Tag Archive: Featured

The morning forex technical report for August 25: Start the Jackson Hole Symposium

What levels are in play as the Jackson Hole Symposium kicks off The Jackson Hole symposium is kicking off officially today. That means central bankers will be speaking.  The course Fed chair Powell will be the highlight tomorrow when he addresses the attendees at 10 AM ET. So what levels are in play today? - EURUSD trades back below the 100 hour MA after the "try" above failed. That MA is at a0.9977. Stay below is more bearish. -...

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Wie geht man mit Rückschlägen um?

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The Price-Wage Spiral

The Jackson Hole Symposium launches today; Is the Fed going to pivot? NVIDIA forecasting lower earnings; the good news/bad news about student loan forgiveness and the problem with "free" money; Cracker Barrel's veggie sausage; challenges for the Jackson Hole in the wall gang: Transitioning to a new, lasting reality w Inflation and the price-wage spiral;

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Cashkurs*Wunschanalysen: Walt Disney, Kinross Gold und ASML Holding unter der Chartlupe

Rüdiger Born hat wieder die Aktienwünsche unserer Mitglieder unter die Chartlupe gelegt. Diesmal waren die Aktien von Walt Disney, Kinross Gold und ASML Holding an der Reihe. Hier geht’s zum vollständigen Video mit weiteren spannenden Titeln wie Barrick Gold, SQM und Fresenius Medical Care: https://bit.ly/Wunschanalysen220822 Als Mitglied können Sie sich im Kommentarbereich auf https://www.cashkurs.com/ Ihren Favoriten für die nächste Runde...

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Jackson Hole Preview Episode (8/25/22): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Inve…

#Markets #Money #Investment_Advice

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Dollar Longs Pared as Jackson Hole Gathering is set to Start

Overview: It seems that many market participants had the same thing in mind, cut dollar longs before the Jackson Hole gathering. The Antipodeans lead the majors move, encouraged perhaps by China’s new economic measures, with around a 1% gain. The euro and sterling are up about 0.35% and are the laggards. Emerging market currencies are higher as well, with the notable exception of India and Turkey, which are nursing small losses. Equities are having...

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Zurich airport bounces back to profit after pandemic

Switzerland’s busiest airport has posted a CHF55 million ($57 million) net profit for the first six months of the year as post-pandemic air travel picks up.

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September kommt – jetzt noch verkaufen? | Echtes Geld | Echtes Trading | Martin Goersch

Profitrader Martin Goersch vermittelt in dieser monatlichen Webinarreihe bei CapTrader sein Tradingwissen, das auf jahrelanger Erfahrung beruht, an die Webinarteilnehmer. Von Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, allgemeiner Chartanalyse, Markteinschätzungen, Einzelwerten bis hin zu COT Daten.

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Investing During a Perfect Storm – Philipp Vorndran, Flossbach von Storch

We spoke with Investment Strategist and regular macro commentator Philipp Vorndran, who heads the Investment Strategy at Flossbach von Storch - one of the leading independent asset managers in Germany. Philipp outlines their approach to portfolio management during a period of major economic headwinds. He sees inflation remaining high throughout the decade and explains the structural reasons behind current dollar strength. Institutional and...

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Gold 20 Jahre Chart Trading Martin Goersch

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Mittelfristige Trendwenden Martin Goersch

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Überraschung am Morgen & ein Ort in den Rocky Mountains – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe

HIER geht´s zum kostenlosen JFD Livetradingroom: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5477297854855570446?source=marcus-social-media Folge uns auf: Telegramm: https://t.me/jfdbank_de LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/jfd... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JFDGermany/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFD_Group Webseite: https://www.jfdbrokers.com/de...

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Switzerland banks on hydropower reserve to combat energy crunch

The Swiss Federal Electricity Commission (Elcom) has laid out plans to hold back hydropower reserves to help compensate for anticipated energy shortages this winter.

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Rate Hikes Are Working

New home sales were reported for July as down nearly 13% to 511K, a number that is just about the average since 2010 (543k). But that doesn’t tell the whole story obviously. New home sales have fallen sharply since December of last year, down 39%. The drop from the peak in August 2020 is even more dramatic, down nearly 51%.

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Germany’s Nuclear Choice: Russian Energy Crisis Forces a Reckoning

“We are the makers of our own fate,” said Christian Lindner (FDP, Free Democratic Party), German federal minister of finance, in a TV interview not too long ago. This statement was made in the context of being asked if Vladimir Putin had had a hold over Germany, considering its rather dire energy situation, now, but especially going into winter.

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Imagine Dragons: Warriors – World of Tanks, World of Warship World of Warplanes #JesseCrafterMc

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Ep 39 – Tavi Costa: Breaking Down the Pressures on the Market

Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital joins Keith and Dickson on the Gold Exchange Podcast to talk about the current state of the market, investing in good times and bad, and what future indicators to watch.

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Bund Future erreicht Kursziel, Öl an Entscheidungslevel

Vor einigen Tagen wurde ein Short Setup auf den Bund Future vorgestellt. Nun läuft der Kurs in den Zielbereich. Wie ist hier zu verfahren? Und Öl bleibt wie erwartet weiter stark. Das starke Unterstützungslevel hat gehalten. Geht es jetzt wieder über 100 USD?

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A lesson in trading from a legend…

Tiger Management Founder Julian Robertson dies at 90 years old.

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The Crash of a Lifetime – Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, @Harry S. Dent Jr.

Robert Kiyosaki wrote about the next crash in his book “Prophecy” after 2008 crash. Since then, financial experts warned that over-correction by the government and bubbles in asset classes would cause another crash. Today’s guest explains how this is no ordinary correction, and where he advises the safest place to put your money through 2023. 

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