Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Mauldin Economics Emergency Summit

Watch Protection & Profit, a free, two-part emergency summit from Mauldin Economics:

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Mauldin Economics Emergency Summit

Watch Protection & Profit, a free, two-part emergency summit from Mauldin Economics:

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Why Small States Are Better

Andreas Marquart and Philipp Bagus (see their author pages here and here) were recently interviewed about their new book by the Austrian Economics Center. Unfortunately for English-language readers, the book is only available in German. Nevertheless, the interview offers some valuable insights.

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Political information in sign language

Deaf people recently took to the streets in Zurich, Lausanne and Lugano, demanding political information be made available in sign language online. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Investec Australia Property Fund Queen Street property

324 Queen Street Brisbane is jointly owned by Investec Australia Property Fund and Abacus Property Group who each own a 50% stake in the asset.

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Why a Polish/Scottish couple became Swiss

A Polish/Scottish couple decided to apply for Swiss citizenship to boost their children’s integration. This is their story. (Julie Hunt, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Airbnb has ‘impact’ on housing market

Online accommodation platforms such as Airbnb have negative effects on the Swiss housing market and lead to fewer homes available for tenants and higher rental prices, a study has revealed.

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Talk of cutting Swiss pensions paid to foreign residents

According to Le Matin, Jean-Luc Addor, a parliamentarian and member of the Swiss People’s Party (UDC/SVP), wants to know what savings could be made if pensions paid to those abroad were adjusted for living costs in those countries. According to the newspaper, after the rejection of the vote to reform Swiss pensions, Addor said that the rejected reform was aimed at guaranteeing the financing of the pension system over the coming years, as well as...

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Swiss blue-chip CEOs dominate European wage ranking

The chief executive officers of Switzerland’s top firms take home almost double the median salaries of Europe’s 100 biggest companies, according to a study by consultants Willis Towers Watson.The Eurotop 100 study, presented on Thursday, studied the direct remuneration – not including pension or bonuses – of the CEOs of the 100 most highly capitalised blue-chip companies in Europe.

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Switzerland Tops World’s Most Competitive Countries Index (Yemen Least)

Something else 'Murica is no longer #1 in... A recently released World Economic Forum report has found that the global economy is recovering well nearly a decade on from the start of the global financial crisis with GDP growth hitting 3.5 percent in 2017. The eurozone in particular is regaining traction with 1.9 percent growth expected this year. As Statista's Niall McCarthy points out, the improvement in Europe's economic fortunes can be seen in...

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UBS Le stagiaire d’alpage – épisode 4

Stefan et Res font le point de la situation après deux semaines de stage sur l’alpage. La vie d’alpage peut être romantique, mais c’est surtout et avant tout un dur labeur. Comment Res voit-il le travail fourni par Stefan, et Stefan se réjouit de retrouver son milieu urbain? Facebook:

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UBS L’alpigiano stagisti – episodio 4

Dopo due settimane di stage in alpeggio, Stefan e Res traggono le loro conclusioni. La vita in alpeggio può essere sì romantica, ma è soprattutto molto dura. Che cosa pensa Res della prestazione lavorativa di Stefan? E Stefan è contento di tornare a casa, nel suo ambiente urbano? Facebook:

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UBS The alp apprentice – episode 4

Stefan and Res reflect on the two-week alp apprenticeship. Life on the Alp can be romantic, but it is first and foremost hard work. What does Reese think about Stefan’s performance at work and is Stefan happy to return to urban life? More: Facebook:

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UBS Der Alp Praktikant – Episode 4

Stefan und Res ziehen nach zwei Wochen Alp-Praktikum ihr Fazit. Das Alpleben kann zwar romantisch sein, aber in erster Linie ist es harte Arbeit. Wie schätzt Res Stefans Arbeitsleistung ein und freut sich Stefan auf seine Heimkehr in urbane Gefilde? Mehr Infos: Facebook:

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cash-Talk vom 6. Oktober 2017

Die Wohnungsleerstände steigen an, Renditen von Mietobjekten sinken. Weshalb trotzdem weiter gebaut wird und was gegen leer stehende Wohnungen getan werden kann, sagt Martin Waeber von ImmoScout24 im cash-Talk.

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Tobias Straumann, Wirtschaftshistoriker Uni Zürich

Für die Schweiz ist laut Wirtschaftshistoriker Tobias Straumann eine offene Wirtschaft zwar wichtig. Doch Kritik gegenüber der Globalisierung ist zum Teil durchaus berechtigt, wie er im Video-Interview erklärt.

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Critical Swiss-German rail route back to normal

Commuters using a busy stretch of railway between the Swiss city of Basel and Karlsruhe in Germany will be relieved to learn that services will return to normal on Monday following long-running repairs to a German tunnel.

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“This Is A Crisis Greater Than Any Government Can Handle”: The $400 Trillion Global Retirement Gap

Today we’ll continue to size up the bull market in governmental promises. As we do so, keep an old trader’s slogan in mind: “That which cannot go on forever, won’t.” Or we could say it differently: An unsustainable trend must eventually stop. Lately I have focused on the trend in US public pension funds, many of which are woefully underfunded and will never be able to pay workers the promised benefits, at least without dumping a huge and unwelcome...

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Switzerland Tourism Names New Director – Martin Nydegger

The top Swiss tourism body has announced that Martin Nydegger will take over from his predecessor Jürg Schmid as head of the organisation. The 46-year-old Nydegger has been a member of Switzerland Tourism’s executive board since 2008. A selection committee within Switzerland Tourism’s Board of Directors selected Nydegger for the post earlier this week, and announced the decision on Friday after the Swiss cabinet approved the move. He will formally...

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Here Are The Cities Of The World Where “The Rent Is Too Damn High”

In ancient times, like as far back as the 1990s, housing prices grew roughly inline with inflation rates because they were generally set by supply and demand forces determined by a market where buyers mostly just bought houses so they could live in them. Back in those ancient days, a more practical group of world citizens saw their homes as a place to raise a family rather that just another asset class that should be day traded to satisfy their...

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