Tag Archive: Featured

FX Daily, November 20: US Treasury-Fed Dispute Spurs Handwringing but Immediate Market Impact was Exaggerated

Overview:  News that the stimulus talks between the House Democrats and Senate Republicans was the excuse traders were looking for to extend the US equity gains yesterday, but shortly after the close, confirmation that Treasury was not going to agree to extend several Fed facilities sent stocks reeling. 

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Strategische Ziele 2021 bis 2024

Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA veröffentlicht ihre strategischen Ziele für die Periode von 2021 bis 2024. Diese wurden heute vom Bundesrat genehmigt. Die insgesamt zehn Ziele zeigen auf, wie die FINMA ihr gesetzliches Mandat erfüllen will und welche Schwerpunkte sie dabei setzt. Die Ziele betreffen verschiedene Bereiche des Kunden- und Systemschutzes, aber auch betriebliche Themen.

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Nuclear plant worker’s cancer judged not to be a work-related illness

The Federal Court has dismissed the appeal of a former employee of two Swiss nuclear power plants who was diagnosed with bladder and prostate cancer. The man took legal action after the national accident insurance fund refused benefits for an occupational illness.

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Seth Levine: How I Process Ideas Into Investments

Investing is incredibly hard. Mapping observations to security price movements are complex. Often, the relationships governing these moves are unknown. Yet, this is the investor’s task. I’ve used this blog as a tool for exploring some of these connections. It’s been incredibly rewarding.

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Both Theory and Praxis: Rothbard’s Plan for Laissez-Faire Activism

It should be self-evident that a just and moral political regime can only exist in the long term if a sufficiently large number of people actually believe in it.

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Turkey Central Bank Preview

We expect the Turkish central bank (CBRT) to deliver a substantial rate hike at Thursday’s meeting but not as aggressive as consensus. Bloomberg’s median expectation is for a 475 bp hike. Our call is for a somewhat less aggressive move (perhaps around 400 bp) because the recent price action is likely to afford the new CBRT administration the confidence not to have to surprise on the upside.

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Extending the Summer Slowdown

A big splurge in September, and then not much more in October. While it would be consistent for many to focus on the former, instead there is much about the latter which, for once, is feeding growing concerns. Retail sales, American consumer spending on goods, has been the one (outside of economically insignificant housing) bright spot since summer

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Media Celebrates after Trump’s Pro-Gold Fed Nominee Gets Blocked

It was only after he entered politics that President Donald Trump began to fully grasp the bias, dishonesty, and fakeness that runs throughout the so-called mainstream media.

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Jahlil Okafor, Tim Hardaway, Royce O’Neale go CRAZY in INTENSE NBA Open Gym

Miami Hoop School hosted an NBA open run with Jahlil Okafor, Tim Hardaway, Royce O'Neale and more! The intensity was high the entire run. NBA trainer Andrew Moran runs the Miami Hoop School which has many NBA stars as clients. Follow @miamihoopschool on instagram #opengym #jahlilokafor #timhardaway

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Swiss Trade Balance October 2020: foreign trade falters

In October 2020, Swiss foreign trade took off. In seasonally adjusted terms, exports stagnated (-0.4%) while imports fell 3.3%. The slowdown recorded since this summer in both directions of traffic has thus been confirmed. The trade balance closed with a surplus of 2.9 billion francs.

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FX Daily, November 19: Surging Virus Saps Risk Appetites

Overview: News that the New York City was closing the schools to contain the virus sent stocks reeling in late North American dealings yesterday and spurred some profit-taking in the Asia Pacific and Europe.  Equities in the Asia Pacific region were mostly lower, though China, South Korea, and Australia's advanced and Tokyo markets were mixed.

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U.S. Healthcare Is Unraveling

The confidence that there will always be facilities and professionals to care for us is no longer realistic. I've covered the systemic problems of U.S. healthcare for over a decade, and as a result I've attracted numerous healthcare professionals as correspondents.

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Dollar Weakness Continues Ahead of US Retail Sales Data

The dollar continues to soften. October retail sales will be the US data highlight; Fed manufacturing surveys for November have started to roll out; Republican Senator Alexander opposes Judy Shelton’s nomination to the Fed.

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Covid, November 19: Swiss ICU numbers reach new peak as infection rate moderates

Over the last 48 hours, Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) reported a further 227 deaths among laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 cases, bringing the death toll to 1,654 since summer and 3,385 since the beginning of the year.

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FX Daily, November 18: Balancing Pandemic Surge with Optimism about Vaccine

News that Tokyo will go to its highest alert as it faces a rising contagion snapped a 12-day rally in the Nikkei, but most bourses in the Asia Pacific region excluding Japan advanced, though Chinese equities were mixed. European equities are narrowly mixed as the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 continues to gyrate within Monday's range.

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Why big companies fear the Responsible Business Initiative

Big multinationals in Switzerland have been nearly unanimous in their rejection of an initiative to make companies more accountable for their actions abroad. What are they afraid of?

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Talk of “Unity” Is Both Hypocritical and Delusional

Grand invocations that "I will unify us" are actually shorthand for "We mean to get our way, regardless of others' well-being and desire."

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Dollar Soft as Markets Start the Week in Risk-On Mode

The odds of national-level action in the US against the second wave virus outbreak remains small, even after Biden takes over; the dollar continues to soften. There is growing speculation about former Fed Chair Yellen becoming Biden’s Treasury Secretary; Fed manufacturing surveys for November will start to roll out; Peru’s interim President Merino resigned under pressure from more demonstrations.

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Roadblocks and Opportunities for International Trade in 2021

We see significant upside risk for global trade coming from “top down” forces (such as politics), but at the same time we expect the undercurrent reconfiguring many of the existing relationships to intensify. The “Peak Globalization” narrative (at least regarding trade) is being challenged by hopes of a revival of multilateral cooperation under Biden and the latest Asian trade agreement.

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FX Daily, November 17: Greenback Remains Under Pressure

Overview: Moderna's announcement did not spur nearly the magnitude of the disruption caused by Pfizer's similar announcement a week ago.  Still, in the US, the NASDAQ underperformed the other indices, and the US Dow Industrials saw record highs.

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