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In mehreren Live Webinaren werden wir Schritt-für-Schritt aufzeigen, wie jeder an der Börse hohe Renditen bekommen kann – ohne sich vor einem Crash zu fürchten.
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• Wie Du sie gegen einen Crash versicherst
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Economist Claudia Sahm developed the “Sahm Rule,” which states that the economy is in recession when the unemployment rate’s three-month average is a half percentage point above its 12-month low. As shown, the latest employment report has triggered that indicator.
So, does this mean a recession is imminent? Maybe. However, we can now add this indicator to the long list of other recessionary indicators, also flashing warning signs.
As discussed in “Conference Board Scraps Its Recession Call,” the Leading Economic Index (LEI) has a long history of accurately predicting recession outcomes. As we showed, each previous decline in the 6-month rate of change in the LEI from the Conference Board has aligned with a recession. We are currently in one of the most extended periods on record
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