Tag Archive: Featured

Swiss companies’ balancing act with Russia

Big consumer brands are leaving Russia in droves but for many Swiss companies untangling ties isn’t that easy.  Jessica covers the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to big global companies and their impact in Switzerland and abroad. She’s always looking for a Swiss connection with her native San Francisco and will happily discuss why her hometown has produced some of the greatest innovations but can’t seem to solve its housing crisis.

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There Is An Absolutely Solid Collateral Case For What’s Driving Curve Inversion(s) [Part 2]

Securities lending as standard practice is incredibly complicated, and for many the process can be counterintuitive. With numerous different players contributing various pieces across a wide array of financial possibilities, not to mention the whole expanse of global geography, collateral for collateral swaps have gone largely unnoticed by even mainstream Economics and central banking.

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Swiss Trade Balance February 2022: chemicals-pharma propels exports to a record level

In February 2022, seasonally adjusted exports jumped 15.4% – after their setback in the previous two months – while imports fell 2.9%. The output boom was driven by the strength of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. For the first time, the trade balance surplus passed the 5 billion franc mark.

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The Fed Has No Idea What’s Coming Next!

We will let you know what we are doing once we know what we are doing was the message from the Federal Reserve statement and Chair Powell’s press conference that followed.

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Alasdair Macleod – War & Financial Collapse, Silver & Gold

Alasdair Macleod joins us to discuss the impact of Russia, Ukraine on commodities, fertilizer, food crops, energy, silver and gold. A wide ranging conversation on everything happening in recent weeks. Alasdair's website - https://www.goldmoney.com Twitter - https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetSilver Monthly Newsletter - https://wallstreetsilver.com/newsletter (NEW) Instagram -...

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3 Börsenfehler die Dich Kopf & Kragen kosten!

Jens Rabe erklärt dir in diesem Video drei wichtige Fehler, die er in der aktuellen Phase am Markt bei anderen beobachten konnte und zeigt dir anhand von Beispielen, wie du diese für dich umgehen kannst.

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Schwerpunkt Nasdaq – Korrektur noch ausstehend? Rüdiger Born mit Chartanalyse

Wir hatten das Thema schon gestern, also heute nochmal. Kommt die Korrektur in den Märkten, damit danach der stärkere Anstieg folgen kann? Schauen wir auf den Nasdaq. Wollen Sie meine Analysen im "Trade des Tages" erhalten? Dieses Angebot ist für Sie völlig kostenfrei! Melden Sie sich dafür einfach hier an. https://finanzmarktwelt.de/trade-des-tages-von-ruediger-born-und-seinem-analystenteam/ BORN-4-Trading - Trading-Ideen kostenfrei...

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Gene editing: should you be worried? | The Economist

From combating climate change, to curing disease, to creating designer babies, gene-editing technologies have the potential to transform lives. What risks do they pose? 00:00 - Gene editing: risk v reward 01:06 - Cavendish bananas are under threat 03:47 - GM crops have a bad reputation 05:18 - GM mosquitoes could reduce transmissible viruses 07:50 - Ethical concerns around genetic interventions 09:30 - Editing genes with CRISPR 10:57 - CRISPR...

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Indien kündigt digitale Rupie für 2022/2023 an

Indien ist schon des Öfteren in die Schlagzeilen geraten, wenn es um Cryptocoins geht. Doch trotz zahlreicher Verbotsankündigungen und Restriktionen blieb der Markt bis jetzt offiziell unreguliert. Dies soll sich nun ändern, während die Regierung gleichzeitig eine digitale Version der nationalen Fiat-Währung angekündigt hat.

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Alasdair Macleod: Financial World War

▶︎ Subscribe NOW to the channel, click here: http://bit.ly/CompactFinancialNews-subscribe ▶︎ This is Gunr's Channel: https://bit.ly/GUNR_subscribe ▶︎ Keep your financial education strong: http://bit.ly/CompactClub Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. His experience encompasses equity and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy....

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Kann die “FED-Stärke” halten? – US Opening Bell mit Marcus Klebe – 17.03.22

Kann die "FED-Stärke" halten? - US Opening Bell mit Marcus Klebe - 17.03.22 Folge uns auf: Telegramm: https://t.me/jfdbank_de LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/jfd... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JFDGermany/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFD_Group Webseite: https://www.jfdbank.com/de #DowJones #Trading #MarcusKlebe ÜBER JFD: WER WIR SIND:...

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Dirk Müller: Abgestürzte Militär-Drohne wirft viele Fragen auf

In Kroatien stürzte eine militärische Drohne ab - geladen hatte das Flugobjekt Bomben. Doch ein Angriff soll es nicht gewesen sein. Dirk Müller zeigt im Video auf, wieso dieser Zwischenfall so stutzig macht.

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The Roundtable Insight with Charles Hugh Smith on The Great Awakening Vision

Http://financialrepressionauthority.com/2022/03/17/the-roundtable-insight-charles-hugh-smith-on-the-great-awakening-vision/ Link to the Article on the alternative Great Reset - http://financialrepressionauthority.com/2022/03/08/the-great-awakening-an-alternative-great-reset-based-on-the-principles-of-the-austrian-school-of-economics

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Regal Assets interviews ~ FREE Investors Kit

Request your free investors info-kit that explains how to protect and diversify your portfolio with alternative assets.

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FX Daily, March 17: Investors are Skeptical that the Fed can Achieve a Soft-Landing. Can the BOE do Better?

Overview:  The markets continue to digest the implications of yesterday's Fed move and Beijing's signals of more economic supportive efforts as the Bank of England's move awaited.  The US 5–10-year curve is straddling inversion and the 2-10 curve has flattened as the Fed moves from one horn of the dilemma (behind the inflation curve) to the other horn (recession fears).  Asia Pacific equities extended yesterday's surge.  The Hang Seng led the...

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How Much is the Gold Cube Worth?

Here at Monetary Metals we love providing investors with A Yield on Gold, Paid in Gold®. So when we heard that German artist Niclas Castello designed a 186 kilogram pure 24-karat gold cube called the “Castello Cube” as an art installation in the middle of Central Park we couldn’t help but start doing a little math on Mr. Castello’s art piece.

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Swiss economic prospects for 2022 dampened but not decimated

The Swiss economics ministry has downgraded its growth forecast for 2022 due to the war in Ukraine. But it still predicts a solid post-pandemic upswing.

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Ponzi-Schema aufgedeckt

#markuskrall #finanznews #schattenregierung #ezb #herrscher

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Der große Denkfehler von reinen Wachstumsinvestoren

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DJE-plus News März 2022 mit Mario Künzel: Alle Emotion in jeder Situation

In dem monatlich stattfindendem DJE-plusNews reflektiert Mario Künzel, Referent Investmentstrategie, die Marktgeschehnisse der vergangenen vier Kalenderwochen und gibt Ihnen einen Ausblick auf die kommenden Wochen.

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