Tag Archive: Switzerland

SNB Fulfills Promise of Forex Intervention, Franc Collapses (March 2009)

Extracts from the history of the Swiss franc (March 2009).   Mar. 17th 2009   Last week, the Forex Blog concluded a post on the Swiss Franc by suggesting that the Swiss National Bank (SNB) could artificially depress the value of its currency, which had “not just posted strong gains against the eurosince late August …

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Swiss Franc Rises on a Trade-weighted Basis, but Down against the Dollar (March 2009)

Mar. 11th 2009 Extracts from the history of the Swiss franc (March 2009).   Most of the “safe haven” talk in forex circles has focused on Japan and the US. Switzerland, meanwhile, has also attracted is fair share of risk-averse investors, who are piling into Franc-denominated assets, despite the deteriorating Swiss economic situation. In fact, …

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Recent History of the Swiss franc: January to February 2009

Swissy Sees Some Slight Improvement   Swissy is seeing some slight improvement in afternoon trade, the EUR/CHF cross presently down at 1.4900 from the 1.4990 session high posted earlier. The general flight to perceived safety, with gold fast approaching $1,000, will be playing a part with swissy’s safe haven premium coming into play. However how …

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Credit Crisis Could Lift Yen, Franc (July 2008)

Jul. 31st 2008 Extracts from the history of the Swiss franc (July 2008).   As the credit crisis has unfolded, the Dollar has remained (relatively) strong, especially considering the deteriorating state of its economy. The reason for this, of course, is that in times of crisis, investors flock to perceived safe havens, such as the …

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Deutliche Unterschiede bei Bruttonationaleinkommen und Bruttoinlandsprodukt

  Deutliche Unterschiede bei Bruttonationaleinkommen (BNE) und Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) Im Gegensatz zu Irland und Luxemburg, wo das BIP wesentlich grösser als das BNE ist, ist es mit der Schweiz umgekehrt. Aufgrund der globalen Aktivitäten der Schweizer Firmen wuchs das BNE in den letzten Jahren wesentlich stärker als das BIP. Die einzige Ausnahme sind 2007 und 2008, …

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