Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Henry Blumenthal on navigating an “accelerating present”

In a world where “data is the new oil” and AI is replacing most jobs as we know them, how do we navigate all the change? Get all #InvestecWealth Forum insights here: Henry Blumenthal, Chief Executive, Investec Wealth & Investment SA, opened the #InvestecWealth Forum with insights on the impact of AI on our …

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Swiss employee associations not opposed to a 60 hour week

Swiss employee associations are not opposed to a 60 hour week. Several parliamentary initiatives aim to loosen Swiss labour rules. The first aims to allow staff and employers more flexibility regarding hours worked and time off. The second aims to loosen rules on recording hours of work by managers and specialists. Another initiative aims to extend this to include employees with shareholdings in start-ups.

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Finding a place to rent getting easier in Switzerland

A recent Credit Suisse report, entitled: Tenants Wanted, says capital continues to flow into Swiss real estate, boosting the supply of rental properties. Against a backdrop of negative interest rates at Switzerland’s central bank, investors continue to plough money into constructing new residential properties. At the same time, declining immigration has hit the demand for rental apartments.

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How to get along with sharks

Erich Ritter is one of the world’s leading researchers into shark behaviour and believes they have a reputation for being dangerous that they don’t deserve. He has devised a highly-sought after protocol for how humans can better interact with sharks. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Prévoyance 2020: comment la Confédération a prévu la baisse illimitée de vos rentes LPP

La baisse du taux de conversion à 6% ne serait-elle qu’un début? Avec Prévoyance 2020, vos rentes LPP pourraient bien subir un jour ou l’autre quelques réajustements supplémentaires. Il suffirait d’une nouvelle crise financière…Alors que des milliers de foyers helvétiques comptent sur les revenus de leurs capitaux LPP pour maintenir leur niveau de vie à la retraite, de telles espérances pourraient très bientôt devenir parfaitement...

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Nestlé Skin Health to shed almost 200 jobs

Nestlé Skin Health will cease operations at its Egerkingen factory in canton Solothurn and move manufacturing activities abroad, threatening 190 positions. “Production volumes in Egerkingen are and have been very low, resulting in underutilisation of assets and hence additional pressure on manufacturing cost,” the company, which creates skin, hair and nail products, said in a statement on Thursday.

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Highest Swiss Property Prices Recorded in Zurich

Zurich remains the dearest location for Swiss property at CHF12,250 ($13,000) per square metre. However, houses in Lucerne have gained the most in value over the past decade, with one square metre costing CHF8,500, up 82% on 2007.

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Spending cuts for asylum seekers proposed

The government wants to cut its financial contributions to asylum seekers as part of efforts to tighten the asylum procedure in Switzerland. The payments for individuals, currently around CHF6,000 ($6,312), could be reduced by a third, according to the Swiss News Agency.

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Bank lobby group sees hope for shrinking Swiss sector

The Swiss banking sector shrank once again last year in terms of banks, profits, share of offshore wealth under management and number of employees. The Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) nevertheless believes there are positives to be found amidst the bleak figures.

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Cabinet Called on to Join EU’s no-roaming Charges Deal

The cantonal government of Graubünden has demanded that the cabinet sign Switzerland up to European Union rules abolishing roaming charges. Without such an agreement, the Swiss tourist industry is at a disadvantage, the Graubünden government said in a letter sent last week to Swiss president, Doris Leuthard, according to the Swiss News Agency.

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Una gara di salti per Topsy e i suoi amici | UBS Topsy

Una gara di salti per Topsy e i suoi amici. Un cartone animato per YouTube di UBS Svizzera: UBS Svizzera – La vostra banca da oltre 150 anni. Topsy e i suoi amici approfittano dell’estate per fare una gara nel parco giochi con le loro palle per saltare. Chi vincerà? Divertimento e giochi sono …

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Topsy et ses amis sautent sur l’occasion | UBS Topsy

Topsy et ses amis sautent sur l’occasion. Dessin animé YouTube d’UBS Suisse: UBS Suisse – Votre banque depuis plus de 150 ans. Topsy et ses amis profitent de l’été pour faire une course de ballon sauteur sur un terrain de jeux. Mais qui va gagner? Des jeux et de la joie avec Topsy, le …

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Topsy und seine Freunde hüpfen um die Wette | UBS Topsy

Topsy und seine Freunde hüpfen um die Wette. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Topsy und seine Freunde nutzen den Sommer für ein Hüpfballrennen durch einen Spielplatz. Wer gewinnt wohl das Rennen? Spiel und Spass mit dem Sparfuchs Topsy – der Kinderwelt von UBS für Kinder …

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Tama and the car freaks

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland – to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. This week she visits a show organised by Tamils for auto addicts. For these collectors, the more souped up and tarted up the cars are, the better. (SRF Kulturplatz/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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Skin lightening: why do Tamil women do it?

Box Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland – to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. She meets make-up artist, Kavi, and they discuss why Tamil women still try to make their skin lighter. Is it a hangover from Sri Lanka’s colonial past? (SRF Kulturplatz/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). …

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When you cast your vote far from home

Why do the Swiss abroad vote differently from the Swiss at home? An expert takes a closer look at the political profile of the Swiss diaspora. Political expert Thomas Milic has researched the political profile of Swiss expats. He’s an expert on voting, parliamentary research and political psychology at the research centre Sotomo. He also regularly works …

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Re-visiting a refugee centre

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland – to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. The family fled war-torn Colombo, and started life in Switzerland at the Roggwil refugee centre in Oberaargau, canton Bern. Tama and her older brother, Yathu, visit a similar centre for asylum-seekers, also in Oberaargau, and relive their own childhood. (SRF Kulturplatz/ — is …

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Star photographers gather in Olten

Lady Gaga, Leonardo DiCaprio and Donald Trump – Marco Grob has taken pictures of them all. But what does it take to produce iconic photographs? To answer this and other questions, the star photographer has set up the first International Photo Festival in Olten. (SRF/ Born in Olten, Grob started his career in Los Angeles in the 1980s. …

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UBS Digital Banking. Ganz mobil.

Mit den UBS Apps überall Rechnungen begleichen, bargeldlos zahlen und vieles mehr. Erfahren Sie mehr über UBS Online Banking, UBS Mobile Banking und die UBS E-Banking Apps:

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UBS Digital Banking. Four apps for everything.

With UBS apps you can pay your bills, make cashless payments and do much more – from anywhere. For more information about UBS online banking, UBS mobile banking and UBS online banking apps, please visit:

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