Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Financial Fitness Friday (5/6/22)

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Richtig inSchweizer Aktien investieren? Schweizer Aktien & ETF konkret

Auswahl an Schweizer ETFs und Indexfonds im Fokus. Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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The Truth About Life Insurance

0:47 - Worried About Government Over-reach? Want to Create a Super-Roth? Want a Tax-free Retirement Income? Want to Build a Judgement-Proof Estate? Want to Eliminate the Risk of Estate Taxes? 2:29 - Why do you have--or why consider--Life Insurance? 5:00 - Term Coverage--the "Alka Seltzer" of Insurance 5:35 - Term Life Pro's 7:54 - Term Life Con's 9:00 - Permanent Insurance Tax-Free Accumulation vs Roth IRA 9:55 - Term Life Insurance...

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No surprises from Fed – where do we go from here? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/5/22) Jerome Powell's announced 50-basis-points rate hike was as expected--but the Fed added a dovish tone by slowing the rate of tapering on its balance sheet. With Professional and Retail investor sentiment at some of the lowest levels we've seen, and positioning very, very light in equities, the bit of good news was all Wall Street needed to stage a 3% rally, pushing up to resistance at the 20- and 50-DMA's. If markets go there, that's the...

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The Fed’s Silver Lining

(5/5/22) The Fed is raising rates by 50-basis-points, but tapering its balance sheet at a slower pace than expected, causing great jubilation on Wall Street, and a 3% rally after the announcement. The narrative the Fed feeds does not always comport with reality; how Jerome Powell "walks the line." Is the Fed looking at the economy in the right way? Economic data are telling a different story; is the market actually bottoming--or could it...

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High Risk = Big Reward ️ only if you evaluate the deal correctly

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Von Volkswagen bis Telekom: Was mit diesen 5 Volksaktien schiefläuft

Im heutigen Video stellt Saidi euch die 5 größten Volksaktien und ihre Probleme vor. Finanztip Basics ► Saidis Podcast: Instagram: Newsletter: Forum: So arbeiten wir:...

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Tesla Model Y – The New Aero – Interview mit den Gründern. Geschichte, Hintergründe

✘ Werbung: 10% Discount auf die Felgen ► (mit ABE) Die The #New #Aero #Felge wurde als Traum von drei Tesla Freunden 2016 entwickelt. Ziel war es, eine besonders luftwiderstandarme Felge zu entwickeln, die hohen Ansprüchen an Design und Qualität genügt. Seit 2016 existiert die Firma und liefert ihre Razor Design Felgen für sämtliche Tesla Modelle S, X, 3 und Y. Ich selbst fahre die Felgen seit vergangener Woche auf...

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Wachstumszwang: Ökonom über Suffizienz, Buy & Hold und die Grenzen des Wachstums! Interview Teil 1/2

Wachstumszwang der Wirtschaft: Prof Dr. Mathias Binswanger im Interview 1/2 Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *📈 In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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How Will Today’s Fed Meeting Impact Your Money? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/4/22) Market futures are elevated following two days of volatility and a slow grinding higher; lots of trepidation on Wall St. as the Fed's FOMC meeting convenes today. What the Fed says--or does not say--will affect markets, and in turn, your money. Will the Fed announce a 50-basis-point hike in rates, and a tapering of its balance sheet starting in June--or--will they be more aggressive, hiking rates 75-basis-points, with more, similar rate...

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What Will Today’s FOMC Meeting Reveal?

(5/4/22) Today's FOMC meeting will reveal what Jerome Powell & Co really think about the economy, and how the Federal Reserve intends to address inflation: Corporate earnings are decent, but forward guidance is sucky. What we mean when we say we're "taking profits;" how to adjust your portfolio strategy for risk, and why cash is king. Don't confuse narratives for returns: Indexes paint a different view than what's really happening in...

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The Real Truth: Exposing the Lies You are Being Sold – Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Co-founders Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are joined by two of the best sources of information on the current economy - Nomi Prins, former Wall Street Insider and trusted friend, and Andy Tanner, the Rich Dad Advisor for Paper Assets. You will be exposed to the lies you are being sold as they discuss strategies to profit and protect your money! If you want hard-hitting truth and specific strategies that you can apply to your life right away -...

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Warum 2022 ein Portfolio OHNE KRYPTOS Dein Untergang sein kann!

✔️ Jetzt Gratis Steuer-Webinar ansehen! 👉 ------------------------------------ Mit Krieg, #Inflation, steigenden Energiepreisen und Immobilienpreisen die unaufhörlich steigen, fragen sich viele Anleger und Investoren, wie sie 2022 noch ihr #VermögenSchützen können geschweige denn #Rendite mit ihrem Geld erwirtschaften können. Bitcoin, Ethereum, #Dogecoin & Co stehen mittlerweile täglich in den...

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CRASHJAHR 2022? So investierte Gerd Kommer!!

Heute gibt Gerd Kommer einen Einblick in seine Ansichten zum aktuellen Aktienmarkt, wie die Zukunft aussehen könnte und wie man sich aktuell Aufstellen sollte. Das und vieles mehr in diesem Interview! Alle Infos: Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH 👍 bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH cryptofit zu machen! #JulianHosp #Bitcoin #Blockchain 👌 Kein Video mehr verpassen? ABONNIERE meinen...

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What Will the Fed Say Tomorrow? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/3/22) The next Fed meeting is tomorrow, at which the FOMC is expected to hike rates 50-basis points, and reduce its balance sheet by $90-Billion starting in June. But what if they don't? What if the Fed says it's raising rates by 75-basis points, and issues a much more hawkish view on inflation? That's the risk markets are facing as they try to position ahead of the meeting. With markets so negatively biased, any news that matches expectations...

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Will Markets Rally Following the Fed Meeting?

(5/3/22) The FOMC meets tomorrow, and while many are anxiously awaiting the Fed's pronouncements on Thursday; in reality, markets may have already "baked-in" an expected 50-basis point rate hike and $90-B balance sheet taper to begin in June. Dragons are real; How Investors are positioning for the rest of the summer; YouTube influencers and the end of bad advice; S&P earnings estimates continue to climb, even as corporate forecasts...

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Illuvium Revealed: The GameFi Revolution – [Cryptoverse Ep.13]

Host Robb LeCount and expert Jim Lecci are joined by the co-Founder of Illuvium, Keiran Warwick to discuss the beginnings of Illuvium and what impact it's having on the blockchain gaming world. Kieran is a proven serial entrepreneur. Working alongside his brother Kain Warwick in e-commerce, Kieran was exposed to Bitcoin and Ethereum early on. His enthusiasm for the crypto space led to his joining Blueshyft. While there, Kieran successfully...

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Zuseher Kommentar zu Windstrom und Photovoltaik

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► Mal wieder geistern fehlerhafte #Zahlen bezüglich unserer #regenerativen #Energien durch die sozialen Medien. Ich rechne diese Zahlen gegen und komme auf ganz andere Größenordnungen LNG - Teil 1 ► LNG - Teil 2 ► _IDuw

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Why Now Would Be a Really Good Time to Rally | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/2/22) Markets are set to prove the April-to-May adage: Thunderstorms on Wall Street in April resulted in extremely negative investor sentiment. Markets are very over-sold, and positioning is very light--not surprising given market performance last month. Can markets go lower? Certainly. And we could see a bit of a short-term rally at this point, too, albeit with a lower high as the market continues to establish a down trend. We could also see a...

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Is a Bigger Bear Market Coming?

(5/2/22) Will April's showers bring a flowering to the markets in May? Comparing 2021 to now--is a bigger bear market coming? (Anything the Fed says next can tilt markets one way or the other.) The potential for a short-term rally is likely; use it to rebalance risk in portfolios. Wall Street's golden plateau is "buy & sell;" the velocity of news can destroy market caps overnight; Warren Buffett: "Markets are a Casino."...

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