Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

How Switzerland is affected by female circumcision

What is female circumcision and how much of a problem is it in Switzerland? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its …

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Switzerland Less Attractive to European Migrants

Fewer people are moving to Switzerland from elsewhere in Europe. Between January and September this year, immigration from European Union states was down by 26%, compared to the same period last year. (RTS/swissinfo.chexternal link)

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Investec’s 2017 Annual Secondaries Conference: key takeaways

Interesting debate and insightful views engendered a spirit of innovation and a deeper understanding of the role of innovation in the secondaries market. Listen to what our experts and clients had to say about our recent conference.

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The role of debt in the secondaries market

Innovation will play a key role as the market continues to develop and mature. Hear our experts’ thoughts on the role of debt in that innovation.

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How is the secondaries market evolving?

Listen to our experts’ thoughts on how the secondaries market has evolved to include more bespoke, specialist financing solutions, with deals growing in complexity.

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Reviewing leverage in the secondaries market

Leverage is an important part of the toolset for secondaries, but isn’t appropriate in every circumstance. Our experts explain why.

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The importance of innovation in the secondaries market

Our experts talk about the role of competition and how innovation has shaped the way deals are structured, ensuring they drive both value and the right risk-reward balance.

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Stories making the Swiss Sunday papers

The following stories were reported in Switzerland’s Sunday press on November 12, 2017. A major South American rail deal. The SonntagsBlick newspaper reports that Bolivian President Evo Morales will head to Switzerland on December 14 to sign a memorandum of understanding with Swiss Transport Minister Doris Leuthard over a massive South American rail transport project.

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One in five Swiss avoids visiting doctor due to costs

Just over 20% of Swiss residents decided not to see a doctor last year for medical treatment due to the high costs, according to a new report. This is one of the findings of the Health at a Glance 2017 reportexternal link published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Friday. The share of the population foregoing a doctor’s consultation due to cost in 2016 was highest in Poland (33% of the population) followed by...

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Swiss tax spy avoids jail time as Frankfurt trial ends

A Swiss man on trial in Frankfurt has been found guilty of spying on the tax authorities of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). ‘Daniel M.’ was handed a suspended sentence of 22 months and a fine of €40,000 (CHF46,600). The verdict brings to a premature end the twists and turns of a case that brought scrutiny on Swiss-German diplomatic relations since the arrest of the 54-year-old in April this year.

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BMW must pay multimillion-franc fine, Swiss court rules

Switzerland's highest court has confirmed a CHF157 million ($158 million) fine against German luxury carmaker BMW for blocking car shipments to Switzerland. The fine was originally levied on BMWexternal link by Switzerland’s Competition Commissionexternal link (COMCO) in May 2012 for preventing Swiss residents from buying BMW cars from the European Economic Area (EEA) and importing them to Switzerland, after the strong francexternal link made...

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Switzerland moves closer to female board quotas

This week, Switzerland moved closer to requiring minimum percentages of women on company boards and management teams. A parliamentary commission came out in support of the Federal Council’s plan to require greater gender balance in the boardrooms of Switzerland’s large listed companies.

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Trust in online content takes a big hit

Internet users in Switzerland rate their computer skills as good, but trust in online news content has dropped significantly, according to a survey by the University of Zurich. An overwhelming majority (83%) of users stated they can easily distinguish between important and unimportant online activities.

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Health insurance rise in 2018 even higher, according to new calculation

At the end of September the Swiss government announced an average nationwide health premium rise of 4% in 2018. This government calculation is rather narrow. It only looks at the price of standard compulsory insurance, including accident cover, for an adult with a CHF 300 deductible. Price comparison site calculates that this policy configuration only applies to 18.3% of residents.

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Swiss Industries Announce Series of Offshoring Moves

The ABB electronics group announced on Monday the offshoring of up to 150 positions from its Geneva production centre, while Roche is cutting 235 people in canton Aargau. Employees and trade unions reacted angrily.

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Big Swiss names surface in ‘Paradise Papers’

Politicians, business directors and companies in Switzerland are among those connected to the so-called Paradise Papers, a massive trove of leaked offshore investment documents. There is currently no evidence of any legal wrongdoing.

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Swiss wind power at a standstill

Following the vote in favour of Energy Strategy 2050, the government announced its target of building up to 800 wind turbines. To reach this goal, twenty new wind turbines would need to go up each year until 2050. Yet not a single wind farm was built this year. What’s behind this lack of progress? (SRF/ — is the international branch of …

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If American Federalism Were Like Swiss Federalism, There Would Be 1,300 States

In a recent interview with Mises Weekends, Claudio Grass examined some of the advantages of the Swiss political system, and how highly decentralized politics can bring with it great economic prosperity, more political stability, and a greater respect for property rights. Since the Swiss political system of federalism is itself partially inspired by 19th-century American federalism, the average American can usually imagine in broad terms what the...

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Börsen-Talk vom 3. November 2017

Kleinkapitalisierte Aktien aus den USA gelten als Fiebermesser für die Weltwirtschaft. Welches sind ihre Perspektiven? Amerika-Experte Thorsten Becker gibt Auskunft und nennt seine Lieblingsaktien.

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Polish economic hub: a threat to Swiss jobs?

Over the past ten years, Wroclaw in Poland has become such an important economic hub that direct flights there are now offered from Zurich. (RTS/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, …

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