Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

The Field Band Foundation: The Story of an Out of the Ordinary Dancer

The Field Band Foundation gave Kgotlelelo Sekiti the courage to stand up to bullies and express himself through dance. Watch to discover what’s possible when you stay committed to your passion, and have someone who believes in you. Be inspired. See more #OutoftheOrdinary stories at

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Who’s Next to Exit? France… or Maryland?

Bonner discusses who will be the next country to exit the EU: The Netherlands, France or Italy. Who will exit the UK: maybe Scotland or Northern Ireland, or will exit the U.S. Examples: Texas or Maryland.

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Susannah Townsend on her journey as a GB Hockey player

Ahead of the biggest Summer of her career, Susannah Townsend tells us about her journey to becoming a GB women’s Hockey player. Follow the GB Hockey team’s story using the hashtag #OurJourney

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Carsten Michaelis, Vice President Mittel- und Osteuropa Netjets

Zeitliche, geographische und logistische Unabhängigkeit beim Fliegen kostet eine Menge Geld. Wo wächst das Privatjet-Geschäft noch und was macht die digitale Konkurrenz? Netjets-Manager Carsten Michaelis gibt Auskunft.

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Daryl Liew, Portfolio-Manager Reyl Singapur

Anlagespezialist Daryl Liew über die China-Krise

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Hans Rupp, Geschäftsführer Baugenossenschaft Zürich

Hans Rupp über kreative Bewerbungen und Kriterien bei der Wohnungsvergabe.

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Guy Miller, Chefökonom Zurich Insurance Group

Wenige Stunden nach Bekanntwerden des Referendums-Resultats ist die Lage an den Finanzmärkten verworren. Zurich-Chefstratege Guy Miller rät im cash-Video-Interview Anlegern zur Vorsicht.

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Carsten Michaelis, Vice President Mittel- und Osteuropa Netjets

Zeitliche, geographische und logistische Unabhängigkeit beim Fliegen kostet eine Menge Geld. Wo wächst das Privatjet-Geschäft noch und was macht die digitale Konkurrenz? Netjets-Manager Carsten Michaelis gibt Auskunft.

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Bruno Chiomento, CEO Ernst & Young Schweiz

Bruno Chiomento tritt nächste Woche nach acht Jahren als CEO von Ernst & Young Schweiz ab. Im cash-Interview warnt er vor einer Schwächung des Wirtschaftsstandortes und äussert sich zu Brexit-Folgen für die Schweiz.

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Patrick Odier, Präsident Schweizerische Bankiervereinigung

Bankier-Präsident Patrick Odier sieht wegen des Brexit einige Nachteile auf die Schweizer Wirtschaft zukommen, wie er im cash-Video-interview sagt. Doch der gute Ruf des Finanzplatzes könnte sich als Plus erweisen.

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Peter Spuhler, CEO und Inhaber Stadler Rail

Peter Spuhler, CEO und Inhaber von Stadler Rail, nimmt im Video-Interview mit Stellung zu den Auswirkungen des Brexit auf den Franken-Euro-Kurs und auf die Geschäfte von Europas drittgrösstem Zugbauer.

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Swiss Sovereign money initiative: war on bankers but not on central banksters

Iceland has gained the admiration of populists in recent years by doing that which no other nation in the world seems to be willing or capable of doing: prosecuting criminal bankers for engineering financial collapse for profit.

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“Brexit Sends A Clear Message To Sick Political Elite” Marc Faber Sees “Only Good Contagion”

"We're moving into a global recession that has nothing to do with Brexit," warns Marc Faber stressing that Britain leaving the EU would not be disastrous, saying that if Switzerland can operate in a "single" market and outside of the EU so can Britain.

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Inside Switzerland’s only transgender shop – in 360°

Hidden away inside an unremarkable building on an industrial estate on the outskirts of canton Zurich is Switzerland’s only transgender shop. Sharon runs the business and also works for the Transgender Network Switzerland, to help trans people who want to come out at work. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation …

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Quitting the Cucumber Affair

  Winners and Quitters Vince Lombardi, the famous American football coach, once said, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”  Maybe he meant that winners overcome obstacles to reach their goals while quitters give up and fall short… or somethin...

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Another Sexual Assault Gets Refugees Banned From Pools In Austria

Authorities in the Austrian town of Mistelbach issued a temporary pool ban for refugees following a sexual assault by a “dark-skinned’ man on a 13-year-old girl. German and Swiss are issuing leaflets how to behave in pools.

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Fasting as a teenager during Ramadan

What is it like to fast as a 15-year-old during Ramadan? This year the period of observing the Muslim fast falls during June. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, …

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Panama Tax Haven Scandal: The Bigger Picture

The “Panama Papers” tax haven leak is big … After all, the Prime Minister of Iceland resigned over the leak, and investigations are taking place worldwide over the leak. But the Panama Papers reporting mainly focuses on friends of Russia’s Putin, Ass...

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Britain’s Dreams of a ‘Swiss Miracle’ Look More Like Fantasy

To help explain why the British voted to leave the European Union, look to Switzerland. The famously neutral Swiss rejected membership in the European Economic Area, a potential steppingstone to the European Union, in a 1992 referendum, but Switzerland didn’t formally withdraw its dormant application until last week, when the Swiss Parliament decided to terminate it.

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Rule Britannia

What a glorious day for Britain and anyone among you who continues to believe in the ideas of liberty, freedom, and sovereign democratic rule. Against all expectations, the leave camp somehow managed to push the referendum across the center line, with 51.9% of voters counted electing to leave the European Union.

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