Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Is the lack of inflight social distancing on SWISS airlines a risk?

Over two days last week, Thailand reported a score of new coronavirus cases. All were Thai nationals returning by air from the Middle East. Otherwise, there have been almost no new community or ‘inside country’ cases since mid-May.

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Parliament approves extra CHF14.9 billion for Covid relief

A further CHF14.9 billion ($15.5 billion) has been agreed by parliament to cope with the coronavirus pandemic. Most of it will go towards unemployment insurance, which finances short-time work compensation.

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Coronavirus: Switzerland holds off on open borders with Italy

Switzerland’s Federal Council announced on June 2 that it plans to maintain border restrictions with Italy until further notice as a reciprocal border arrangement with Italy would be premature.

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Que fait une banque centrale pour soutenir l’économie locale par temps de confinement? La BNS au menu

Voici une vidéo tournée par Christian Campiche lors d’une rencontre matinale autour d’un café. Christian s’est mis à enregistrer alors que nous parlions de ce que la BNS faisait, et surtout ne faisait pas, pour soutenir la population suisse dans cette période de post-confinement.

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What happens when life throws you a curveball like a disruptive virus? From digital acceleration to dealing with isolation, gaining new skills and supporting others, the world has changed – irrevocably and in ways we could never have imagined. Young professionals and influencers share their insights and with host, Maps Maponyane. The Curveball panel comprises Dennis Ngango, Asha Ranchod Patel, Bilqees Baker, and Deborah Mutemwa-Tumbo. Follow...

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What happens when life throws you a curveball like a disruptive virus? From digital acceleration to dealing with isolation, gaining new skills and supporting others, the world has changed – irrevocably and in ways we could never have imagined. Young professionals and influencers share their insights and with host, Maps Maponyane. The Curveball panel comprises Dennis Ngango, Asha Ranchod Patel, Bilqees Baker, and Deborah Mutemwa-Tumbo. Follow...

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What happens when life throws you a curveball like a disruptive virus? From digital acceleration to dealing with isolation, gaining new skills and supporting others, the world has changed – irrevocably and in ways we could never have imagined. Young professionals and influencers share their insights and with host, Maps Maponyane. The Curveball panel comprises …

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Coronavirus: 22,000 Swiss deaths with no shutdown, estimate modellers in Zurich

Based on data from the first wave of Covid-19, epidemic modellers in Zurich estimate Switzerland would have suffered 22,000 deaths without the restrictions on daily life introduced in March 2020.

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NGOs urge Swiss banks to ease developing country debt

A group of 11 NGOs has called on Swiss banks and government ministries to consider offering relief on billions in debt owed by developing nations. The consortium says that the coronavirus pandemic has increased economic pressure on the poorest countries.

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‘Green’ aviation fuel aims to power planes by 2030

The Covid-19 pandemic has overshadowed the climate crisis, but with the gradual return of consumption and travel, concerns about global warming are resurfacing. A Swiss start-up is developing an aviation fuel produced solely with water, solar energy and CO2. Will this emission-neutral fuel put an end to “flight shame”?

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Startklar fürs Mobile Banking

► UBS Mobile Banking ► Banking App ► ► UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank – seit über 150 Jahren. Kurzes Tutorial Video welches durch die ersten Schritte mit Mobile Banking führt und die Grundfunktionen der App erklärt. ► Mehr rund um das Thema Mobile Banking finden Sie hier: ► Abonnieren Sie UBS Schweiz:...

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Ready for Mobile Banking

► UBS Mobile Banking ► Banking App ► ► UBS Switzerland - your bank - for over 150 years. Short tutorial video which guides you through the first steps with Mobile Banking and explains the basic functions of the app. ► You can find more information about mobile banking here: ► Subscribe to UBS Switzerland:...

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Prêt pour le Mobile Banking

► UBS Mobile Banking ► Banking App ► ► UBS Suisse - votre banque - depuis plus de 150 ans. Court tutoriel vidéo présentant les premières étapes du Mobile Banking et expliquant les fonctions de base de l'application. ► Vous trouverez de plus amples information sur les services bancaires mobiles à l'adresse suivante : ► Abonnez-vous à...

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A 360-degree visit to Bern’s onion market

Take a virtual visit to the heart of the Zibelemärit, the picturesque onion market in the Swiss capital, Bern. Extra trains and more than 100 coaches from Switzerland and abroad brought thousands of visitors to this traditional farmers’ festival, where the main attraction was artfully braided onion garlands in all shapes and sizes. The Zibelemärit …

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Startklar fürs Mobile Banking

► UBS Mobile Banking ► Banking App ► ► UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank – seit über 150 Jahren. Kurzes Tutorial Video welches durch die ersten Schritte mit Mobile Banking führt und die Grundfunktionen der App erklärt. ► Mehr rund um das Thema Mobile Banking finden Sie hier: ► Abonnieren Sie UBS Schweiz: …

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Ready for Mobile Banking

► UBS Mobile Banking ► Banking App ► ► UBS Switzerland – your bank – for over 150 years. Short tutorial video which guides you through the first steps with Mobile Banking and explains the basic functions of the app. ► You can find more information about mobile banking here: ► Subscribe to …

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Prêt pour le Mobile Banking

► UBS Mobile Banking ► Banking App ► ► UBS Suisse – votre banque – depuis plus de 150 ans. Court tutoriel vidéo présentant les premières étapes du Mobile Banking et expliquant les fonctions de base de l’application. ► Vous trouverez de plus amples information sur les services bancaires mobiles à l’adresse suivante : …

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Introduzione al Mobile Banking

► UBS Mobile Banking ► Banking App ► ► UBS Svizzera – la vostra banca – da oltre 150 anni. Breve video tutorial che mostra i passi da seguire con il Mobile Banking e spiega le funzioni di base dell’app. ► Potete trovare ulteriori informazioni sul mobile banking qui: ► Abbonatevi a UBS …

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Coronavirus: around 2 percent of Switzerland’s medical staff infected

2.1% of the 100,000 hospital staff working across 20 Swiss hospitals were infected with SARS-COV-2, according to a report published in the SonntagsZeitung.

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Davos aims to coax elite out of isolation in January

The World Economic Forum has vowed to hold its annual meeting in Davos in January, testing the willingness of a globetrotting elite to resume the high-powered networking that has been frozen by the coronavirus pandemic.

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