Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Pictet – In Conversation with Edward Luce

With geopolitical currents challenging the west’s long-standing liberal status quo, we live in an age of global uncertainty. But even as the world enters what has been described as a “democratic recession”, there’s cause for optimism. Edward Luce is The Financial Times’ US national editor; at Pictet’s 2018 Investment Summit he outlined how beneficial a truly global perspective can be in the face of change....

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Pictet – In Conversation with Edward Luce

With geopolitical currents challenging the west’s long-standing liberal status quo, we live in an age of global uncertainty. But even as the world enters what has been described as a “democratic recession”, there’s cause for optimism. Edward Luce is The Financial Times’ US national editor; at Pictet’s 2018 Investment Summit he outlined how beneficial a …

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Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger zu Brexit: “Die Übergangsperiode ist ein Desaster”

Diskussionsrunde mit Manfred Weber, MdEP, Fraktionsvorsitzender der Europäischen Volkspartei im Europäischen Parlament, Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger, Ökonom und Wirtschaftsweiser und Mark Wood, britischer Journalist und ehemaliger Chefredakteur der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters Eine Aufzeichnung der gesamten Podiumsdiskussion finden Sie unter folgendem Link: Moderation: Hans-Ulrich Jörges, stern-Kolumnist

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 3nd quarter 2018: 1.2percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition falls to 4.4percent

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.2% between the 3rd quarter 2017 and the 3rd quarter 2018. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declined by 0.6 percentage points to 4.4%. The EU's unemployment rate decreased from 7.3% to 6.5%.

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Brexit-Deal oder die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt

Die Brexit- und italienische Schuldenfrage bedrohen die politische, aber auch finanzwirtschaftliche Stabilität Europas. Zumindest scheint eine kleine Chance auf einen geregelten Brexit-Deal zu bestehen, der eine Übergangslösung bis Ende 2020 ermöglicht. Was ist von diesem möglichen Zeitgewinn für Europa zu halten? Und wird er überhaupt die parlamentarischen Hürden in London nehmen? Robert Halver mit seinen …

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Pictet – Investment Summit

The world is at a crossroads: while geopolitical tensions threaten to upend the established order, developments in areas such as healthcare and technology offer new vistas of possibility for humanity. Uncertainty may seem to be the order of the day but Pictet’s Investment Summit offered a more reassuring message. With more than 200 years of experience, the bank has negotiated the currents of change before; at Pictet’s headquarters in the heart of...

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Pictet – Investment Summit

The world is at a crossroads: while geopolitical tensions threaten to upend the established order, developments in areas such as healthcare and technology offer new vistas of possibility for humanity. Uncertainty may seem to be the order of the day but Pictet’s Investment Summit offered a more reassuring message. With more than 200 years of …

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Notenbanken kaufen Gold

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Die Notenbanken kaufen soviel Gold wie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr. Dennoch – man kann es sehr schön am Markt erkennen – steigen die Notierungen nicht. Warum das so ist und meine persönliche Meinung, wie sich der Goldpreis …

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Italian government sticks to its 2019 deficit plan

The minor concessions continued in the revised plan presented to the European Commission are unlikely to dissuade Brussels from launching sanctions.In a letter to the European Commission on 13 November, the Italian government confirmed that it would aim for a budget deficit at 2.4% of GDP in 2019 and reasserted its real growth forecast of 1.5% for next year.

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“We are facing a systemic crisis in Europe” – Part I – Yanis Varoufakis | DiEM25

“We are facing a systemic crisis in Europe and the one thing we have not done is deal with it systematically. So DiEM25 has decided to do that which the European Commission, the European Parliament, our governments have not done.” – DiEM25 co-founder, Yanis Varoufakis. Visit to find out more! Clip taken from …

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in October 2018: +2.3 percent YoY, +0.2 percent MoM

The Producer and Import Price Index increased in October 2018 by 0.2% compared with the previous month, reaching 103.4 points (December 2015 = 100). The rise is due in particular to higher prices for petroleum products, petroleum and natural gas. Compared with October 2017, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products rose by 2.3%.

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Yanis Varoufakis on Internationalism vs Globalism

Greek economist and academic, Yanis Varoufakis, gives short explanation of what he means when he refers to himself as an Internationalist, in contrast to how he defines Globalism.

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DAX: Kursziel 8.600!?

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Der Dax bei 8.600 Punkten – das mag für de ein oder anderen Aktienanleger durchaus ein Horrorszenario sein. Ich möchte euch aber in diesem Video erläutern, unter welchen sehr realistischen Umständen, das aus meiner Sicht möglich wird. Schaut …

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Frank Schäffler (FDP) zur Finanztransaktionssteuer

Beratung des Antrags der Fraktion DIE LINKE “Europäische Finanztransaktionsteuer vorantreiben und nationale Einführung vorbereiten” Drucksache 19/4886.

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Euro area’s fiscal policy to turn supportive of growth next year

Modest fiscal easing could help counter mounting external risks and slowing growth indicators.Euro area member states have all submitted their 2019 Draft Budgetary Plans (DBP) to the European Commission (EC) by now. These show that, collectively and based on EU Commission’s autumn forecasts, the euro area’s fiscal stance1 will turn supportive in 2019, although it varies significantly from one country to the next.

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Harmful Modern Myths And Legends

Loreley Rock near Sankt Goarshausen sits at a narrow curve on the Rhine River in Germany. The shape of the bluff produces a faint echo in the wind, supposedly the last whispers of a beautiful maiden who threw herself from it in despair once spurned by her paramour. She was transformed into a siren, legend says, a tantalizing wail which cries out and lures fishermen and tradesmen on the great river to their death.

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Schutz vor der Eurokrise!

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Schutz vor der Eurokrise! In diesem Video möchte ich euch erläutern, was ein “schwacher Euro” überhaupt bedeutet und euch meine Sicht darstellen, wie man sich gegen einen möglicherweise auseinander fallenden oder schwächeren Euro schützen kann. Los geht´s! ——– …

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Was passiert nach den Kongresswahlen in den USA?

Nach den Kongresswahlen ist der US-Kongress gespalten. Die „roten“ Republikaner konnten zwar ihre Mehrheit im Senat verteidigen, doch gewannen die „blauen“ Demokraten die Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus zurück. Das lockere Durchregieren von Rot als Einparteienregierung im Weißen Haus, Senat und Repräsentantenhaus ist vorbei. Was bedeutet das für die weitere politische Entwicklung in den USA und natürlich …

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Jetzt China-Aktien kaufen!

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Jetzt China-Aktien kaufen! Genau das habe ich ganz privat, mit meinem Portfolio in der letzten Woche gemacht. Und ich werde euch in diesem Video auch gern verraten, warum. Los geht´s! ——– ➤ Mein YouTube-Kanal zum Thema Trading: …

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The Beginning of the End for Angela Merkel

As a consequence of the heavy drop of support in recent regional elections, Chancellor Merkel has declared she would not run again for leadership of the CDU at the 6-8 December party convention. Merkel also said she would retire from politics at the end of the current parliament in 2021. It is questionable whether she will get that far, and well before then, the transition to a new leader amid a loss of electoral support for the main centre-right...

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