Tag Archive: Featured

6b.) P: Mises.org 2014-11-26 19:26:01

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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6b.) P: Mises.org 2014-11-25 20:27:55

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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6b.) P: Mises.org 2014-11-20 19:26:20

Collective security agreements allow many countries's politicians to shift the cost of national defense to taxpayers outside their own countries. Moral hazard, belligerence, and over-reliance on military solutions often ensue, writes Patrick Barron.This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.

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The Theory of Money and Credit Is More Important Than Ever]]>

Eighty years ago, Mises's The Theory of Money and Credit first appeared in English. It remains one of the most important books on money and inflation penned in the twentieth century, and it still offers the clearest analysis and understanding of booms and busts, inflations and depressions, writes Richard Ebeling.This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.

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6b.) P: Mises.org 2014-11-20 19:23:02

Entrepreneurs need very specific information about their products, markets, customers, and profits. Government macroeconomic data, however, does nothing to assist entrepreneurs to obtain this important information, but only helps justify economic intervention, writes Frank Shostak.This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.

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Ukraine Has 21 Tonnes Gold Left.

Read more on www.bullionstar.com

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6b.) P: Mises.org 2014-11-14 17:17:55

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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Chinese housewives spend big on gold

Published on May 3, 2013 Global financial bigwigs are no match for China's "Da Ma", or housewives, who have swarmed into gold stores across China, buying up 300 tons of gold over the past two weeks. No wonder gold prices have steadied after taking a dive. During the May Day holiday, gold stores were crowded with mostly female customers. Most of them are middle-aged "Chinese housewives". This group of buyers has risen to fame...

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Alan Greenspan Oct 2014: Gold Is THE Premier Currency

Alan explains there is only one real currency: gold. For some reason, the Council of Foreign Relations, where ex-Fed-Chief Alan Greenspan spoke, decided the following discussion should be left out of the official transcript. We can perhaps understand why... as Gillian Tett concludes, "comments like that will be turning you into a rock star amongst the gold bug community."

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Börsen-Talk vom 7. November 2014

Alfred Herbert über die Entwicklung der Aktienmärkte.

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Alan Grayson ‘Which Foreigners Got the Fed’s $500,000,000,000’ Bernanke ‘I Don’t Know ‘

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6b.) P: Mises.org 2014-11-05 17:28:28

With 100 years having passed since the start of the First World War, the view of the war among historians and the public has evolved in many ways. Historian Hunt Tooley examines the turning points in how the world sees the Great War. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.

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Inside The Shanghai Gold Exchange Vaults

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Koos Jansen Interview On German Financial TV

Follow link for English version https://www.bullionstar.com/blog/koos-jansen/china-will-utilize-gold-price-will-rise/

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Inside The Shanghai International Gold Exchange Vaults

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Putin Talking About The End Of The Pertrodollar Era

Published on Oct 25, 2014 Russia's leader Vladimir, speaking in Sochi (following meetings with Middle East crown princes who confirmed Russia as a key partner - "isolated"?), has unleashed his most aggressive statements with regard the failing world order: *PUTIN SAYS U.S. DOLLAR LOSING TRUST AS RESERVE CURRENCY *PUTIN: WORLD WITHOUT RULES IS POSSIBILITY; ANARCHY GROWING.. Adding that the risk of major conflicts involving major countries...

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Ben Bernanke didn’t see a housing bubble in 2006

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Willem Middelkoop on Dutch mortgage debt – November 11, 2006

Willem Middelkoop knew exactly what was going to happen in 2006: a collapse of the real estate market due to credit expansion.

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Willem Middelkoop on The Big Reset

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Paying people their salary in gold a first in Singapore

Published on Oct 23, 2014 How would you like to be paid your worth in gold? Singapore-based precious metals dealer BullionStar is doing just that, by rewarding staff with the commodity as salary, and it says it is the first in the country to do so.

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