Category Archive: 9d.) Ray Dalio

Why radical truth and radical transparency are keys to success

Being radically truthful and transparent with your colleagues and expecting them to be the same with you ensures that important issues are apparent instead of hidden. It also enforces good behavior and good thinking, because when you have to explain yourself, everyone can openly assess the merits of your logic. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles for Success:...

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How idea meritocracy works like a machine to produce successful organizations

An organization is a machine consisting of two parts: culture and people. A great organization has both great people and a great culture. Great people have both great character and great capabilities and contribute positively to their company. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles …

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How to get and stay in sync with coworkers and teammates

It is harder to run an idea meritocracy in which disagreements are encouraged than a top-down autocracy in which they are suppressed. But when believable parties to disagreements are willing to learn from each other, their evolution is faster and their decision making is far better. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York …

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How to have an idea meritocracy in any organization

People and organizations that operate in an idea meritocractic way will annihilate those that don’t. It will also help to read “Make Your Idea Meritocracy Work in a Way That Suits You” (pg 320 and 321 of Principles). For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles …

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Looking back at Principles from a higher level

By starting near the bottom and climbing to near the top, you can see things as “another one of those” and remember how you dealt with a similar situation a previous time. You begin to see things more clearly, and apply learnings from a previous encounter to this one. For more from Ray: Principles | … Continue...

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How to face painful realities caused by your mistakes

There is no avoiding pain, especially if you’re going after ambitious goals. Believe it or not, you are lucky to feel that kind of pain if you approach it correctly, because it is a signal that you need to find the solutions so you can progress. Remember this: the pain is all in your head. … Continue reading...

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Why radical truth and radical transparency are keys to success

Being radically truthful and transparent with your colleagues and expecting them to be the same with you ensures that important issues are apparent instead of hidden. It also enforces good behavior and good thinking, because when you have to explain yourself, everyone can openly assess the merits of your logic. For more from Ray: Principles …

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Top 5 Most Valuable Principles #1

Here’s the #1 Most Valuable Principle: “Embrace Reality and Deal With It” This also happens to be the first Principle in the book. There are a couple hundred principles because there are a couple of hundred different types of situations that one faces and there’s a principle for each of them, so Principles is written …

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Top 5 Most Valuable Principles #2

Here’s #2 in the Most Valuable Principles list: “Pain + Reflection = Progress” from Chapter 1 of Life Principles. There is no avoiding pain, especially if you’re going after ambitious goals. Believe it or not, you are lucky to feel that kind of pain if you approach it correctly, because it is a signal that … Continue...

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Top 5 Most Valuable Principles #3: A great manager is essentially a great organizational engineer

The 3rd most valuable principle from Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio, as rated by readers, is “Understand that a great manager is essentially an organizational engineer.” You can find more information on this principle in Chapter 10 of Work Principles. Great managers are not philosophers, entertainers, doers or artists. They are engineers who …

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The Five Step Process: Top 5 Most Valuable Principles #4

“The Five Step Process” was named the 4th most valuable Principle. Take a deep dive into it here, and learn more about “The Five Step Process” in Chapter 2 of Ray’s book, Principles: Life and Work. The Five Step Process: 1. Have clear goals 2. Identify and don’t tolerate the problems that stand int he …

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Recognize Your Two Barriers: Top 5 Most Valuable Principles #5

Ray Dalio asked his communities which principles from his book they’ve found to be the most helpful. They rated “Recognize Your Two Barriers” from Chapter 3 in Life Principles as the #5 Most Valuable Principle. To learn more, or get the book, visit For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: …

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La mécanique de la machine économique en 30 minutes, par Ray Dalio

Les principes basiques de l’économie — “La mécanique de la machine économique”Développée par Ray Dalio, cette animation simple et facile à comprendre, mais pas simpliste pour autant, répond en 30 minutes à la question suivante : « Comment l’économie fonctionne-t-elle réellement ? ». Fondée sur le modèle de compréhension de l’économie développé par Ray Dalio tout au long de …

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Come funziona la macchina dell’economia

Creato da Ray Dalio questo video in animazione è semplice , ma non banale. Facile da seguire in 30 minuti, risponde bene alla domanda “Come funziona davvero l’economia?”. Il video si basa sul modello pratico di Dalio per comprendere l’economia, da lui sviluppato nel corso della carriera. Il video chiarisce concetti come credito, deficit, tassi …

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Cómo funciona la máquina económica, por Ray Dalio

Creado por Ray Dalio, este vídeo animado de fácil comprensión, que no simplista, de 30 minutos de duración responde a la pregunta ¿cómo funciona realmente la economía? Basado en la plantilla práctica de Ray Dalio para entender la economía, que desarrolló a lo largo de su carrera, el vídeo explica conceptos económicos como el crédito, …

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Wie die Wirtschaftsmaschine funktioniert in 30 Minuten

Wirtschaft 101 – “Wie die Wirtschaftsmaschine funktioniert” Erstellt von Ray Dalio, beantwortet dieses Video auf anschaulicher weise die Frage: „Wie funktioniert die Wirtschaft wirklich?“. Basierend auf Dalios praktischem Wirtschaftsmodell, das von ihm selber in Laufe seiner Karriere entwickelt wurde, erklärt das Video die Bestandteile der Wirtschaft, wie zum Beispiel Kredite, Defizite und Zinsen. So lernt …

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经济机器是怎样运行的 (时长30分钟) Ray Dalio

经济这台机器是怎样运行的 作者·:瑞·达利奥 (Ray Dalio) | 经济就像一台简单的机器那样运作。 但很多人不懂经济 – 或是对经济的运作方式持有不同意见 – 于是导致很多不必要的经济痛楚. 我深感有责任与大家分享我的简单但是实用的经济分析模式。这个模式虽然不符合常规,但已帮助我预测和避免了全球金融危机,30年来对我一直很有用。 想要了解更多经济学原理,请访问:...

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30分で判る 経済の仕組み Ray Dalio

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Davos 2014 | Ray Dalio Explains Where in the Economic Machine We Currently Are – CNBC

Davos 2014 | Ray Dalio Explains Where in the Economic Machine We Currently Are – CNBC Interview

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Как действует экономическая машина. Автор: Рэй Далио (на русском языке) |Как действует экономичеcкая машина. Автор: Рэй Далио

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