Tag Archive: Featured

Immigration slowdown hits Swiss rents

In 1999, Switzerland signed a deal with the EU allowing free movement of people between Switzerland and the bloc. The deal came into force in 2002. This led to a rise in immigration into Switzerland, which in turn eventually led to rising rents.

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How Central Banks Destroy Money’s Purchasing Power

Most economists hold that a growing economy requires a growing money stock on grounds that growth gives rise to a greater demand for money that must be accommodated. Failing to do so, it is maintained, will lead to a decline in the prices of goods and services, which in turn will destabilize the economy and lead to an economic recession, or even worse, depression.

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ETF-Weltportfolio 2020: Vermeide diese Fehler

Mein ETF Weltpofolio: https://bit.ly/3iCL34l Alles rund um ETFs: https://bit.ly/3eaod0y Finden den besten ETF für dich: Kanal vom Junginvestor: https://bit.ly/3g0AwxK Wer sich eine #Weltportfolio mit ETFs aufbauen möchte stellt sich schon bevor er überhaupt anfängt zu investieren viele Fragen: Ist das Weltportfolio von Gerd Kommer wirklich eine gute Anlagestrategie? Wie viele ETFs soll ich besparen? Welche konkreten ETFs soll ich überhaupt...

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Swiss Unemployment Falls in June 2020

The number unemployed in Switzerland at 30 June 2020, fell 5,709 in June to 159,289, according to the State Secretariat for the Economy (SECO). Switzerland’s unemployment rate fell from 3.4% to 3.2%. However, despite improving on May 2020, the number unemployed was 53,067 (+54.6%) higher than at the end of June 2019.

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The Simon-Ehrlich Bet Did Not Settle the Question

Are you familiar with the bet? Ehrlich wrote a book titled The Population Bomb. He held a pessimistic view of the future, in which population growth would outstrip resources (essentially the same as Thomas Malthus).

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FX Daily, July 10: Surge in Coronavirus Spooks Investors as China Takes Profits

Record fatalities in a few US states, coupled with new travel restrictions in Italy and Australia, have given markets a pause ahead of the weekend. News that two state-backed funds in China took profits snapped the eight-day advance in Shanghai at the same time as there is an attempt to rein in the use of margin.

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Tour group blames coronavirus for 70 Swiss job cuts 

German tour operator TUI is to close eight of its 62 branches in Switzerland with the loss of around 70 jobs, owing to the effects of the coronavirus crisis.

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Second Wave Global Trade

Unlike some sentiment indicators, the ISM Non-manufacturing, in particular, actual trade in goods continued to contract in May 2020. Both exports and imports fell further, though the rate of descent has improved. In fact, that’s all the other, more subdued PMI’s like Markit’s have been suggesting.

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Stocks Always Go up. Until They Don’t.

Economist Irving Fisher famously said just before the 1929 stock market crash, “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” Whoops. Fisher wasn’t just any old economist. Joseph Schumpeter called him "the greatest economist the United States has ever produced." Milton Friedman and James Tobin agreed.

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Inside Geneva: World trade at a crossroads

In this episode of our Inside Geneva podcast, we look at the role of the World Trade Organization as it chooses a new leader amid challenging times. 

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FX Daily, July 9: The Dollar is Sold through CNY7.0 as Chinese Equities Continue to Rally

Investors continue to clamor into risk assets.  Led by Chinese shares, the MSCI Asia Pacific Index pushed higher for the third session this week to new five-month highs.  Europe's Dow Jones Stoxx 600 is trying to snap a two-day decline with the help of better than expected revenues for its largest tech company.

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New Geneva platform to ‘anticipate societal changes’ 

A new international platform is to be launched in Geneva to anticipate the effects of societal changes amidst the Covid-19 crisis, Swiss President Simonetta Sommaruga said on Wednesday. 

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The American Economy in Four Words: Neofeudal Extortion, Decline, Collapse

Our society has a legal structure of self-rule and ownership of capital, but in reality it is a Neofeudal Oligarchy. Now that the pandemic is over and the economy is roaring again--so the stock market says--we're heading straight back up into the good old days of 2019. Nothing to worry about, we've recovered the trajectory of higher and higher, better every day in every way.

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The “Old” vs. the “New” Liberalism

It is not disputed that the popular meaning of liberal has changed drastically over time. It is a well-known story how, around 1900, in English-speaking countries and elsewhere, the term was captured by writers who were essentially social democrats.

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Dollar Bid as Market Sentiment Yet to Recover

The US has started the formal process of withdrawing from the WHO; the dollar continues to benefit from risk-off sentiment but remains stuck in recent ranges. The White House is asking Congress to pass another $1 trln stimulus plan by early August; President Trump hosts Mexican President AMLO for a two-day visit.

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No lack of foreign tourism demand in 2019

07.07.2020 - Foreign demand was strong in 2019. The income side of the tourism balance of payments grew, reaching a record level of CHF 17.8 billion. At the same time, people living in Switzerland did not increase their expenditure when travelling abroad, despite price conditions that were more favourable. The tourism balance of payments was negative at CHF -798 million, according to initial estimates from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Umsetzung FIDLEG/FINIG: FINMA bewilligt erste Aufsichtsorganisationen

Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA erteilt OSIF und OSFIN die ersten Bewilligungen als Aufsichtsorganisationen, zuständig für die Aufsicht über Vermögensverwalter und Trustees. Weiter liess sie die erste Registrierungsstelle für Kundenberaterinnen und Kundenberater zu. Das Eidgenössische Finanzdepartement anerkannte ausserdem die ersten Ombudsstellen nach FIDLEG für Finanzdienstleister.

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Travel destinations seek tourists, but not the crowds

Some popular travel destinations have enjoyed the break – however temporary – from tourist crowds following Covid-19 restrictions. Others hope the hordes will return soon. Switzerland had not yet opened its border with Italy when its southern neighbour unexpectedly announced that Swiss citizens could enter the country starting on June 3.

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What Germany Must Do for a Speedy Recovery

On June 29, the German parliament reacted as parliaments normally do when there is a problem, namely, by allowing the government to spend more. In order to respond to the economic difficulties due to the corona epidemic and the government restrictions, it passed a typical Keynesian stimulus package in order to boost aggregate demand.

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