Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

When the Younger Spouse Retires… | RIA Advisors

"My wife currently works at Kaiser. What is covered--and not covered--by Medicare if I use my wife's company's Kaiser coverage? If she retires [at 60], what happens then?" RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFA, compares the options available. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Listen to The Real Investment Show daily on Apple Podcasts:...

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Medicare Eligibility | RIA Advisors

"I will be "completing" 64-years on September 1, 2021. When do I need to begin the paperwork filing, and what day-onwards will I be eligible for Medicare?" RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, reviews the window of opportunity for all for enrolling in Medicare. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE daily on our Youtube...

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Small Business Monday | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 6/7/2]

00:00 - Janet Yellen's Pro-Inflation Stance 10:00 - The Post-COVID Jobs and Unemployment Conundrum: Getting Workers Back to Work 23:00 - Hiring Workers: Salary-plus? 35:30 - Benefits vs Liabilities of Offering a 401-K Hosted by Lance Roberts, CIO, RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, with Tom Allen, AIF, QKA, CPFA, Retirement Plan Consultant. _________ Articles mentioned: ➢ Have Stocks Already Priced In The “Economic Boom?”...

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Buchbesprechung: Die größte Chance aller Zeiten von Marc Friedrich (Podcast)

✘ Werbung: Affiliate-Link zum Kauf des Buchs ► Nun habe ich das neue Buch von Marc Friedrich durchgelesen. Hoch interessant und so geschrieben, dass es nicht nur Fachleute verstehen können. Jede #Krise birgt auch immer Chancen. Chancen, alles neu zu überdenken aber auch Chancen als #rofiteur aus der Krise...

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Has Economic Activity Peaked? | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [6/7/21

Markets remain trapped in a consolidation process and retracement to all-time highs. Upside is limited as money flow buy-signal becomes over-bought, and is ready to flip. Money flows have sharply deteriorated through markets' advance, and are setting up for a correction of between 5% and 10%. Multiple levels of support exist, just below current prices. Bonds are telling a different story: Indicators are showing lower yields, which may have peaked,...

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Verdienen, wenn Kurse fallen

Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf Wir versuchen mit einfachen Worten und Vernachlässigung vieler Details zu zeigen, wie das geht. ?? Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:...

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Vom Schüler zum 10-fachen Geschäftsführer (Wolfgang Deutschmann)

Mit 18 gründete er aus der Schule heraus seine erste GmbH, heute mit 29 ist Wolfgang Deutschmann 14-facher Geschäftsführer, Miteigentümer zweier Holding-Gesellschaften und CEO der ado New Media GmbH. 2013 gründete er drei führende Crowdfunding-Plattformen, die sich auf die Finanzierung von nachhaltig ausgerichteten Start-ups, internationalen Bau- und Immobilienprojekten sowie etablierten Unternehmen spezialisiert haben und eine Kundenbasis von mehr...

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Dividendenstrategie = ein teures Hobby?

Lohnen sich Dividenden? Dividendenstrategie Vorteile und Kritik Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► ? ℹ️...

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5 Fehler beim Vermögensaufbau. Die Golden Nuggets aus den Portfolio Analysen

Was sind die gängigen Fehler beim Investieren? Unsere learnings aus den Community Portfolios ? Kostenloses Depot für Aktien und Krypto ► * ⛑ Erste Hilfe Set zum Vermögensaufbau ►...

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Top 5 Finanzbücher: Ritzau, Kommer, Warnecke, Walz … Kostolany eher weniger

Doch eine etwas schwerere Kost, wenn es um das Thema ETFs geht. Gerd Kommer ist wohl der ETF Papst im deutschsprachigen Raum. Mittlerweile gibt es eine einfacher zu lesende Version für Einsteiger dieses Klassiker-Buches:

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Financial Fitness Friday (6/4/21): Market Analysis & Personal Finance commentary from RIA Advisor…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 6/4/21]

00:00 - The Consequences of Financial Alchemy 10:00 - Financial Snuggies & Draining Retirement Funds 23:00 - Tough Love When it Comes to Money and Relationships 35:30 - Building a Bridge to Retirement Financial Fitness Friday hosted by Richard Rosso, CFP, RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, with Danny Ratliff, CFP, Senior Advisor. _________ Articles mentioned: ➢ Three Ways To Teach Your Kids To Invest Smart:...

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Signing Up for Medicare Part-D | RIA Advisors

"I haven’t signed up for a Part D plan yet since my primary is my husband’s insurance. Will I face a penalty if/when I sign up for Part D?" Yes, we've covered this before, but the emphasis is apt. RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, provides guidance for what happens when your turn 65. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning...

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Can I Keep My ObamaCare? | RIA Advisors

"Can I keep my ObamaCare [when I turn 65]?" We're not sure why you would want to, but RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, explains why it's really not the best way to go... Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Listen to The Real Investment Show every...

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FSA vs HSA | RIA Advisors

"What if you have an FSA and not HSA--are the rules the same?" RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, has an easy way to remember the difference between these two financial tools. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Listen to The Real Investment Show every...

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Private vs Supplemental Insurance | RIA Advisors

"Is private insurance the same as what many call supplemental insurance-- like a Plan G?" RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, explains the nuances of supplemental policies for Medicare users. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Listen to The Real...

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Medicare Travel Options | RIA Advisors

"What option should be selected if traveling around the US and internationally?" RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, steers towards Medigap coverage for the answer. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Listen to The Real Investment Show every morning on...

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Income-related Adjustments to Medicare Parts B & D | RIA Advisors

"How often [does Medicare] look at income-related adjustments for B and D?" RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, explains the way Medicare determines what you'll pay, based on your income history. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Listen to The Real...

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Spouses With High Deductible Plans | RIA Advisors

"If I’m not employed, or self-employed but my spouse has a High Deductible Plan with a Health Savings Plan that can cover me when I’m 65. Do I need to enroll in Part A or B? if I did enroll then I assume that my spouse's contribution limit to their HSA would be cut in half, correct?" A complicated question, with many variables to consider. RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, shares the answers here. Watch...

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Signing Up for Medicare Part-D | RIA Advisors

"I haven’t signed up for a Part D plan yet since my primary is my husband’s insurance. Will I face a penalty if/when I sign up for Part D?"RIA Senior Advisor Danny Ratliff, CFP, explains the exceptions and requirements you need to meet to avoid late enrollment penalties for Medicare Part-D. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel:...

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