Tag Archive: Switzerland

UK Imported Net 152 Tonnes of Gold in June, 68 from Switzerland

On a firmly rising gold price the UK is one of the largest net importers of gold in 2016. The gold price went up 25 % from $1,061.5 dollars per troy ounce on January 1 to $1,325.8 on June 31. Over this period the UK net imported 583 tonnes and GLD inventory mushroomed by 308 tonnes.

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2 Men, 3 Women 6-Year-Old Kid Burned, Stabbed By 27-Year-Old Attacker On Swiss Train

Seven people are in hospital with stab wounds and burns, police say, after an attack on a train near St.Gallen, Switzerland. The man set the train carriage on fire using a flammable liquid and also stabbed passengers, including a six-year-old child, police said. Details are sparse for now but The BBC reports, the suspected attacker, described as a Swiss man aged 27, was also taken to hospital after the incident near Salez in St Gallen Canton.

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Golden Stockpiles – The Key to Gold as a Store of Value and Safe Haven

The behaviour of the gold price allows gold to play the role of unique financial asset that retains its purchasing power over time, acts as a safe haven, diversifies risk, and provides hedging benefits.

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Best Countries To Store Gold (How Did America, A Serial Defaulter, Make The Cut?)

An era of slowing growth, falling corporate profits, record debt levels, and currency debauchment has many investors buying gold as a bet against global central banks. Holding that gold outside the banking system, and for some, outside one’s own country, are increasingly popular options. Canada, Switzerland, and four other countries have particularly attractive characteristics.

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Switzerland Unemployment in July 2016: Remained unchanged at 3.1 percent, seasonally adjusted unchanged at 3.3 percent

At the end of July 2016 there were 139'310 registered as unemployed, 183 more than last month. The unemployment rate remained at 3.1% in June. Compared to the previous month, unemployment increased by 5'556 persons (+ 4.2%). Seasonally adjusted 3.3%, one year ago 3.2%.

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Record Swiss Gold Flow Into The United States

Record Swiss Gold Flow Into The United States. There was a huge trend change in U.S. gold investment in May. Something quite extraordinary took place which hasn’t happened for several decades. While Switzerland has been a major source of U.S. gold exports for many years, the tables turned in May as the Swiss exported a record amount of gold to the United States.

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US To Seize $1 Billion In Embezzled Malaysian Assets Which Goldman Sachs Helped Buy

The last time we wrote about the long-running saga of the scandalous collapse and constant corruption at the Malaysian state wealth fund, 1MDB, which also happened to be an unconfirmed slush fund for president Najib, was a month ago when we learned that the NY bank regulator was looking into fundraising by the fund's favorite bank, Goldman Sachs.

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The World’s Central Banks Are Making A Big Mistake

While everyone was talking about Brexit last month, the Bank for International Settlements released its 86th annual report. Based in Basel, Switzerland, the BIS functions as a master hub for all the world’s central banks. It settles transactions among central banks and other international organizations. It doesn’t serve private individuals, businesses, or national governments.

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Hans-Hermann Hoppe: “Put Your Hope In Radical Decentralization”

All major political parties in Western Europe, regardless of their different names and party programs, are nowadays committed to the same fundamental idea of democratic socialism. They use democratic elections to legitimize the taxing of productive people for the benefit of unproductive people. They tax people, who have earned their income and accumulated their wealth by producing goods or services purchased voluntarily by consumers (and of course...

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“It’s Prohibited By Law” – A Problem Emerges For Japan’s “Helicopter Money” Plans

Over the past four days, risk assets have been on a tear, led by the collapsing Yen and soaring Nikkei, as the market has digested daily news that - as we predicted last week - Bernanke has been urging Japan to become the first developed country to unleash the monetary helicopter, in which the central banks directly funds government fiscal spending, most recently with an overnight report that Bernanke has pushed Abe and Kuroda to sell perpetual...

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Central Bank Wonderland is Complete and Now Open for Business — The Epocalypse Has Fully Begun

Summer vacation is here, and the whole global family has arrived at Central-Bank Wonderland, the upside-down, inside-out world that banksters and their puppet politicians call “recovery.” Everyone is talking about it as wizened traders puzzle over how stocks and bonds soared, hand-in-hand, in face of the following list of economic thrills:

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Germany Sells First Ever Negative-Yielding 10Y Treasury, Corporate Bonds

Overnight, we previewed what was about to be a historic for the eurozone bond auction, when this morning Germany sold its first ever 10Y bonds with a zero coupon.

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Stockman Rages: Ben Bernanke Is “The Most Dangerous Man Walking This Planet”

Ben Bernanke is one of the most dangerous men walking the planet. In this age of central bank domination of economic life he is surely the pied piper of monetary ruin. At least since 2002 he has been talking about “helicopter money” as if a notion which is pure economic quackery actually had some legitimate basis.

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“The World Is Walking From Crisis To Crisis” – Why BofA Sees $1,500 Gold And $30 Silver

With both stocks and US Treasury prices at all time highs the market is sensing that something has to give, and that something may just be more QE, which likely explains the move higher in gold to coincide with both risk and risk-haven assets. As of moments ago, gold rose above $1,370, and was back to levels not seen since 2014.

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Going Dutch? Netherlands Joins The 10Y NIRP Club

For the first time in Dutch history, 10Y government bond yields have turned negative (-0.001% intraday) closing at 0.00%... Joining Switzerland, Japan, Germany, and Denmark... Pushing Global NIRP bonds over the $13 trillion!

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Fearing Confiscation, Japanese Savers Rush To Buy Gold And Store It In Switzerland

Japan has pushed further away from being the nation that embraces "Krugman Era" economics and deeper into the new "Bernanke Era" economics of helicopter money. As a result Japan's citizens have been on a blitz to save what little purchasing power they still possess, before hyperinflation finally arrives.

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Chinese Gold Demand 973 tonnes in H1 2016, Nomura SGE Withdrawals Chart False

Chinese wholesale gold demand, as measured by withdrawals from the vaults of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), reached a sizable 973 metric tonnes in the first half of 2016, down 7 % compared to last year.

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Yahoo Finance Editor “We’re Suffering Of Too Much Democracy”

Following James Traub's mind-numbingly-elitist rebuttal of the democratic rights of "we, the people" in favor of allowing "they, the elite" to ensure the average joe doesn't run with scissors, "It's time for the elites to rise up against the ignorant masses."

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Swiss Bond Yields all Negative up to 30 years: Greatest Bubble in Financial History

Graham Summers says that central banks have lost control and investors are crazy. They pay the Swiss government for the right to own their bonds. One point is missing: Swiss rates are "more negative than others", because investors expect a slow appreciation of the Swiss franc.

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BofA: To Save Markets Central Banks Just Made Inequality And Populism Even Worse

There is a large dose of irony to the post-Brexit market response: while on one hand stocks have soared and as of today the S&P500 has already recouped more than half its post-Brexit losses (the SPX sank 5.7% peak-to-trough since the referendum and has since bounced 3.5%) an even sharper reaction has been observed in bonds.

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