Tag Archive: Hornberger’s Blog

Crisis-Filled Lives

No one can deny that we Americans live crisis-filled lives. Right now, there is a major crisis in Ukraine with Russia. There is also an ongoing crisis with China. Other foreign-policy crises, such as with Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, Cuba, Iraq, and North Korea. There is a terrorism crisis. Healthcare crisis. Social Security crisis. Drug-war crisis. Immigration crisis. Debt crisis. Inflation crisis. Fiscal crisis. Monetary crisis. 

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Healthcare Freedom

As the Omicron variation of COVID-19 continues to spread, the American people need to be asking themselves an important question: Do they want healthcare freedom or not? 

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Abolish NATO

The New York Times published an article yesterday that denied that U.S. officials promised Russia at the end of the Cold War that NATO would not expand membership to Warsaw Pact countries. 

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Clay Shaw, Liar and Perjurer

In 1969, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought a criminal prosecution against a man named Clay Shaw. In the trial, Garrison rejected the lone-nut theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. He alleged instead that Kennedy was assassinated in a highly sophisticated regime-change operation spearheaded by the U.S. national-security establishment. Garrison alleged that Shaw had played a role in that operation.

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An Incriminating Piece in the JFK Assassination Puzzle

My immediate reaction to the National Archives’ very limited release of a few of the CIA’s JFK-assassination records is this: I’m not interested in seeing what they’re releasing. I’m interested in seeing what they’re still hiding. 

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The Debt Ceiling and Inflation

Not surprisingly, both houses of Congress approved another increase in the debt ceiling and have sent the bill to President Biden, who will most assuredly sign it. The bill raises the debt ceiling to $31.5 trillion. This debt ceiling is expected to last through the upcoming mid-term elections so that incumbent elected officials don’t have to deal with it in their campaigns for reelection.

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A Great U.S. Boycott

I never thought I would find myself saying this but President Biden has just instituted a great boycott. It’s against China, which U.S. officials have been trying their best to reconvert into a Cold War enemy, opponent, rival, or adversary.  What’s so good about this boycott? It purports to punish China by prohibiting U.S. government officials from attending the Winter Olympics in China.

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The Omnipotent Power of the Pentagon

No matter how you feel about the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex, you can’t help but be impressed at how they are able to successfully plunder and loot American taxpayers, no matter how much needless death, suffering, and destruction they wreak on people around the world.

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The Way Out of the Statist Morass

Given the seemingly intractable welfare-warfare system that characterizes the United States, it might be tempting for some people to despair and simply give up and surrender to what might appear to be the inevitable — the permanent continuation of our lives as serfs on the welfare-warfare state plantation.

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What the CIA Is Hiding in the JFK Assassination

With President Biden succumbing to the CIA’s demand to continue keeping the CIA’s records relating to the Kennedy assassination secret, the question naturally arises: What is the CIA still hiding? (See my blog post of yesterday entitled “Surprise! Biden Continues the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up.”)

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Surprise! Biden Continues the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up

Before I address President Biden’s decision last Friday to continue the national-security establishment’s cover-up of its November 22, 1963, regime-change operation in Dallas, I wish to make one thing perfectly clear: I am not Nostradamus.

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The Washington Post and the JFK Records Deadline

In my blog post yesterday entitled “Mainstream Press Silence on the JFK Deadline, I took the mainstream media to task for remaining steadfastly silent about the upcoming October 26 deadline for the release of the CIA’s long-secret JFK assassination-related records.

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Feeling Sorry for College Students

An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times makes me feel sorry for many college students, at least many of those who take economics courses in their respective schools. In fact, the op-ed even causes me to feel sorry for the people at mainstream newspapers who decide which op-eds to publish in their papers.

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Why the NARA Secrecy Over the Secret JFK Records?

For some unknown reason, there seems to be some secrecy on the part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) over the still-secret 58-year-old records of the CIA and other federal agencies relating to the Kennedy assassination.

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A Dark Side of Inflation

When the Federal Reserve inflates the money supply, the resulting debasement of people’s money is reflected in the higher prices that people are paying for things they need or want. Already, everyone is seeing, for example, significantly higher prices for gasoline at the pump. The price jump is high enough to cause people to realize that all that “free” stimulus money wasn’t as free as the government said it was. 

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The Critical Race Theory Controversy

Conservatives and progressives are at it again. They are attacking each other big time over whether Critical Race Theory should be taught in secondary schools and colleges and universities. The fundraising appeals are flying, as each side exhorts people to send in their donations to support whichever side is sending out the fundraising appeal.

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Death and Libertarianism

Whenever a government program or policy produces deaths of innocent people, the way I figure it is that that makes it incumbent on libertarians to take a firm stand against such programs and policies. We all know that there are all sorts of government regulations that deprive people of liberty that we libertarians need to oppose.

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The Tyranny of the Covid-19 Eviction Moratorium

The U.S. Supreme Court recently permitted the eviction moratorium established by the Centers for Disease Control to continue, at least until July 31, when the CDC plans to lift it. The Court wrongly decided the matter. It should have immediately lifted the moratorium.

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End the Draft Permanently

Recently the U.S. Supreme Court declined to consider a challenge to the all-male draft. The plaintiffs in the case argued that excluding women from the draft was unconstitutional. Apparently the Court is simply letting Congress decide the issue. 

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Kamala Harris and the Same Old Immigration Nonsense

Vice-President Kamala Harris got jeered in Guatemala, and deservedly so, after telling the Guatemalan people, “Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border.”  At the same time, the Biden administration is promising $4 billion in foreign aid to the Guatemalan government.

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