Tag Archive: Featured

USDCHF buyers take price above target resistance. Can the buyers stay above broken levels?

USDCHF breaks above key levels and holds support. Buyers eye higher targets as bullish momentum builds.

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Diese Aktien im JANUAR 2024 kaufen?

► Sichere Dir meinen Report mit Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs – 100% gratis → https://www.lars-erichsen.de ► „Buy The Dip“-Folge #15 | Unsere Aktien-Favoriten, Watchlist 2024 & DAS wird bald wichtig! → ► Diese Aktien im JANUAR 2023 kaufen? → -oM&t=813s Heute wird es spekulativ, sogar hochspekulativ, denn es geht um Bewegungen der Aktien in den nächsten zwei Wochen, also in den ersten beiden Handelswochen des Jahres. Zwei Dinge möchte ich...

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The Anti-Semitism Controversy on College Campuses Is the Direct Result of Identity Politics

Anyone following the news knows that after a bruising congressional hearing on antisemitism on elite college campuses knows that Liz Magill, the president of the University of Pennsylvania, and Claudine Gay, president of Harvard, recently lost their jobs. while the president from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is under fire. While the issue is being framed as these presidents permitting (and sometimes encouraging) antisemitism on campus,...

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USDJPY soars above 200-day MA, unlocking bullish potential

Bullish momentum prevails as USDJPY climbs above the 200-day moving average; next target at 144.698.

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Eklat im Landtag! FDP Politiker diffamiert Landwirte!

Statt ihre Politik zu überdenken, diffamieren die Ampel-Parteien lieber die protestierenden Bürger. Das wird bestimmt seeeeeehr gut ankommen. Meine Depotempfehlung 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot* Bildrechte: By Ekvidi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=125285666 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App http://myfinances24.de/mydividends24 📒 Mein Buch! Der...

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The Most Valuable Investment in 2024 – Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki, alongside experts from the precious metals industry, including Andy Schectman, Dana Samuelson, Jim Clark, and Charles Goyette, delve into the significance of gold and silver as investment options. They discuss the historical context of the US dollar and explore how global economic shifts could influence personal wealth. The guests share their knowledge and personal experiences, emphasizing the role of precious metals in...

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So stellst DU die Weichen für DEINE Zukunft

Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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USDCAD extends higher and in the process, moves above key retracement target

USDCAD extends higher above 38.2% retracement, presenting buyers with potential gains.

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What an Old Coin Collection Tells Us about Money from the Past

A coin collection can tell a lot about this nation's monetary history, and especially what happened nearly 60 years ago after the government debased U.S. coinage. This history is not having a happy ending. Original Article: What an Old Coin Collection Tells Us about Money from the Past

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Forex Market: Kicktart your FX trading with a technical look at EURUSD, USDJPY & GBPUSD

Get insights into the current forex market trends, including a bearish bias for EURUSD and GBPUSD, while USDJPY encounters resistance at the key 200-day MA. Stay updated for potential trading opportunities and risks.

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Take January With a Grain of Salt

(1/3/24) Millennials' Bare Minimum Monday's could produce some unexpected results; setting up for January market performance in a Presidential cycle; will the Magnificent 7 produce a repeat performance in 2024? Markets on Tuesday corrected to bounce off the 20-DMA, with high tech names under pressure. Buy-signals triggered for Bonds. Rich Dad/Poor Dad Czar Kiyosaki's debt philosophies and how to properly leverage debt. Home Sales & inventory:...

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The Escalating Tensions in the Red Sea Are a Bad Omen

On New Year’s Eve, US Navy helicopters in the Red Sea engaged and sank three boats belonging to Yemen’s Houthis, killing ten. According to US Central Command, the boats were attacking a container ship and fired on the helicopters as they responded to the ship’s distress call. The encounter represents a significant escalation that risks forcing a whole new war on the American public and the Middle East. The Red Sea region has become one of the...

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AfD Verbot: Saskia Esken komplett am Limit!

Saskia Esken, Ricarda Lang, Katrin-Göring Eckardt! Sie wollen den Wählern die Demokratie erklären, sie "wachrütteln" aber nur nicht selbst reflektieren. Meine Depotempfehlung 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot* Bildrechte: By Ekvidi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=125285666 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App http://myfinances24.de/mydividends24 📒...

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Holiday Moves Continue to be Unwound

Overview: The dollar is firm. Rates are mostly higher and equities lower. The moves scored in the holiday-thin markets are at end of last year are being unwound. This does not appear complete yet. Geopolitical tensions remain high but do not seem to be having a direct market influence as both gold and oil are trading lower. Among the G10 currencies, sterling has been the most resilient today but nearly flat. Within the emerging market complex, the...

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Europas reichste Länder #europa #kaufkraft

Europas reichste Länder 💰#europa #kaufkraft Kaufkraft beschreibt hier das verfügbare Einkommen ohne Steuern und Sozialabgaben inklusive Transferleistungen. Das örtliche Preisniveau, also wie teuer das Leben vor Ort ist, wird nicht miteinbezogen. Auch das Vermögen wird bei dieser Betrachtung nicht erfasst. Es handelt sich lediglich um das verfügbare Netto-Einkommen. 📝 Quelle: GfK, Kaufkraft Europa, Stand 10/2022 🎯 2015 haben wir es uns zur...

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Was ist der wichtigste Investmenttip?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Was ist der wichtigste Investmenttip? #angst #investment #bestertipp Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: https://thorstenwittmann.com/podcast/ Gratis unsere besten Finanztipps und Geldanlagen:...

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#usdjpy #forex #technicalanalysis In this video you can learn about the latest fundamental developments for the USDJPY pair. You will also find technical analysis across different timeframes for a better overall outlook on the market. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Topics covered in the video: 📈 Fundamental overview for both the USD and the JPY. 📊 Technical Analysis with multiple timeframes. ✅ Optimal...

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Wichtige Morning News mit Oliver Klemm #227

Kostenfreier Live-Trading-Workshop (05.-07. Januar 2024): 👉 https://oliverklemmtrading.com/workshop?utm_source=youtube1&utm_campaign=workshop Jetzt anmelden! Plätze begrenzt... Klicke hier, um dich direkt gemeinsam mit Oli unabhängig zu machen 👉 https://oliverklemmtrading.com/apply-now-1?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tradingcoacholi&utm_term=morning-news&utm_content=2 ►Folge Oliver auf Instagram:...

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Erster Handelstag und gleich alles rot. Böses Omen?

Hier zum kostenlosen Webinar JETZT anmelden: https://jensrabe.de/WebinarJan24 Vereinbare jetzt dein kostenfreies Beratungsgespräch: https://jensrabe.de/Q1Termin24 Tägliche Updates ab sofort auf https://aktienkannjeder.de Schau auf meinem Instagram-Account vorbei: @jensrabe_official https://www.instagram.com/jensrabe_official ALLE Bücher von Jens Rabe: https://jensrabe.de/buecherYT Nur für kurze Zeit. Solange der Vorrat reicht. Börsen-News...

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Bill Belichick & Ray Dalio on Identifying and Addressing Mistakes: Part 2

#BillBelichick and I on identifying and addressing #mistakes: Part 2. #principles #success #professionalfootball #teamwork If you enjoy this, you can find our full conversation here: -TUGz4

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