc Faber |
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