Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Financial Fitness Friday – Delta Variant | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 7/2/21

SEG-1: America: Still the Cleanest Dirty Shirt SEG-2: Long Term Care vs Medicare Advantage SEG-3: Vacation/Job Trends post-Pandemic SEG-4: Financial Lessons from George Washington -------- - Hosted by RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP -------- Get more info & commentary: -------- REGISTER for our next Lunch & Learn on Long Term Care, July 8,2021:...

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4 Anlegertypen: Welcher Typ bist Du?

Börsenpsychologen und Neurowissenschaftler haben vier Anlegertypen identifiziert und ihre Stärken und Schwächen untersucht. Welcher Typ seid Ihr? Findet es in diesem Video heraus. Die Studie über die Auswirkungen von Cortisol/Stress auf Anleger könnt Ihr hier nachlesen: Hier geht's zum ETF-Rechner: ►...

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The July 1 Episode | The Real Investment Show (7/1/21): Market Technical Analysis & Commentary fr…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Welche Steuer-Basics sollte jeder Anleger kennen? Community Fragen mit “Wir lieben Steuern” | Teil 1

Community Fragen zu Steuern & Aktien ? Steuererklärung in 17 min. erstellen ► * ⛑ Erste Hilfe Set zum Vermögensaufbau ► * ? Investor-Community Discord ℹ️ Mehr Infos: Welche Basics in...

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Warum C- und D Lagen Dein Untergang sein können (Unseriöse Immobilien-Coaches)

? Immobilien-Bewertung LIVE Webinar ? Am 08.07.21 ab 20 Uhr #Immobilien als Investment gehören nach wie vor zu den beliebtesten Vermögenswerten. Doch viele (Möchtegern -)#ImmobilienCoaches präsentieren C- und D Lagen so, als wären sie hochrentable Investmentmöglichkeiten. Immobilien-Selfmade-Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk räumt heute mit dem Mythos der C- und D Lagen bei Immobilien als...

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Neue Wahlvorhersagen – Welche Koalition ist am wahrscheinlichsten? Unvereinbarkeitsbeschlüsse

✘ Werbung: In regelmäßigen Abständen rechne ich auf Grund der neuesten #Wahlumfragen Möglichkeiten für zukünftige #Koalitionsbildung nach der kommenden Bundestagswahl aus. Seit dem vergangenen Video von Ende April hat sich eine Menge getan. Das Blatt hat sich in Sachen #Koalitionen wieder einmal gewendet. Bundestagswahl 2021 ► -TzA Wahl Thüringen ► Medien zu 60 -92% rot-grün ► _J14 Charles Krüger Saarland...

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July 1 Episode | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 7/1/21

SEG-1: Profits vs Earnings: YOY Comparisons SEG-2: To Taper or Not to Taper? SEG-3: What Will Trigger Markets this Summer? SEG-4: YouTube Q&A: Fed Debt, Bank Lending, Delta Variant -------- - Hosted by Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA -------- Articles Mentioned in this show: -------- -------- Get more info...

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July 1 Market Preview | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [7/1/21]

(7/1/21) The first two weeks of July tend to be positive for markets, but we're entering an historically weak period for markets; Earnings comparisons from 2020 are going to be astonishing because of last year's shutdowns: It will be an Earnings Season of the have's vs have-not's. Money Flow Signals are rapidly shifting; we've added a Dow Index in order to take advantage of the "catch-up" trade. We're over-due for a 5% correction, not...

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Independence Day Episode | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 7/5/21

00:00 Demographics are Destiny 10:05 The Truth Behind ESG Investing 23:05 Capitalism Does Not Equal Corporatism [Pt. 1] 35:35 Seasonality, Cycles, and the Coming Market Correction Today's show content contains segments previously broadcast. Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO _________ REGISTER for Upcoming Events: ➢ 'Long Term Care' Lunch & Learn [July 8, 2021 at 12pm CT]:...

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Living in a Post Coronavirus World | The Real Investment Show (6/30/21): Market Analysis & Commen…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Living In a Post Coronavirus World | The Real Investment Show [6/30/21]

00:00 - Living in a Post Coronavirus World 10:10 - PPP: Where Did All the Workers Go? 23:15 - Short-termism & the Challenge of Navigating Markets Today 35:40 - Daily YouTube Q&A: Looking for Opportunities, Dollar Strength, Interest Rates. (Tune in to the Livestream every weekday morning at 6am CT to submit your questions in the chat -or- leave a comment on today's video.) Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance...

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Welche Folgen hat eine Privatinsolvenz? SCHUFA, Pfändungen & mehr! Interview mit Vanessa Lehmann 2/2

Wie läuft eine Privatinsolvenz ab? Q&A mit Insolvenzberaterin Frau Lehmann | Finanzfluss Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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Major Market Review | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [6/30/21]

A review of the major markets, as the S&P is back on a money flow "buy" signal, and MACD's have already turned positive, giving a short-term upward bias to markets. Upside to markets, however, remains limited. NASDAQ has been The Story lately, on a buy signal, and playing "catch-up" with the S&P. Now on a very high-level "buy" signal, and that means a bigger risk of correction. Both markets have been on a...

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The Lifeline of Markets – Liquidity Defined

We recently read an analogy in which the author compares the current state of asset prices to an airplane flying at 50,000 feet. Unfortunately, we cannot find the article and provide a link. The gist is market valuations are flying at an abnormally high altitude. While our market plane cannot sustain such heights in the long run, there is little reason to suspect it will fall from the sky either.

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The Rick & Morty Mortiplicity Episode (6/29/21): Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA …

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Aktienrente sinnvoll? | Reaktion auf Christian Lindner

Was Saidi vom FDP-Vorschlag einer Aktienrente hält, wie Altersvorsorge und Immobilienerwerb in Deutschland gefördert werden und wie ein flexibler Renteneintritt wirklich aussehen sollte.

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The ‘Rick & Morty Mortiplicity’ Episode | The Real Investment Show [6/29/21]

00:00 Rick & Morty's "Mortiplicity" in the Markets 10:10 Warnings from Behind the Curtain 23:10 Investors in an Alternative Universe 35:40 YouTube Q&A: Tapering Impact, Stops, Job Openings Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO _________ Articles mentioned in this show: Technically Speaking: Warnings From Behind The Curtain _________ REGISTER for...

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Sandra Navidi: Was die Tech-Elite plant und wer die Zukunft dominiert // Mission Money

Wie wird man fit für das Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz? Wir fragen nach bei Wall-Street-Insiderin Sandra Navidi. Sie kennt die Pläne der Tech-Elite und erklärt, welche Unternehmen am besten aufgestellt sind für die Zukunft. Außerdem verrät sie, was grade hinter den Kulissen der Wall Street heiß diskutiert wird ...

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Dressing the Windows to Close Out the Month | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [6/29/21]

The end of June marks the close of the current quarter, with portfolio managers repositioning holdings. Markets are over-bought, with limited up-side. There is still a declining participation, but some positive action is apparent. The first two months of July tend to be positive, but the back half of that month generally is not. We have added some market exposure, but keeping an eye on money flow signals as we move later into the summer....

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The Real Investment Show (6/28/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from Lance Roberts

This is the live stream of today's full show. Watch the edited version here: ➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro...

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