Tag Archive: Featured

Trader auf den Spuren von Warren Buffett | Trader & Investor Mario Lüddemann

Der Trader des Jahres 2021 & 2020, Mario Lüddemann, in einem kurzen Interview mit Andreas Weiß, Geschäftsführer von CapTrader, zum Thema Trading und Investieren. Das Interview wurde im Rahmen der letzten Seminarreihe von Mario Lüddemann in Düsseldorf aufgenommen, wo Marios neuestes Projekt "DEIN MILLIONENDEPOT" gestartet ist.

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Dirk Müller: „Wofür brauchen wir eigentlich noch die USA und den Dollar?“

Die Sanktionen des Westen sollen Russlands Wirtschaft unter Druck setzen. Doch andere Länder verfolgen eigene Interessen – für Indien ist beispielsweise das günstige, russische Öl attraktiv. Nun sucht man nach Wegen, um den Petrodollar zu umgehen…

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Charlie Munger DESTROYS Poor People…

Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett explain why wishing for a million dollars isn’t a good strategy for high achievement in a capitalistic society. In the second part of the video, Mr. Munger also elaborates on his approach to goal-setting and reveals his 2 core principles to getting wealthy. (as a billionaire)

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Warum Zocker scheitern

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Ukraine conflict: A dispassionate analysis

I realize that I shouldn’t be surprised at the way the crisis in Ukraine has divided our societies or at the blind fanaticism the conversations around it have provoked. After all, virtually every other development of consequence has tuned out exactly the same. From covid to the economy and from freedom of speech to science itself, rational, respectful and productive debates are nowhere to be found.

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SNB’s Zurbruegg: It is not roll of monetary policy to cure risks to financial system

Vulnerabilities have increased and Swiss real estate market. Swiss apartments overvalued by 10% to 35%. SNB continues to monitor developments in real estate market. It is not roll of monetary policy to curb risk to financial system. The  USDCHF  is trading back below its 100 hour moving average at 0.93129 and its 200 hour moving average at 0.93304.

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Wichtigste Marke aus 2021 angegriffen – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe – 30.03.22

#DAX #MarcusKlebe #Trading ÜBER JFD: WER WIR SIND: JFD ist eine führende Unternehmensgruppe, die Finanz- sowie Investmentdienstleistungen und -aktivitäten anbietet. Die Muttergesellschaft, JFD Group Ltd, wurde im Dezember 2011 gegründet und ist heute ein international lizenzierter, globaler Anbieter von Multi-Asset-Trading- und Investmentlösungen.

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SNB introduces possibility of repo rate transactions being indexed to policy rate

This will be added to the SNB's monetary policy repertoire moving forward but not before some test operations are conducted. For the time being, the central bank implements monetary policy by setting the SNB policy rate so this just adds to the tools they can play around with. However, I still see the key policy rate as being the main weapon in the armory.

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💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) #Corona #Covid19 #Finanzrudel ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Herzensprojekte von Thomas dem Sparkojoten ★ Ich betreibe viele Projekte die mir ungemein Spass machen. Ich gebe mir Mühe, alle Projekte unter einen Hut zu bekommen: Sparkojote, Amazingtoys.ch, das Finanzrudel… Falls ihr euch für eines der Projekte interessiert,...

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Rolf B. Pieper (IEM): “Schlüssel-Rohstoffe werden sich in den nächsten 30 Jahren verdreifachen”

Rohstoffe sind momentan noch mehr als ohnehin schon im Fokus. Bei vielen gibt es bereits eine Knappheit, auch weil die Lieferketten Schwierigkeiten bereiten. Wie können aber Anleger profitieren? "Ohne Metalle sind viele Zukunftstechnologien nicht möglich. Dann muss ich da auch investiert sein. Aber ich brauche ein Konzept für Rohstoffe mit einem Exit.

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STOP Printing Money! | Charlie Munger’s LAST WARNING!

Charlie Munger's new interview explains how current market environments are dangerous for people, especially with rising inflation and growth stocks selling off. Munger believes trouble could persist unless investors change their investing mentality.

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In 2020, the median wage was CHF 6665

28.03.2022 - For the entire Swiss economy (private and public sectors together), the gross monthly median wage for a full-time job was CHF 6665 in 2020. The gap between the highest and lowest earners in the wage pyramid remained stable overall between 2008 and 2020. The Swiss wage landscape continues to be characterised by major differences between the economic sectors and regions.

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The First $100,000 Is The Most Difficult, Says Charlie Munger #shorts

The First $100,000 Is The Most Difficult, Says Charlie Munger #shorts

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Can Russia Evade Sanctions via the Gold or Bitcoin Trades?

Can Russia Evade Sanctions via the Gold and Bitcoin Trades?

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Episode 1: Follow the Monet – the Bührle art collection

In our new satirical format, we explore this ambivalence and say "sorry" to the world - for minor and major transgressions.

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Central Banks Have Broken the True Savings-Lending Relationship

Most people believe lending is associated with money. But there is more to lending. A lender lends savings to a borrower as opposed to "just money." Let us explain. Take a farmer, Joe, who has produced two kilograms of potatoes. For his own consumption, he requires one kilogram, and the rest he agrees to lend for one year to another farmer, Bob. The unconsumed kilogram of potatoes that he agrees to lend is his savings. 

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Kandidatur war Zeichen an eigene Partei

#MaxOtte #Wahl #Steinmeier #Bundesversammlung In diesem Video stellt Professor Dr. Max Otte eine Nachbetrachtung der Wahl zum Bundespräsidenten am 13. Februar an. Max Otte hat seiner eigenen Partei, die keinen eigenen konservativen Kandidaten aufstellte, einen Dienst erwiesen. Ein Dank geht an alle Journalisten, die Berichterstattung sei „meistenteils fair“ gewesen.

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We Can Only Hope For Another (bond) Massacre

To begin with, the economy today is absolutely nothing like it had been almost thirty years ago. That fact in and of itself should end the discussion right here. However, comparisons will be made and it does no harm to review them.I’m talking about 1994, or, more specifically, the eleven months between late February 1994 and early February 1995.

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Submit Questions for Alasdair Macleod on Liberty and Finance!

Submit Questions for Alasdair Macleod , head of Research at GoldMoney.com as COMMENTS below this video!\

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Why we must learn from the lessons of the past

I study #history to understand what's happening now and what's likely to happen next. You can understand what’s happening now by watching my new animation. #principle #raydalio #shorts

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