Tag Archive: Featured

More energy blows are dealt to Europe, causing a cold chill to be even colder

When people ask why they should invest in gold or buy silver coins, we often explain that they should do so because they are a form of insurance. Many of us are taking steps right now to protect ourselves from the impact of inflation on our day-to-day spending, others are trying to manage the increase in interest rates and maybe you are preparing your home so your energy bills won’t be impossible to manage.

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6 Gründe warum viele bald ihre Immobilie verlieren werden!

Wie wird sich die aktuell kritische Lage weiter entwickeln? Wir schauen uns regelmäßig an, was Experten wie Ernst Wollf, Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Dirk Müller, Max Otte oder Marc Friedrich zur aktuellen Lage sagen.

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Dr. Andreas Beck: Darum schätzt Du den Immobilien-Markt völlig falsch ein!

Lohnen sich Immobilien noch als Investment? Oder lauert grade eine böse Falle? Dr. Andreas Beck warnt schon länger vor einem möglichen Ende des Booms! Der Portfolio-Manager achtet dabei vor allem auf die Demographie und Wohnflächen-Nachfrage. Doch jetzt hat der Finanzexperte seine Meinung zum Thema Immobilien geändert. Was dahintersteckt und welche Faktoren viele Investoren übersehen – das erklärt Andreas Beck im Gespräch mit Mario Lochner und gibt...

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Cassis discusses finance and innovation with UAE minister

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis has met the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, in Ticino, southern Switzerland. The working lunch on the Brissago Islands in Lake Maggiore focused on the economy and finance, education, research and innovation, and sustainable development, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

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Economies Cannot Produce Wealth without Patience and Long-Term Horizons

People decrying poverty in developing countries usually overlook the fact that there is a dearth of long-term economic thinking. Original Article: "Economies Cannot Produce Wealth without Patience and Long-Term Horizons" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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A Tale of Two Recessions: One Excellent, One Tumultuous

Events may show that there are no winners, only survivors and those who failed to adapt.Some recessions are brief, necessary cleansings in which extremes of leverage and speculation are unwound via painful defaults, reductions of risk and bear markets. Some are reactions to exogenous shocks such as war or pandemic.

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Russia-Ukraine crisis: Fresh strikes at Zaporizhzhia nuke plant, UNSC convenes emergency meet

While the two neighbors are busy trading charges over shelling at Zaporizhzhia nuke plant, the world stands in fear of a possible catastrophe.

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Charlie Munger Investing Value #shorts 13

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Why the IRS Needs Armed Agents

Markets' counter-trend rally despite no changes fundamentally; "Inflation" and "easing" shouldn't be in the same sentence; Janet Yellen as "Grand Theft Granny:" Why the IRS needs armed agents; now is the time for all good men to trim equity exposure; why "The Flintstones," "Bewitched," and "Leave it to Beaver" could never be produced today;

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Keith Weiner | Fed Policy Errors, Reverse Repo, Keynesian Illusion, Russia & China, Bitcoin, Gold

Keith Weiner PhD Economics and Founder/CEO of both Monetary Metals and the Gold Standard Institute joins us for an interview on the 5th installment of the Gold and Silver Precious Metals Twitter Spaces.

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5 Steps to Grow Your Business – Millennial Money – Alexandra Gonzalez, Kim Kiyosaki

Employees of all different backgrounds have recently left their jobs due to the Great Resignation. Millennials have proven to be especially impulsive.  Freelancing, becoming an influencer, or changing your employment classification to an independent contractor are growing in popularity among Millennials and Gen Z. While the initiative is commendable, these jobs have their downside—one being working 24/7 in your business.  In this episode, host...

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Stärke und Schwäche im FX Markt erkennen

Im wilden Dschungel der vielen Währungspaare ist es schwer, einen Überblick zu behalten. Wie findet man denn hier das ideale Währungspaar für Long- oder Short Trades? Es gibt verschiedene Tools, um zu erkennen, welche Währung gerade relativ stark ist und welche relativ schwach. Als klassischer Trendfolger ist es sinnvoll eine starke Währung gegen eine schwache Long zu gehen, bzw. eine schwache Währung gegen eine starke zu shorten. Eine Methode,...

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The Most Important Influences on an Empire’s Health

The most important influences on an empire’s health. #principles #raydalio

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Dirk Müller: Ohhh, surprise! Amazon übernimmt Datenkrake iRobot

𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗶𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘁𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗸 𝗠ü𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗿: https://bit.ly/Update220809 (Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus dem Tagesausblick vom 09.08.2022 auf Cashkurs.com.) Sie sind noch kein Mitglied? Zum Einstiegspreis anmelden und vollen Zugriff auf alle Artikel und Videos holen - Sie erhalten den ersten Monat für nur 9,90 Euro - http://bit.ly/ck-registrieren https://www.cashkurs.com – Ihre unabhängige...

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AUDUSD stays above key MA support level. What is giving the pair a boost?

The AUDUSD moved above the 100 day MA on Wednesday for the first time since June 8th, but the momentum could not be sustained. Yesterday, the price move back above the moving average level and has been able to stay above despite a dip back lower today. The low prices today tested the 100 day moving average on 2 separate occasions, and each found support buyers. Traders are leaning. See why in this video.

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Florian Homm Reaktion: MSCI WORLD ETF NUTZLOS in der ZUKUNFT?

Florian Homm sagte in einem Podcast, er denke nicht, dass sich ein Investment in Zukunft mit der selben passiven Strategie lohnen würde, wie in den vergangenen 40 Jahren 💰 bis zu 2 Gratisaktien bei Depotempfehlung für ETFs & Sparpläne ► http://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * Burrys Depot auf Spatz folgen ► https://gospatz.com/finance/portfolio... 🐦 Kostenlose Anmeldung bei Spatz Portfolio Software ►►► https://gospatz.com/signup MyDividends24 App...

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Wahnsinn! REGIERUNG mit nächstem KOSTENHAMMER! WER soll das noch BEZAHLEN? Was sagt IHR?

Wie wird sich die aktuell kritische Lage weiter entwickeln? Wir schauen uns regelmäßig an, was Experten wie Ernst Wollf, Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Dirk Müller, Max Otte oder Marc Friedrich zur aktuellen Lage sagen.

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The USD is moving higher in US trading. What are the key drivers in the FX markets today?

In today's morning video, I look at the EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, NZDUSD and USDCHF and explain the trading bias, the risk, targets and levels in play. The EURUSD is heading back into the trading range after the break higher this week shows signs of failing. The USDJPY is back up testing its 100 and 200 hour MA. Key barometer going forward. The GBPUSD is below its converges 100/200 hour MAs tiling the bias back to the downside. The NZDUSD is...

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Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order


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Episode 3: The Golden ticket

In our satirical video format, Swiss comedian and director Patrick Karpiczenko apologises for Switzerland’s transgressions – this time for so-called golden visas that have been given freely to Russian oligarchs.

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