Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

(5/13/20) The LA Shutdown (Full Show)

Los Angeles shut down another 90-days; Market Response; CPI Deflationary despite jump in grocery prices; Nancy Pelosi’s Trillion-dollar Giveaway (US Deficit/GDP now bigger than Greece’s); Great Reset Webinar tease: Retires & Under-employed; Pelosi spending is MMT in action; Economic Shutdown & CPI: How inflation affects retirees; CPI-W vs CPI-E explainer; How We Calculate Inflation; Real …

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BlackRock’s Sweet Deal (5/12/20)

Don’t think there’s anything cronyistic (that’s a word we just made-up) about the relationship between the Federal Reserve and the Wall Street financial guys? RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, describes how the Fed has created a cozy little relationship for BlackRock to sit on…er, manage cash for the government at a healthy fee…virtually …

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Webinar: 2020 Right Lane Retirement Presentation

Everything you needed to know about Social Security, Medicare, and preparing for retirement: Our 2020 Webinar presentation by RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, w Certified Financial Planner, Danny Ratliff, CFP. Subscribe to our Newsletter at

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Money Flow Indicators = Short Term Lift to Markets? (5/12/20)

There are repeating patterns worth noting in market money flow indicators as we approach the Summer slowdrums. RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts interprets the graphs. Subscribe to our Newsletter at

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(5/12/20) Technically Speaking Tuesday (Full Show)

Global Warming and Stay-at-Home; Dr. Fauci’s Stark Warning & The Second Wave; no vaccine/therapy until late 2021; Re-opening the Economy; George Carlin on Germs, Immunizations, and Immunity; Credit vs Stock Markets; how the Fed has intervened; no problem with Investment-grade (IG) Bonds; how Boeing solved its own problem; Sports Addicts, NASCAR, Baseball, Little League, NFL; …

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Digesting the Jobs Report (5/11/20)

There is a correlation between market performance and the economy, despite the divergent action of recent weeks during the COVID-19 Pandemic. RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts parses the numbers in the latest Labor Dept. report on Unemployment, and posits chilling questions about the results as presented—and asks who’s NOT being included in the …

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Vitamin D3 stärkt die Abwehr des Körpers und hilft bei Corona

✘ Werbung: Ich habe eine besondere Einstellung zu Corona. Weder bin ich auf Seiten der #Regierung, noch auf der Seite der #Verharmloser. Ich halte #CoViD-19 für eine gefährliche Krankheit, habe aber KEINE Angst davor. Ich habe nur Angst vor nationalen und internationalen Sozialisten. Es gibt eine gute wissenschaftliche Grundlage mit zahlreichen internationalen Studien über …

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The Bullish vs Bearish Cases for the Markets, Moving Forward (5/11/20)

If you think last Friday’s (5/8) employment numbers were horrendous–just wait until the Labor Dept.’s revisions come out next month! RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts on the two divergent paths the markets could take as a result! Subscribe to our Newsletter at

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(5/11/20) The Great American Divide–between the Stock Market and the Economy (Full Show)

Mother’s Day & Social Distancing; Jobs Report & Lessening Need for Comm’l Real Estate, Workers; post-Covid Retail Sales; The Stock Market Isn’t the Economy? Correlation Between Economic Growth and Stock Valuation; the Staggering Unemployment Report; Jump in NILF Numbers; How We Got here: NYT front page; Calculating Jobs w/out Population Growth; Who’s not being counted; …

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Energie, Entropie, Albedo und Photovoltaik – PV

✘ Werbung: Heizen unsere Photovoltaik-Anlagen unseren #Planeten auf? Oder kühlen sie die #Erde ab? Zunächst widme ich mich den Begriffen Energie und Entropie bevor ich auf den Einfluss der PV-Module auf unsere #Erdtemperatur eingehe. Weltraumwetter ► Bürgerliche Energiewende ►

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(5/8/20) Financial Fitness Friday (Full Show)

Market Commentary as Consumers are taken out at the knees by pandemic and draconian government responses; Everyone is going to live smaller; how to appropriately invest; Mask-Match dating; The Great Reset Webinar tease; financial needs; the definition of “Under-employment;” Webinar tease; What We Were Being Told–financial advisors now changing their tune; Financial Cushions; CARES Act …

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The Real Investment Show Best Clips for Wk of 5/4/20

What Would Warren Buffett Do? For one thing, hold his annual investor conference on-line instead of hosting the pilgrimage to Omaha, NE. We looked at the corruption of Crony Capitalism, the economic impact of the Coronavirus Shutdown, and the unfathomable amount of money the federal government is throwing at this pandemic–who’s going to pay for …

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April 2020 Treasury Debt: “Hold my beer…” (5/7/20)

Which is more troubling–the fact that we matched all of 2019’s Treasury debt ($1-Trillion) in April 2020, or the fact that no one has a clue how we’re going to pay it all back? RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA Subscribe to our Newsletter at

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(5/7/20) Bracing for Friday’s Jobs Report (Full Show)

Jobless Claims preview; Small Businesses/Dallas a la Mode Salon owner jailed; Jobs Report will be staggeringly bad; Market Breadth has been very poor; Michael Lebowitz – Spring in MD; Blue Angels & Beck’s Prime – Restaurants in Recovery; Growth is different from Absolute Numbers; Record High vs Record low Employment; Jobs, Job losses, Consumer Spending …

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The Impact of Shutdown (5/6/20)

With Summer coming on, and woeful economic numbers to digest, the smart money says we’re not out of the woods, yet, as after-effects of the coronavirus-triggered shutdown of the economy are still to be felt. RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Certified Financial Planner, Danny Ratliff, CFP discuss the new risks of investing …

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Identitätslinke Läuterungsagenda: Debatte zu Folgen für Migrationsgesellschaften – Sandra Kostner

✘ Werbung: Der Begriff der identitätslinken Läuterungsagenda war mir fremd. Mit diesen kurzen Ausführungen ist mir nun vollkommen klar, warum sich die Linke so gegen die #Integration wehrt und ständig #Konflikte herbei redet, die es auf diese Art gar nicht mehr gibt. Statt einem ‚Gemeinsam‘ hält man die #Schuldidentität von Gruppen aufrecht, um sie …

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(5/6/20) Job Numbers Preview & Import (Full Show)

Cinco de Mayo re-cap: Back in the Bars; businesses opening up, no vaccine yet; The Risk of a Second Wave; non-productive debt; Danny Ratliff: Blue Angles/LSFM Flyovers’ Stay at Home: Save the Planet; Jobs Numbers Preview; NILF Older Americans Ventriloquist dogs, fun w dog collars during Covid-lockdown; Economic impact of shutting down; more to come …

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Crony Capitalism & The Growing Wage Gap (5/5/20)

Why is it that banks have been bailed out twice in the past decade, yet have tightened their requirements for loan acceptance during the pandemic? RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts examines the crony capitalism that has continued to enrich the wealthy class at the expense of the middle and poorer classes of society. …

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Will Markets Re-Test Lows This Summer? (5/5/20)

The Stock Trader’s Almanac notes that, despite the sell-off on April 30, we’ve just concluded the best six-months of market performance in decades. RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, reviews the data, and sets-up the scenarios heading into the traditionally-weakest trading period of the year. Subscribe to our Newsletter at

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(5/5/20) Technically Speaking Tuesday (Full Show)

Cinco de Mayo + Taco Tuesday; Blue Angels’ Houston Flyover; Unemployment Expectations worst ever; Blue Angels’ Flyover correction; Lone Star Flight Museum; Wages for Bottom 80%; Monetary Policy protects the wealthy; biggest losers are Millennials; The Growing Wage Gap exacerbated by Crony Capitalism; Top 10% own 80% of Market; Concentration of Wealth actually slows economic …

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