Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Some UN consultants thought their income was tax free. They were wrong.

Some United Nations consultants haven’t paid taxes on their income, thinking it was exempt. When the tax authorities catch up with them they’ll risk paying back taxes and fines. As a general rule, foreign UN functionaries are not required to pay local taxes on their income. On the other hand UN consultants must.

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A fifth of Swiss can’t cope with an unexpected expense of 2,500 francs

In 2015, 21.7% of Switzerland’s population was unable to cover an unexpected expense of CHF 2,500 within a month, says a report from the Swiss Federal Statistics Office. Single parent families were the least able to cope with 46.1% of them falling into this camp. Single parent families were followed by single people under 65 (27.1%) and two-parent families (24.0%).

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Michael Ringier, VR-Präsident Ringier

Verleger Michael Ringier, Verwaltungsratspräsident des gleichnamigen Medienunternehmens, äussert sich im Interview mit cash zu den Ringier-Geschäftszahlen 2016 und zur Zukunft der Blick-Gruppe.

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Mark Branson, Direktor der Eidg. Finanzaufsicht Finma

Finma-Direktor Mark Branson richtet in Sachen Geldwäscherei eine unmissverständliche Warnung an den Finanzplatz.

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Construction trash becomes treasure

Old construction materials have huge potential for recycling: over 2,000 demolition permits are granted each year in Switzerland, and a lot of the old fixtures and fittings are up for grabs. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a …

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Credit Suisse Offices Raided In Multiple Tax Probes: Gold Bars, Paintings, Jewelry Seized

Credit Suisse has confirmed that the Swiss bank, some of its employees and hundreds of account holders are the subjects of a major tax evasion probe launched in UK, France, Australia, Germany and the Netherlands, setting back Swiss attempts to clean up its image as a haven for tax evaders.

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Roger Studer, Leiter Vontobel Investment Banking

Roger Studer über die Vontobel-App zu strukturierten Produkten.

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The Market Has Its Head Buried Deep In The Sand

Several “black swans” are looming which could inflict a financial nuclear accident on the U.S. markets and financial system. I say “black swans” in quotes because a limited audience is aware of these issues – potentially catastrophic problems that are curiously ignored by the mainstream financial media and financial markets.

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Blocher and the People That Ruined the EU

Last weekend, European leaders gathered in Rome for the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. They discussed, not for the first time, how to get the EU back on track. And they told each other they are still committed to the Union and believe in its future. (We’ve heard that one before, too.)

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Investec would like to thank the city of Cork for one year in business

Description – Go to our website for more information

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Turkish ex-spy recounts political espionage

In an exclusive interview with Swiss public television, SRF, a former agent of the Turkish National Intelligence Organisation (MİT), confirmed suspicions that political espionage had taken place in the past on members of the Turkish community in Switzerland. On March 24, the Swiss Attorney General’s office announced it had opened criminal proceedings into allegations of …

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Philippe Hebeisen, Generaldirektor der Vaudoise-Versicherungen

Als mittelgrosser Versicherer dreht sich auch bei der Vaudoise vieles um Tiefzinsen, Digitalisierung und Politik. Im cash-Video-Interview äussert sich CEO Philippe Hebeisen zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen.

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Don’t Confuse Immigration With Naturalization

As the immigration debate goes on, many commentators continue to sloppily ignore the difference between the concept of naturalization and the phenomenon of immigration. While the two are certainly related, they are also certainly not the same thing. Recognizing this distinction can help us to see the very real differences between naturalization, which is a matter of political privilege, and immigration, which simply results from the exercise of...

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A century of attracting holidaymakers

The exhibition “Take a Holiday!” looks back at the innovative and colourful ways in which Switzerland has been advertised as a tourism destination. The Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich commemorates the centenary of the Swiss tourism office. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Operations centre opens Lucerne for commuters

Commuters were getting back to business as usual in the Lucerne area today: the central rail station was reopened after four and a half days of closure due to a derailment. The rail operations centre in Olten dealt with the fallout from the accident. Swiss Public Television visited the centre to find out how they … Continue...

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No future in forestry

Even though forestry and logging are popular apprenticeships in Switzerland, only a few trainees stay on and join the profession. (RTS, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and …

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The real reason Swiss drugs are so expensive

In Switzerland, a 16-pack of 500mg Dafalgan Odis (Paracetamol) costs CHF 8.60. A comparable French product, Doliprane, costs 1.12 euros for a box of 12 tablets the same size. 12 tablets of 500 mg of Algifor (Ibuprofen) costs CHF 9.90 compared to 2.50 euros for a similar box of Advil in France.

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Vollgeld? Geht schon!

Der Bundesrat, Economiesuisse und die die Schweizerische Nationalbank haben die Vollgeldinitiative salopp (oder populistisch?) als Hochrisikoexperiment zur Ablehnung empfohlen. In ihrer Überheblichkeit gehen sie davon aus, dass dies auch so geschehen wird. Dazu brauche es nicht einmal einen Gegenvorschlag. Sie haben die Rechnung damit möglicherweise ohne den Schweizer Wirt gemacht.

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cash-Talk vom 24. März 2017

Die Umwandlungssätze der zweiten Säule sinken massiv. Wie hoch dadurch die künftige Renteneinbusse sein wird und wie diese abgefedert werden kann, sagt Vorsorgeexperte Stefan Thurnherr vom Vermögenszentrum im cash-Talk.

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Jean-Claude Biver, Chef Uhrensparte LVMH

Jean-Claude Biver, Leiter der Uhrensparte beim französischen Luxusgüterkonzern LVMH, ist neben Nick Hayek von Swatch das Aushängeschild der Schweizer Uhrenindustrie. Im Interview mit an der Baselworld beurteilt Biver die neuen Exportzahlen und nimmt Stellung zum Geschäftsverlauf der LVMH-Marken Tag Heuer, Zenith und Hublot:

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