Tag Archive: Featured

Charlie Munger: How to Invest for 2021

Charlie talks about how to invest for 2021. Munger is the Vice President of Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett’s business partner. This interview took place in late 2020.

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Alasdair Macleod ?2021 Will See The End Of Fiat Currencies, Led By The US Dollar

There is worrying evidence that 2021 will see the end of fiat currencies, led by the US dollar. US dollar money supply has accelerated at an extraordinary rate, a process that will continue.

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The Great Reset: Was passiert 2021? (Mein Forecast)

The Great Reset: Was passiert 2021? (Mein Forecast)

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The Problem with Record-Low Interest Rates

Are you familiar with the GoldNewsletter podcast? They boast over 200 episodes on the topics of investment, economics, and geopolitics.

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So baust Du dir 2021 ein PASSIVES EINKOMMEN mit Dividenden auf?? | Sparkojote #DividendenDienstag

?Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * ?? So baust Du dir 2021 ein PASSIVES EINKOMMEN mit Dividenden auf?? Der #DividendenDienstag Livestream findet jeden Dienstag um 18:00 Uhr auf Instagram statt, zusammen mit Johannes Lortz philosophieren wir über #Dividenden #Aktien, das Investieren, die Börse und vieles mehr. ??Kanal von Johannes ►► https://goo.gl/TfzPLS ?Instagram Livestream ►►...

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How Biden can be a global leader | The Economist

Joe Biden's greatest challenge will be to repair America's reputation—currently the lowest it's been for two decades. How can the new president re-boot America's global leadership? Find our latest coverage of the presidential transition: https://econ.st/3bJeoJm Sign up to our weekly newsletter on American politics: https://econ.st/3l5C4dl Listen to Checks and Balance, our podcast about American politics: https://econ.st/2EmBIOU The World in...

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The Real Cost of Free College | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [1/19/21]

(1/19/21) President-elect Joe Biden's pitch for free college education will have the reverse effect: It's Supply vs Demand. When more people have degrees, the value of a degree will decline; Median wages have not grown since the 1980's; even college educations are subject to basic laws of economics - RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts -------- Get more info & commentary: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/newsletter/...

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WEF warns of ‘increasing disparities’ due to Covid-19 pandemic

Infectious diseases, extreme weather events and cybersecurity problems pose key threats to society in the next two years, the World Economic Forum (WEF) warns. The Covid-19 pandemic looks set to have a lasting impact in the next ten years.

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FX Daily, January 19: Even When She Speaks Softly, She’s Yellen

Overview: The animal spirits are on the march today.  Equities are mostly higher, peripheral European bonds are firm, and the dollar is mostly softer. After posting the first back-to-back decline this year, the MSCI Asia Pacific Index bounced back today, led by a 2.7% gain in Hong Kong (20-month high) and a 2.6% rise in South Korea's Kospi. 

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Wann verkaufen Wale ihre Bitcoins?

► Hier kannst du bitcoins kaufen und bekommst auch gleich bis zu 10% pro Jahr Zinsen: https://cakedefi.com/ —————— Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH ? bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH #cryptofit zu machen! #JulianHosp #Bitcoin #Blockchain ? Kein Video mehr verpassen? ABONNIERE meinen Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCseNUrq7mUUWqTspr4QJ9eg?sub_confirmation=1 UND klicke die GLOCKE ? - WICHTIG! ⏰...

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show [1/19/21]

Technical Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts

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GERÜCHT!! INVESTIERT ELON MUSK WIRKLICH IN BITCOIN?!?! Elon Musk und Bitcoin... Ist Elon wirklich investiert und wenn ja, mit wie viel Kapital und welche Auswirkungen könnte dies auf Bitcoin haben? ? #Kryptowährungen einfach erklärt: http://geni.us/krypto_einfach ► Hier kannst du bitcoins kaufen und bekommst auch gleich bis zu 10% pro Jahr Zinsen: https://cakedefi.com/ —————— Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH ? bzw. TEILE...

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A Swiss sausage maker in Denver

Born in Zurich, Eric Gutknecht came to the US with his parents when he was a little boy. Today he runs a sausage factory in Colorado. Gutknecht did two charcuterie-making apprenticeships in Switzerland. His professional experience includes teaching economics and working as a business analyst. In 2003, he and his wife, Jessica, took over the family sausage business in Denver. Today, CharcūtNuvo provides grocery stores and Swiss clubs all over the...

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in November 2020: -2.3 percent YoY, -0.5 percent MoM

The Producer and Import Price Index rose in December 2020 by 0.5% compared with the previous month, reaching 98.4 points (December 2015 = 100). Compared with December 2019, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 2.3%.

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A Georgia Gold Rush Story: The Rise and Fall of America’s First Private Gold-Coin Mint

(Note: This article is dedicated to the memory of Carl Watner, who died on December 8, 2020 at the age of 72. A long-time defender of individual liberty and free markets, his 1976 article in Reason magazine, “California Gold, 1849-65,” helped renew awareness and appreciation for private money in American history).

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The Real Investment Show [1/18/21]

Technical Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts

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Drivers for the Week Ahead

President-elect Biden will be inaugurated Wednesday; security in Washington DC and many state capitols has been beefed up due to concerns of violence; the Senate reconvenes Tuesday and will immediately begin work on confirming Biden’s cabinet choices; reports suggest that if asked, Yellen will disavow a weak dollar policy whilst affirming commitment to a market-determined exchange rate.

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Thomas Mayer: Wir werden alle enteignet – starke Inflation (Ep. 8)

Thomas Mayer war Chefvolkswirt bei der Deutschen Bank und ist nun Direktor beim Flossbach von Storch Research Institute. Wir sprechen über die kommende Inflation, wie man sich davor schützt, die Notenbankpolitik und die Auswirkungen der Pandemie.

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Absolute Eigentumsrechte als ökologischer Imperativ

In diesem Vortrag argumentiere ich, dass (1) Eigentum und Umwelt- beziehungsweise Ressourcenschutz keine Gegensätze sind; dass (2) man vielmehr auf das Eigentum setzen muss, wenn Umwelt und Ressourcen wirksam geschützt und ein tyrannischer Weltstaat verhindert werden sollen; und dass (3) der Staat (wie wir ihn heute kennen) der eigentliche Grund für Umwelt- und Ressourcenschäden ist.

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Markus Krall: Es wird schlimmer als erwartet! Hier die Zahlen: 2.000.000 Unternehmen pleite!

Markus Krall (* 10. Oktober 1962) ist ein deutscher Volkswirt, Unternehmensberater und Autor. Seit September 2019 ist Krall Mitglied und Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der Degussa Goldhandel GmbH. Er steht der Österreichischen Schule nahe.

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