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Richten Sie Ihr Leben richtig aus! Meine Sicht auf Work-Life-Balance

Woran Sie nicht denken in der Karriereplanng!
📚 Beatles:
Video z Nicolas Hayek: _n6nlxSDlQ ...
Dr. Marks Elsässer, Investor nd Gründer des Vale Fonds
„ME Fonds - Special Vales“ [WKN: 663307]
„ME Fonds - PERGAMON“ [WKN: 593117]
1.📚 "Dieses Bch ist bares Geld wert" *
Als Hörbch*:
2.📚 "Des klgen Investors Handbch" *
Als Hörbch*
00:00 - Intro
01:14 - Aspekte zm Nachdenken
04:25 - Identifizieren von Talent
06:55 - Woran Sie nicht denken in der Karriereplanng
16:10 - Lernen vs. Verdienen
19:05 - Stellen Sie sich diese 4 Fragen
21:00 - Fazit
Alte Videos als Podcast:
Erklärngsvideo des Fonds:
Krzbiographie von Dr. Elsässer:
Kontakt: Lars Kolbe
Mail: [email protected]
Mobil: +49 (0) 172 6194 501
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Markus Elsasser
Born in Heidelberg/Germany in 1956, the son of an ambassador grew up in London, Hong Kong, Paris and Cairo. He is a trained banker and studied business administration/economics at the University of Cologne/Germany. Afterwards Dr. Elsasser worked in a chartered accounting firm. In 1986 he participated in an Enquete of the German business magazine 'Manager Magazin'. Among 4,360 candidates he was elected one of the TOP 10 junior managers of Germany. He started his industrial career as Director Finance at Dow Chemical Germany. He then worked as General Manager of an international chemical company in Sydney, Autralia and later as Head of Asia/Pacific in the food business in Singapore. Since 1998 he is active as an independent investor, financial advisor and founder of the ME-Funds. He has also been a member of advisory boards of several industrial families in Germany and has worked closely with New York activist shareholder Guy Wyser-Pratte.
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