Tag Archive: Featured

Not This Again: Too Many Treasuries?

Tomorrow, the Treasury Department is going to announce the results of its latest bond auction. A truly massive one, $47 billion are being offered of CAH4’s notes dated August 31, 2020, maturing out in August 31, 2027. In other words, the belly of the belly, the 7s.We’ve already seen them drop for two note auctions this week, both equally sizable.

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Belgium Investigates Credit Suisse over hidden Bank Accounts

The investigation by federal prosecutors is at the information-gathering stage, looking for evidence of money laundering and whether the Swiss bank acted as an illegal financial intermediary, a spokesman for the prosecutors said on Monday. However, no formal charges have been brought.

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2020 Will Be a Record-Breaking Year for Debt. How Long Can This Last?

The deficit narrowed during July after months of record shortfalls in federal tax revenues. During April, May, and June of this year deficits surges to unprecedented highs as economic activity dried up, workers were furloughed and laid off, and tax payments were deferred.

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FX Daily, August 26: Hurricane Laura Lifts Oil Prices

A consolidative tone has emerged after US equity benchmarks reached new highs yesterday. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index had reached seven-month highs on Tuesday, but Japan, China, and Australian stocks saw modest profit-taking today. European shares are recouping yesterday's minor loss, and US shares are flat. 

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Webinaraufzeichnung: Verwendung von CoT-Daten zur Richtungsbestimmung bei Rohstoffen in der Analyse

In dieser Onlineseminarreihe erklärt Martin Goersch, wie das #Trading in #Rohstoffen funktionieren kann. Im zweiten Teil gehen wir direkt in die Analyse verschiedener Rohstoffe und Währungen. Hier wird das Gelernte aus dem ersten Teil (die Aufzeichnung ist ebenfalls im Kanal zu finden) direkt in der praktischen Umsetzung an verschiedenen Märkten gezeigt. Goersch wird zeigen, welche Märkte für ihn gerade interessant sind und auf welche Trigger er...

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First Skydive from a Solar Electric Plane Accomplished in Switzerland

The world’s first skydive off the solar-powered electric plane SolarStratos has been completed successfully in western Switzerland. SolarStratos took off from the aerodrome in Payerne at 7:40am on Tuesday with two people on board: test pilot Miguel Iturmendi and co-pilot Raphaël Domjan.

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Monthly Macro Monitor – August 2020 (VIDEO)

Monthly macro monitor review of August 2020 with Bob Williams and Joe Calhoun.

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Technically Speaking: Why This Isn’t 1920. Valuations & Returns

Why this isn’t 1920 has everything to starting valuations and future returns. While, generally, I’m not too fond of comparisons between today’s markets and the past, Ed Yardeni made a comparison too bombastic to disregard in his blog.

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FX Daily, August 25: Stocks Extend Gains, while Yesterday’s Dollar Recovery Stalls

Soaring US stocks, optimism about a vaccine, and the affirmation of the US-China trade agreement are buoying global equities today. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index is near seven-month highs and was led today by more than 1% gains in the Nikkei and Kospi. 

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Welchen Schweizer Broker nutze ich????

Dieser Blog hat über die Jahre wirklich viele treue Leser gewonnen. Insbesondere in der Schweiz, denn ich befasse mich oft mit sehr Schweiz-spezifischen Themen, die meist weniger relevant sind für deutsche oder österreichische Leser.

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Why is Switzerland so expensive?

You might have experienced it first-hand, or even just heard the legendary tales: Switzerland is eye-wateringly pricey. But do the people earning a Swiss wage see these sky-high costs the same way? Get this question and many others answered in this episode of ‘Switzerland Explained’ by SWI swissinfo.ch.

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Meaning Mexico

It took some doing, and some time, but Mexico has managed to bring its car production back up to more normal levels. For two months, there had been practically zero automaking in one of the biggest auto-producing nations. Getting back near where things left off, however, isn’t exactly a “V” shaped recovery; it’s only halfway.

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The Global Jobless Recovery

The United States added 1.76 million Jobs in July 2020, compared to a consensus estimate of 1.48 million. Unemployment fell to 10.2 percent versus the 10.6 percent expected.

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FX Daily, August 24: Markets Prove Resilient to Start New Week

New virus outbreaks in Europe and Asia are not adversely impacting the capital markets today. Global equities are firmer. Some reports suggesting the US ban on WeChat may not be as broad as initially signaled helped lift Hong Kong shares, but nearly all the markets in the region traded higher.

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The 4.0 percent Rule Is Dead. What Should Retirees Do Now?

The 4% Rule Is Dead. A recent article by Shawn Langlois via MarketWatch pointed out this sobering fact but is one we have discussed previously. Retirees have long counted on being able to retire on their assets and take out 4% each year. However, a little more than 20-years later, the “death of the withdrawal rate” has arrived. What should retirees do now?

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Unemployment up in second quarter of 2020 in Switzerland

Switzerland’s unemployment rate rose from 4.2% to 4.6% in the second quarter of 2020, according to a recent survey that measures unemployment more broadly than Switzerland’s official unemployment measure. The method used for these calculations is the one defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which includes all available job seekers – ILO definition of unemployment.

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*These* Are The Real Huge Jobs Numbers, And They Will Make Your Blood Run Cold

There is simply no way to spin these figures as anything good. Not just the usual ones were talking about here, but more so some new data that you probably haven’t seen before. Beginning with the regular, it doesn’t matter that the level of initial jobless claims has declined substantially over the past few weeks

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Was Mises a Fascist? Obviously Not.

Every once in a while, Mises is accused of having been a fascist by slanderers who are either ignorant or acting in bad faith—or even both.

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Shoppers in Basel must wear face masks to reduce Covid-19 risks

Basel City has become the first German-speaking canton to require customers to wear face masks in shops to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

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Anti-corona protest planned later this month in Zurich

After protests in May 2020, an eclectic group of anti-corona protestors is planning to protest against vaccines, masks and other measures aimed at limiting the spread of the virus on 29 August 2020 in Zurich, according to the newspaper Le Matin.

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