Tag Archive: Featured

Silver Short Squeeze and the $1,000 Target – Reality Check!

The #SilverShortSqueeze has began with WallStreetBets and the RedditArmy encouraging followers to buy physical silver. They are claiming that physical silver bars and coins represent one of the most undervalued assets in the world. On this episode of #GoldCoreTV GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood and Mark O'Byrne of HealthWealthGold to to Dave Russell of @GoldCoreTV to discuss what is happening in the silver market and what the likely implications are...

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SNB-Jordan: Haben gute Lösung zu höheren Gewinnausschüttungen getroffen

"Wenn es der Nationalbank über die Jahre gut geht, kann sie viel ausschütten. Wenn es aber schlechter geht, werden wir die Ausschüttungen wieder reduzieren", sagte Jordan weiter. Dabei stütze sich die neue, am vergangenen Freitag kommunizierte Vereinbarung auf die alten Abmachungen zur Ausschüttung an Bund und Kantone, nur dass die Bilanz und die Ausschüttungs-Reserve heute deutlich höher seien als vorher.

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ALERT ALERT! Keith Weiner Warns COLLAPSE 2021 Is Coming Soon, Be Prepair!!

Keith Weiner Warns COLLAPSE 2021 Is Coming Soon, Be Prepair!! #KeithWeiner #COLLAPSE

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Interview Max Otte | Wirtschaftsumbruch | China vs. Amerika

Interview Max Otte | Wirtschaftsumbruch | Transhumanismus | China vs. Amerika

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6 billion franc Swiss National Bank payment after new agreement

Switzerland’s Federal Department of Finance (FDF) and the Swiss National Bank (SNB), Switzerland’s central bank, have signed a new agreement on how SNB profits can be distributed.

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MARKUS KRALL: Der Crash wird schlimmer als 1930 (ACHTUNG)

MARKUS KRALL: Der Crash wird schlimmer als 1930 (ACHTUNG)

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Kommt jetzt der Sozialismus? (Das verschweigt man dir!) – Interview mit Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit

Der neue Sozialismus, Great Reset und Neue Welt Ordnung – Interview mit Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit

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Yanis Varoufakis at the launch of Jeremy Corbyn’s Project for Peace and Justice

Yanis Varoufakis at the launch of Jeremy Corbyn's Project for Peace and Justice.

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The Great Reset, Part IV: “Stakeholder Capitalism” vs. “Neoliberalism”

Any discussion of “stakeholder capitalism” must begin by noting a paradox: like “neoliberalism,” its nemesis, “stakeholder capitalism” does not exist as such. There is no such economic system as “stakeholder capitalism,” just as there is no such economic system as “neoliberalism.” The two antipathetic twins are imaginary ghosts forever pitted against each other in a seemingly endless and frenzied tussle.

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FX Daily, February 1: Markets Snap Back

Global equities are snapping back today, while the greenback retained the strength seen last week that was attributed to safe-haven flows. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index snapped a four-day decline led by Hong Kong, South Korea, India, and Indonesia.

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The Great Reset mit Merkel?

The Great Reset ist im Anmarsch. Der neu beschriebene Weg des Weltwirtschaftsforums um Klaus Schwab ist in aller Munde. Wir besprachen mit Max Otte sein neues Buch, das sich mit diesen Themen beschäftigt. Es gibt eine steile These: Bleibt Merkel Kanzlerin?

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Switzerland’s four languages

The Swiss are known for their multilingualism. The proportion of polyglots has increased slightly since 2014, according to a new report from the Federal Statistical Office. Over two-thirds of adults regularly use more than one language. They need these skills to communicate with each other, either in the workplace or across the four distinct language regions. The majority speak German, followed by French, Italian and Romansh. The latter is in...

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Is the grass greener outside the EU?

Britain argues that Brexit will make British agriculture greener. SWI Swissinfo.ch looks at how successful EU agricultural policies have been, and how they compare with Switzerland’s approach.  

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UBS Multibanking available to corporate clients throughout Switzerland

UBS has successfully completed the pilot phase of its new multibanking function and is now gradually rolling out the offering across Switzerland. UBS Multibanking will now also give SMEs full transparency over all their accounts and allow them to execute payments debited from accounts with third-party banks directly in UBS E-Banking.

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Swiss Retail Sales, December 2020: 3.5 percent Nominal and 4.7 percent Real

Retail trade turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays showed nominal growth of 3.5% in December 2020 compared with the same month of the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover grew by 2.2% compared with the previous month. Despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the whole of 2020, provisional results show nominal growth of 0.1%.

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Silver Swans, Maginot Lines and the Unforeseen Risks of Collapse

Our Nobility's assessment of risk and their war-gaming of vulnerabilities are fatally deficient. Many people have heard of Nassim Taleb's black swan but fewer understand how few events qualify as black swans. Per Wikipedia, a black swan is an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequences, an event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.

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Markus Krall es wird noch Bitter Böse! auch dein Geld ist Betroffen!

Dr. Markus Krall gibt hier seine Experten Einschätzung was Wirtschaftlich noch so auf uns zu Kommen könnte!

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show

Technical Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, & Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Redet Klartext über die aktuellen Zustände

Was wir in den kommenden Jahren sehen werden, kann als sozialistisches kapitalistisches System bezeichnet werden! An den Börsen wird viel spekuliert, wir sind in einem Schneeballsystem.

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Wie VERKAUFE ich AKTIEN? | Verkaufstechnik

Gliederung: 00:00 - Intro 01:27 - Verkaufen: Auswirkungen und Gründe 7:44 - Verkaufstechnik 09:06 - ... mit Limit 11:30 - Gewinn einfahren 13:06 - Stop / Loss 16:26 - Aktienaufkäufe

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