Tag Archive: Blockchain/Bitcoin

Maerki Baumann Cooperates With Bitcoin Suisse

The Zurich-based private bank Maerki Baumann has entered into a cooperation with Bitcoin Suisse. The collaboration will allow the private bank to utilize the proven crypto expertise of Bitcoin Suisse in managing its crypto investment solutions, and to expand its existing offering in the area of digital assets under the “ARCHIP” brand.

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Robinhood to Acquire Bitstamp For $200 Million in Cash

Robinhood has entered into an agreement to acquire Bitstamp, a global cryptocurrency exchange. Bitstamp was founded in 2011 and has offices in Luxembourg, the UK, Slovenia, Singapore, and the US. Acquiring a global exchange will significantly accelerate Robinhood Crypto’s expansion worldwide. Bitstamp holds over 50 active licenses and registrations globally and will bring in customers across the EU, UK, US and Asia to Robinhood. This acquisition...

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Schweizer Retailbanken im Krypto-Anlage-Fieber

Trotz breiter Skepsis, immer mehr Retailbanken bieten Kryptowährungen als vollwertige Anlageklasse an. Während einige Banken gezielt eigenes Know-how rund um Blockchain aufbauen, greifen die meisten auf Drittanbieter zurück. Dies zeigt eine neue Studie der Hochschule Luzern. Nach Rekordwerten im Jahr 2021 und einem darauffolgenden Einbruch sind die Preise von Kryptowährungen in den letzten Monaten wieder deutlich gestiegen. Verschiedene...

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World Bank Issues Digital Bond in Switzerland on the Blockchain

The World Bank priced the first CHF digital bond by an international issuer, which will settle using Swiss Franc wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency (wCBDC) provided by the Swiss National Bank (SNB). This 7-year CHF 200 million digital bond, the largest World Bank CHF bond issuance since 2009, uses Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and advances the digitalization of capital markets while also supporting the financing of World Bank’s...

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Blackrock Launches Its First Tokenized Fund on Ethereum

BlackRock unveils its first tokenized fund issued on a public blockchain, the BlackRock USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund (“BUIDL”) BUIDL will provide qualified investors with the opportunity to earn U.S. dollar yields by subscribing to the Fund through Securitize Markets, LLC. Robert Mitchnick “This is the latest progression of our digital assets strategy,” said Robert Mitchnick, BlackRock’s Head of Digital Assets. “We are focused on...

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Luzerner KB steigt in den den Handel und die Verwahrung von Kryptowährungen ein

Die Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB) ermöglicht ihren Kundinnen und Kunden seit Anfang März 2024 den Handel und die Verwahrung von Kryptowährungen. Das neue Angebot ist technisch nahtlos in das Kernbankensystem und das E-Banking (Mobile und Desktop) der LUKB integriert. Aktuell stehen drei Kryptowährungen zur Wahl: Bitcoin, Ethereum und USD Coin. Die LUKB hat sich seit dem Jahr 2020 mit dem Thema Digital Assets bzw. Kryptowährungen befasst und nach...

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US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Daily Trading Volume Soars to 6 Billion USD

Ten newly launched US spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) broke their daily volume records on February 28, 2024, totaling nearly US$7.7 billion worth of assets being traded on that day alone, data shared on X by James Seyffart, an ETF analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, reveal.

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UBS Issues Hong Kong’s First Investment-Grade Tokenised Warrant on Ethereum

UBS has launched Hong Kong’s first investment-grade tokenised warrant, leveraging the Ethereum public blockchain. This product is part of the bank’s UBS Tokenise initiative, aimed at advancing its in-house tokenisation services.

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Bank Frick vergibt Stipendium für Blockchain-Studium

Das Bank-Frick-Stipendium in Höhe von 9800 Franken für den Zertifikatsstudiengang Blockchain und FinTech 2024 geht an Sven Lagger. Der Masterstudent hat durch sein fundiertes Verständnis der vernetzten Blockchain-Technologie überzeugt. Die Bank Frick hat zum wiederholten Mal ein Stipendium in Höhe von 9800 Franken für den zertifizierten Studiengang Blockchain und Fintech an der Universität Liechtenstein vergeben. Träger des Bank-Frick-Stipendiums...

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BIS, Swiss National Bank and World Bank Launch Token Project Promissa

Today, many international financial institutions (including multilateral development banks) are partly funded by financial instruments known as promissory notes, most of which are still paper-based. While the current system provides the operational controls for member nations to make subscription and contribution payments to institutions like the World Bank, the custody of outstanding promissory notes can be digitised to address operational...

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Swiss-Backed CBDC Project Explored Feasibility of Cash-Like, Anonymous Digital Currency

Project Tourbillon, an initiative led by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub Swiss Centre and supported by the Swiss National Bank (SNB), explored the feasibility of a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC), finding that it is possible to implement a CBDC design that provides anonymity to the payer and which is scalable and secure. In a new report released in November 2023, BIS shares details of the project, outlining...

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Miles & More and qiibee Transform Loyalty Rewards with Blockchain

Miles & More, the loyalty program of the Lufthansa Group, has partnered with blockchain-based B2B marketplace qiibee to allow small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) to join the program easily. The key highlight of this collaboration is the integration of blockchain technology, which simplifies the onboarding process for SMEs while ensuring the secure and efficient management of loyalty rewards. qiibee’s blockchain-based marketplace offers...

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Robinhood Crypto Trading App Arrives in EU, Offers Bitcoin Rewards

Robinhood is set to make a significant stride in the European Union by launching the Robinhood Crypto app for all eligible customers in the region. The company claims that the app is the only custodial crypto platform in the EU where customers can earn a portion of their trading volume back every month in Bitcoin (BTC). In an effort to drive new users, Robinhood Crypto is offering a unique opportunity for both new and existing customers. New...

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Societe Generale Issues Digital Green Bond on Public Blockchain

End of November Societe Generale issued its first digital green bond as a Security Token directly registered by SG-FORGE on the Ethereum public blockchain with increased transparency and traceability on ESG data.  Security tokens have been fully subscribed AXA Investment Managers and Generali Investments, through a private placement. This transaction is the first digital green bond issued by Societe Generale to leverage blockchain’s...

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After Zug and Zermatt, Now You Can Pay Taxes Also in Lugano with Bitcoins

The Swiss city of Lugano announced that it has broadened its payment options by including cryptocurrencies for the payment of tax invoices and all other community fees. Lugano will accept Bitcoin (BTC) and Tether (USDT) as a means of payment through a simple and fully automated process. The new payment option introduced by the City of Lugano marks a modern shift in how people handle city-related expenses. Citizens and companies alike may now use...

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Swiss National Bank Launches Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency Project

On 1 December 2023, the Swiss National Bank – together with five Swiss and one German commercial bank – started a pilot project with central bank digital currency for financial institutions (wholesale central bank digital currency) on the regulated platform of SIX Digital Exchange (SDX). With this pilot, called Helvetia Phase III, the SNB will for the first time issue real wholesale CBDC in Swiss francs on a financial market infrastructure based on...

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BitMEX Engages Zühlke to Transition Security Operations

Crypto Derivates Platform BitMEX recently collaborated with Zühlke to enhance their application security program. This partnership focused on refining BitMEX’s security operations and prioritizing new application functionalities, with a particular emphasis on integrating DevSecOps processes across their development pipeline. The initiative was driven by the need to adapt to the changing security landscape and the fast pace of software development....

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Eine digitale Schweizer Franken Anleihe für den Kanton Basel Stadt

Der Kanton Basel-Stadt begibt als Pionier mit Unterstützung der Basler Kantonalbank (BKB) eine der ersten digitalen Schweizer-Franken-Anleihen. Die BKB arbeitet im Pilotprojekt «Helvetia III» der Schweizerischen Nationalbank (SNB) mit der SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) und fünf weiteren Geschäftsbanken zusammen. Die auf der Distributed-Ledger-Technologie (DLT) basierende Infrastruktur der SDX ermöglicht die Emission und den Handel von tokenisierten...

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Reports Look at FTX’s 2021 Pitch Deck, Highlighting its Successful Fundraising Strategy

Earlier this month, Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of defunct cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was found guilty for his role in the collapse of the company. The disgraced founder, who once ran one of the world’s biggest crypto exchanges, is now facing a maximum sentence of 115 years in prison. A New York jury found Bankman-Fried guilty on all seven charges against him, convicting Bankman-Fried of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud against...

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DZ BANK startet eigene Crypto Verwahrung

Deutschland’s DZ BANK hat eine neue Plattform für die Abwicklung und Verwahrung digitaler Finanzinstrumente in Betrieb genommen. Damit gehört das genossenschaftliche Institut zu den ersten Kreditinstituten, die auf Basis der Blockchain-Technologie ein solches Angebot für institutionelle Kunden auf den Weg gebracht haben. Die DZ BANK ist mit einem Volumen von über 300 Mrd. EUR nach BNP Paribas und State Street die drittgrößte Verwahrstelle in...

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