Tag Archive: Featured

The Partnership from Hell

But once a commodity is established as a money on the market, no more money at all is needed. —Murray Rothbard, Taking Money Back The Fed’s distinguishing characteristic is its grant of privilege to buy assets with money it doesn’t have. No other person or institution can legally do this; those that tried would be indicted for counterfeiting. At the very least you might think this would raise eyebrows, but it doesn’t except in fringe quarters. It...

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Dollar Sets Back into Month- and Quarter-End Ahead of likely US Government Shutdown

Overview: The dollar's surge stalled yesterday, and follow-through selling has pressed it lower against all the G10 currencies today. The dollar-bloc and Scandis are leading the move. Month-end, quarter-end pressures, coupled with a likely partial shutdown of the government beginning Monday, and after key chart levels were approached or violated earlier this week, serving as a bit a cathartic event. The Swiss franc snapped a 12-day losing streak...

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Wieso Benzinpreise trotz Flaute steigen

Während in Deutschland in vielen Bereichen Wirtschaftsflaute herrscht, steigen die Tankstellenpreise. Zocken uns die Ölkonzerne ab oder was steckt dahinter? Link zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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Brisante Entwicklung für Olaf Scholz!

Brisante Entwicklung im Fall Cum-Ex für Olaf Scholz! Sabotiert etwa der grüne Justiz-Minister von NRW die Ermittlungen des Untersuchungsausschusses in Hamburg? https://apollo-news.net/wie-ein-gruener-justizminister-untersuchungen-gegen-scholz-sabotiert/ 💰 Meine Aktiendepot Empfehlung mit bis zu 4,2 % für Einlagen in EUR Bis zu 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp...

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USDJPY Technical Analysis

Here's a quick technical analysis on the USDJPY pair with some fundamental background. For more visit ForexLive.com

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Geld vermehren durch Experten-Netzwerk | Wie Monika ihr Vermögen vervielfachte

Die Unternehmerin Monika vervielfachte ihr Vermögen nachweislich NGO-Finanz-Revolution 2023: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7264555122553365343 Freitagstipps abonnieren: https://thorstenwittmann.com/klartext/ Monika kenne ich seit einigen Jahren. Ich traue mich gar nicht den richtigen Betrag zu schreiben, aber sie hat ihr Geld nachweislich vervielfacht mit einer unserer Netzwerkempfehlungen. In Schottland bei meinem Geburtstagsevent...

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What is the first #stock I bought as a 12 year-old

Reflecting on the first #stock I bought at 12 with @garyvee #raydalio #principles #shorts

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Want to learn a little about “leaning” in your trading? In this video, I break it down.

The AUDJPY has some stout levels that traders have been "leaning" against. What does that look like?

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Is that the neckline of a head and shoulders being broken? It looks that way.

The EURCAD is breaking lower today and in the process is cracking below the neckline of a head and shoulder formation. Take a look and see for yourself. A technical look at the EURCAD

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Why Stabilization Policy is Destabilizing

The call for "price stabilization" was part of the recent Republican debate. Despite its attractive appearance, having the Fed try to "stabilize prices" is a very bad idea. Original Article: Why Stabilization Policy is Destabilizing

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Stop Trying to “Contain” China in Southeast Asia

It was a laughable moment when President Joe Biden said at a press conference during his visit to Hanoi that the United States wasn’t seeking to contain China. Despite efforts by the Biden administration to send its top officials to quell any suspicion that Washington, DC, was trying to contain China, Beijing has realized that the efforts were merely a cover-up. By restricting access to chips and their manufacturing components as well as spending...

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USDCHF corrects lower after September run higher. Pair tests 100 hour MA

The USDCHF has been a bullish run in the month of September, but is retracing today. The 100 hour MA at 0.9142 is the next target on the downside.

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A technical look at the broader Nasdaq and S&P index, and follow up look at NVIDIA too

What are the technicals telling us in the broader stock indices and Nvidia

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The State versus Entrepreneurs: Prosperity Always Loses

Governments prioritize economic growth as a national policy to win elections. Economic growth is a concern for all citizens because increasing economic growth improves living standards. There are more opportunities for self-advancement and leisure in a booming economy, so people endorse politicians who demonstrate that they know how to transform a sluggish economy into a booming one. Voters usually benefit from government policies when they...

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EURGBP has a down and up trading day with the 200 hour MA in play on the topside

For the EURGBP, the 38.2% of the September range at 0.86359 is now support on the downside, while the 200 hour MA is topside resistance. Traders trade the technical levels.

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Learn to buy stocks that pay you now and forever – Greg Arthur, Andy Tanner

“What is a dividend, and how do I make money with dividends?” In this episode, host Greg Arthur and Rich Dad Wealth Expert answer the most asked question in the StockCast comments. At its core, a dividend is your share in the profits of a company you own. In return for purchasing stock, or investing in a company you are given two fundamental rights. First, you have the right to participate in electing a board of directors to run the company, and...

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EURUSD extending higher and looks toward its 100 hour moving average

100 hour moving average is at 1.05783. Just above is the 38.2% retracement at 1.05823. Next key target for the buyers today if they are to take more control.

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Spart die Ehe wirklich Steuern? | Podcast Highlight #steuern #ehe #shorts

Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/depot?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=710&utm_campaign=comdirect-depot&utm_term=kostenlos-25&utm_content=yt-desc *📈  In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► https://finanzfluss-campus.de/angebot-youtube/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=710&utm_campaign=ff-campus&utm_term=4-wochen&utm_content=yt-desc 🧠  🏆 Unsere Empfehlungen: • Depot:...

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Paypal, Disney, Rheinmetall, Gold, Volkswagen – technischer Rundumschlag

Oft werde ich nach Analysen von bestimmten Aktien gefragt. Heute geht es los mit regelmäßigen Analysen von Aktien, die du dir über meinen Instagram-Account wünschen kannst. Vereinbare jetzt Dein kostenfreies Beratungsgespräch: https://jensrabe.de/Q3Termin23 Schau auf meinem Instagram-Account vorbei: @jensrabe_official https://www.instagram.com/jensrabe_official ALLE Bücher von Jens Rabe: https://jensrabe.de/23buecherQ3 Nur für kurze Zeit....

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