Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Hot Stocks We’re Watching | Three Minutes on Markets & Money 8/18/21

(8/18/21) Hot Stocks we're watching today, after reporting last night, this morning, as well as some reporting this afternoon; they include: Lowe's, Target, T.J. Maxx, Cisco Systems, NVIDIA, and Petco. The undercurrent commentary is what's happening with consumer spending and retail sales, as economic numbers are hinting all is not well. Weaker sales and price action is now beginning to creep across all of the discretionary sector. - Hosted by...

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Markets Trapped Between Inflation & Weakening Economy? | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT)

Markets rallied to another, all-time high on Monday, but there's an undercurrent of consumer dissatisfaction, as we're paying more for things and buying a little less; The Fed is caught between inflation & a weakening economy; could Fed tapering come sooner than later? The cycles of supply and demand are always evolving; inflation is eating into family budgets. ------ 0:00 - Markets Say the Fed is Trapped Between Inflation & Weak Economy...

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Markets: Risky Business? | Three Minutes on Markets & Money 8/17/21

(8/17/21) Markets rallied back to another all-time high; money flows have improved, despite lighter volume. Overall demand for buying, however, has been positive. Buyers have been showing up to take advantage of intermittent dips. The strong earnings season did not result in investors being paid much for their trouble. There is concern that current money flow signals are becoming over-extended, as we're long in the cycle. Is it time for a re-test...

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“Endlich wird in Deutschland über Geld gesprochen” mit Jessica Schwarzer | Interview | Teil 1

Jessica Schwarzer ist eine der renommiertesten Finanzjournalistinnen Deutschlands. In einer kleinen Interviewreihe steht sie uns Rede und Antwort. Im ersten Teil geht es unteranderem um ihre Erfahrungen mit dem "Zocken", die Börse und warum in Deutschland endlich über Geld gesprochen wird.

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Why Markets Won’t Teeter on the Taliban | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 8/16/21

Kabul falls to the Taliban, but markets have already priced-in the news. The real upset may come when the Fed announces it's going to taper QE; The Fed's Liquidity Trap & Liquidity Alarms; The Three Things that will tell you it's time to get out of the markets; ------ SEG-1: Markets are Built on Confidence & Stability SEG-2: The Liquidity Alarm SEG-3: Three Things That'll Tell You to Get Out of the Market -------- Chief Investment...

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Buch: Warum hat mir das Niemand früher über Geld verraten – Mario Lochner

✘ Werbung: Bestelllink zum Buch ► Bestelllink Buch1 ► Das Buch ist sprachlich und technisch perfekt geschrieben. Es ist spannend, hat auf...

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Is Kabul the Catalyst for Markets to Fall? | Three Minutes on Markets & Money 8/16/21

(8/16/21) The collapse of Kabul, Afghanistan, tops the news, but it likely will not be much of a catalyst for markets--not as much as the Fed's role and its move to taper quantitative easing. Markets are already competing with the economy for liquidity. Like Kabul, consumer confidence is collapsing as stimulus payments run out. Markets are holding on at marginal highs with the largest equity inflows on record--both those flows are declining. We're...

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Immobilien Desaster – Was diesen Sommer bei mir alles schief ging

??‍♂️ Lerne aus meinen katastrophalsten Immo-Fu** Ups! ? (LIVE Webinar am 22.08. *Plätze limitiert) #Immobilien als Investment sind nach wie vor eine extrem beliebte Anlageform für Vermögen. Doch was viele Immobilien-Coaches gerne verschweigen, ist, wie teuer unerwartete Reparaturen, sei es durch versteckte Mängel oder durch klimabedingte Ereignisse, sein können. Immobilien-Selfmade-Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka....

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Warren Buffett: 5 Regeln für Erfolg an der Börse

Warren Buffetts Tipps zum langfristigen erfolgreichen investieren ? Kostenloses Depot inkl. 20€ Prämie ► * ⛑ Erste Hilfe Set zum Vermögensaufbau ►...

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Altersvorsorge mit Aktien: 5 Beispiele aus dem Ausland!

Aktien für Altersvorsorge: 5 Länder im Vergleich! Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► ? ℹ️ Weitere Infos...

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Armin Laschet, Elon Musk und Grünheide sowie Wasser und Wasserstoff

✘ Werbung: Kunden werben Tesla-Kunden ► Der Kanzlerkandidat der Union Armin Laschet traf sich mit Elon Musk an der #Gigafactory 4 in #Grünheide. Die Killerfrage von Herrn Laschet lautete an Herr Musk: Was ist der #Fahrzeugantrieb der Zukunft? Wasserstoff oder batterieelektrisch. Ja, nee, ist klar. Frage Laschet ► Fremdschämen ► Charles Krüger ►

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Creative Funding of 529’s | The Real Investment Show (EDITED) 8/13/21

How will you be funding your children's education? 529's are great, and there are myriad ways they can be funded--even over-funded. Now that you have kids, here are a few tips; why EDG Funds are not a good value for investors: Traps to avoid! ------ 0:00 - Having Babies & Funding Education 11:33 - Creative Funding of 529's 22:48 - The Ugly Truth Behind ESG Funds -------- Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor,...

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Zuseherfrage: Depot oder Sparbuch? Einstieg ins Investieren.

✘ Werbung: Disclaimer: Dies ist keine #Anlageberatung! Das Video dient zur allgemeinen finanziellen #Bildung. Ein Zuseher hat sich über wenige Jahre ein stolzes Sümmchen zusammen gespart, das überwiegend auf seinem #Sparbuch liegt. Er hat schon ganz vorsichtig angefangen zu investieren. Weiß aber nicht so richtig, wie er weitermachen soll und stellt mir allgemeine Fragen. Playlist Vermögensaufbau ►...

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Wie thesauriert Dein ETF wirklich?

Was passiert mit Euren Dividenden, wenn Ihr einen thesaurierenden ETF habt? Diese spannende Frage klärt Saidi in dem Video und verrät Euch, wie ein ETF überhaupt thesauriert. Wertpapierdepots von Finanztip empfohlen (Stand 16.3.2021): Scalable Capital* ► Trade Republic* ► Smartbroker* ►...

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Is Inflation Still Hot? | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 8/12/21

Is all of the Inflation talk over-inflated? Why are inflated gasoline prices-short term not directly connected to oil prices? It's all Supply & Demand, and the CPI is a flawed metric. The Great Gasoline Price argument; Socialism vs Capitalism. ------ 0:00 - Is Inflation Talk Getting Inflated? 09:19 - Is there actually a moderation in inflation? 21:43 - The Economic Consequences of Inflation -------- Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment...

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Why Markets Aren’t Making Progress | Three Minutes on Markets & Money 8/12/21

(8/12/21) Here are four stocks we're watching today, as investors digest why markets aren't making much headway, despite setting another, new high on Tuesday. Earnings are good, forward guidance is good, but stocks aren't getting much benefit from those results. Deviations from 200- and 50-DMA remain rather extreme, and money flows are way over-bought--setting up for an inevitable market correction. Where are the opportunities for you? - Hosted by...

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Wohlstand und Globalisierung – gut oder böse?

✘ Werbung: Die #Superreichen und auch die 'nur' richtig #Reichen haben ihr Geld nicht im Dagoberts Geldspeicher (Geld oben halten), sondern es arbeitet in der Wirtschaft. Und zwar vor allem ganz unten. Nennt sich Globalisierung. Immer größere Anteile des #Wirtschaftskreislaufs werden in geringer entwickelten Ländern auf der Welt ausgeführt. Die Menschen dort freuen sich. Mit einem Vermögen von 60k$ gehören sie zum...

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Bitcoin, Infrastructure, NFT’s, & Pet Rocks | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 8/11/21

Surprises in the Infrastructure Bill include funds for projects that will have low or no ROI; signs we're in a market bubble include Crypto Currency schemes, NFT's, and digital art; Three signs the market is about to turn: Fed QE Taper, rising rates, and inverted yield curves; how to invest new money; are crypto currency and vaccine passports preludes to cashless society? ------ 0:00 - Intro; 5 Things You Didn't Know are in the Infrastructure...

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Market Sector Winners & Losers |Three Minutes on Markets & Money 8/11/21

(8/11/21) Markets hit an all time high, but didn't do much with it. Despite record earnings and good economic news, markets haven't gotten much traction, and in that process, money flows into the market are rapidly deteriorating and bringing us closer to a correctional period. A re-test of the 50-DMA and a break in that point would set up for about a 12% decline down to the 200-DMA--well within the context of time and duration. The decline in...

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The Infrastructure Episode (8/10/21): Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Ch…

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