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Covid-19: why travel will never be the same | The Economist

Covid-19 has devastated global travel and—as the industry recovers from the effects of the pandemic—tourism will be increasingly localised and complicated. This won’t just affect foreign holidays; it could disrupt the workings of the globalised world. Read more here:

Further reading:

Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19 here:

Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage:

Read our article on what awaits tourists as lockdowns are lifted:

The World If: aviation doesn’t recover from covid-19:

Read our leader on how people will have to adapt to the covid-19 pandemic long term:

Has covid-19 killed globalisation?

How to pandemic-proof the planet:

See data on how speedy lockdowns saved lives:

The science behind social-distancing measures:
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The Economist
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  1. Martine

    The Coronavirus loves to travel, by airplane for a quick overtka of the world, by train and car and boot for a finer takeover. And if this virus is totaly conqerd the next pandemic will announce his arrival. The future will never be the same as before covig 19.

  2. John Burns

    Man-Made Diseases Have Destroyed Humanity’s Freedoms.
    Dr Rashid Buttar says COVID-19 was made in a Lab & Dr Francis Boyle says COVID-19 is a Bioweapon. Humanity is led to believe there is no Hope or Cure, when there is Hope & Natural Cures, Not Profitable To The Medical Pharmaceuticals Industries. COVID-19 like most Life Threatening Diseases is “ANAEROBIC”, which can be Effectively Killed With “Ozone” & other Oxygen Therapies, which are Suppressed by the FDA, AMA, Medical/Pharmaceuticals Industries.
    Newsweek 06/29/2020 suggested a 50% False Positive Rate for COVID-19 TESTS. This is the Science they want you to Trust & Believe In. Read, This Is A Bio-Attack Alert, by Dr Robert B Strecker.
    Look Up:
    1. Angstrom Mineral Solution of Copper
    2. Colloidal Silver
    3. Oxygen Therapies
    4. Ozone Generators
    5. Essential Oils
    6. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
    7. Dr Robert B Strecker on Archive dot org.

  3. Colin Barnett

    In the 50's to 70's, relatively few people flew. Flying was something special, like a owning a diamond watch. You had to be able to afford it; otherwise you took local vacations. I never saw this as a problem.

    1. Bruce Marsico

      Yes, it was so much more delightful.  No security lines.  One could breeze from the airport parking lot to the gate, purchase the ticket there and board. In the aircraft, plenty of seating, one could smoke, cigarette packs were given out. Playing cards.  It's a total nightmare now.  But there were a lot less people then…the violence level wasn't as high.  Oh yes, as I recall most people were more cordial back then……………………………

  4. Gorgeous Lady

    What's the purpose of traveling! The atmosphere
    For dinning and leasure
    Is not what it used to be!.

  5. Gorgeous Lady

    At the beaches and other places no social distancing
    And no Mask!.

  6. Gorgeous Lady

    He's coughing! She's sneezing! Makes it hard
    To breathe! Don't stand
    So don't stand so close to me!.

  7. Andy Koh

    Inequality for people who have already got the money to fly. For the poorest, inequality that are extreme where there is no food and shelter they wouldn't care less about overseas holiday. First world problem of not been able to enjoy the freedom of spending their money.

  8. Mary Siobhan

    I haven’t been home in over a year. Haven’t seen my family in eight months. Not sure when I’ll see them again. Stuck in Argentina with the borders closed.

  9. Eduardo Lopez

    You wont succed iluminati magazine

  10. Ngurah N

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  11. Shirley Diwert

    Goal- most living with no: work, housing, hope. Then 1% with all monopolies. Now life has lost meaning f8r majority, life will never have meaning for bulk of planet.

  12. Carlos Balladares

    Somebody need to come up with a way to make teletranportation possible

  13. Sergio Nieto

    Don’t stay in hotels! Hotels only spend 1 hour or less more like 30 minutes or less cleaning a 350 sqft room. I spend 5-7 hours cleaning a 500 sqft space for my Airbnb Guests. Not all host are the same. Some are racists and some do not properly clean. Look for Airbnb super hosts with a rating of 4.5 or higher anything lower is unacceptable.

  14. Paul Weir

    " The single biggest threat to man's continued dominance on the planet is the virus."
    Joshua Lederberg, pH.D, Nobel laureate.

  15. Harry Carslon


  16. Richard in the World

    Stop the doom & gloom messages and all this scaremongering! Covid will pass and travel and flying will recover again!

  17. Cumulus Humilis

    never say never

  18. Ezio Auditore Da Firenze

    china did this

  19. JA YE

    I have been itching to travel. But then I think it's my responsibility as an American, and a world citizen, not to risk spreading COVID and am still "re-discovering" my local area for the 5th time.

  20. TheTravelMatt

    interesting stuff! I just posted a vlog showing how different airports are now on my channel, you should check it out 🙂

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