Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Could Markets Rally All the Way into Summer? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/1/22) We're seeing signs of a much stronger rally as we head into Summer months: There has not been a negative June in the markets since 2015; July also tends to be a stronger month in the Summer. Things are more dicey in August and September, but with markets under so much pressure the past two months, it would not be a surprise to see markets take off in the next two months. Markets tend to do the opposite of what everyone expects: With over...

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The Great Resignation has shifted to The Great Re-hiring

(6/1/22) Summer Markets could provide opportunity for investors; 25% of Americans are delaying retirement because of inflation--meaning, they weren't ready to retire in the first place. How Biden/Powell are fighting inflation; the solution for high gasoline prices is more oil. California lifeguards earning 6-figure incomes; how The Great Resignation has shifted to The Great Re-hiring; how we're handling inflation & the Savings Paradox; Bearish...

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Student Loan Forgiveness is a Nightmare!

(5/31/22) Iran's "secret" tunnels; The new Delorean; Why Student Loan Forgiveness is a fundamentally flawed concept. [NOTE: The last segment of today's show (5/31/22) was dropped from the live feed to YouTube; it is preserved in this recording.] 0:00 - The Flawed Reasoning Behind Forgiving Student Loans Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO -------- Our Latest "Three Minutes on Markets & Money:...

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Werden Trade Republic & Co. bald teurer?

In diesem Video erklärt Saidi, wie Neobroker wie Trade Republic so günstig sein können, ob das so bleibt und ob Ihr dort aufgrund schlechter Kurse doch draufzahlt.

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Can the Rally Last? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/31/22) Markets are ending the month of May with a nice rally in the previous week--but can it last? There are still a lot of companies that are offsides in market allocations in terms of equities as well as in bonds--anyone with a 60/40 allocation is out of whack. Much of the remaining rebalancing will have to be accomplished in the final month of the quarter: June. Volatility, however, has not been suggesting the recent rally can stand. What...

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What Markets are Trying to Tell the Fed

(5/31/22) Markets prepare to wrap up May, and enter the final month of the Second Quarter, and how investors can take advantage; why inflationary pressures remain; how Washington's idiocy made inflation worse...and some Senators want to repeat the process. Oil Company margins are no better now, thanks to inflation of labor and materials, and higher costs of extraction. How trapped-longs can finally get out; why the Fed is behind the curve in...

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Wie du dir aus dem NICHTS ein Vermögen aufbaust (ohne viel Startkapital)

👉 Wie kann man ohne Vorwissen und ohne viel Startkapital - quasi aus dem Nichts - ein #VermögenAufbauen ? #Selfmade Multi-Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk, erzählt in diesem Video, wie er das geschafft hat und wie auch du es zu echtem #Reichtum bringen kannst. Wer ist Gerald Hörhan? Der österreichische Selfmade Multi-Millionär mit Lederjacke und 40+ Millionen EUR Immobilienportfolio, Gerald...

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Tesla Model Y – Fahrwerk von lautlos performance – Messwerte

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► ------------------- jjmotors ► Lautlos Performance ► ------------------- Das Fahrwerk des Tesla Model Y gilt als ruppig. Verantwortlich dafür ist die hohe #Vorspannung der #Federn. (bzw. haben mir weichere Federn eingebaut, die zu einem...

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High Inflation May Already Be Behind Us

High inflation has captured the headlines as of late particularly as CPI recently hit the highest levels since 1981. Some are even suggesting we will face hyperinflation. However, while inflation is certainly present, the question to be answered is whether it will remain that way, or if the worst may already be behind us?

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Die Altersvorsorge in der Schweiz // Fintool Talk mit PensExpert

Heri & Lötscher zu Entwicklungen in der Altersvorsorge Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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Sollte man in Emerging Markets investieren? Vor- & Nachteile von Schwellenländer !

Beim erstellen eines globalen Portfolios ist eine bereits bewährte Option dem MSCI World zusätzlich Schwellenländer, bspw. in Form eines MSCI Emerging Markets, beizumischen. Aber welche Länder werden eigentlich als Schwellenländer definiert?

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Krypto, ETF oder Aktien? So investiert ein Banker und Unternehmer. Portfolio Check von Ben

Ben ist unser neues Teammitglied im Talerbox Team und unterstützt uns bei der Videoproduktion. Beruflich ist Ben Banker und Unternehmer und war sogar schon als Dozent tätig.

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5 Anzeichen für eine toxische Beziehung zu Geld

In diesem Video zeigen Saidi Euch 5 Anzeichen für ein toxisches Money-Mindset und was Ihr jetzt tun könnt, um das zu ändern.

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Target Date Funds: The Rule of Dumb

(5/27/22) (5/27/22) Will the Memorial Day weekend see lots of "revenge travel?" Never under-estimate the ability of a bear market to suck you in one more time; a reflexive rally is not an all-clear sign for investors. Listen to screeching sound of a dead-cat bounce; how are companies responding; how long can a reflexive rally last? ESG funds are just S&P funds in a green skirt. Target Date Funds: The Rule of Dumb. Why Target Date Fund...

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This Investment is Over 9% Guaranteed! – [StockCast Ep. 78]

We NEVER say something is guaranteed on this show. NEVER! Until today. So, if you want to learn about this investment that gives you a 9%+ return you are going to want to pay close attention to this show. When you are listening, you will understand why Andy is such an AMAZING teacher. If you’d like to get some of his FREE training: #financialeducation #cashflow #stockmarket Facebook:...

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Reupload 12/2020: Geldsystem – Wie Zentralbankgeld und Giralgeld durch die Banken getrennt sind, EZB

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► ✘ Werbung: Kaum ein #Bürger versteht, wie unser Geldsystem wirklich funktioniert. Zwar ist mittlerweile unter den #Wissenden bekannt, dass Giralgeld von der Bank an uns geschuldetes Geld ist. Aber wie Zentralbankgeld mit Giralgeld zusammenhängt ist unbekannt. Asche auf mein Haupt. Ich wusste es bis...

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Snap Goes The Economy

“…the macro environment has deteriorated further and faster than we anticipated when we issued our quarterly guidance last month.” -Snap CEO Evan Spiegel

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Investing So Easy a Monkey Can Do It…until the bubble bursts.

(5/30/22) As the markets go, so goes the year: The way we look at financial markets is very different from the way the Fed looks at financial markets. Keep in mind where we've come from, and where we are today: How inflation was created, and the mistake everyone made was that growth in the economy was organic...but in reality was fueled by all the liquidity that had been injected into the economy; the problem of not having an investing strategy....

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How Much Room Does the Market Have? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/26/22) Good news for markets as they try to establish a bottom and set up for a counter-trend rally. Stock prices peaked in March, and since then have had a tough time. The MACD signal has been in a downward trend, applying downward pressure to pricing at the same time. Wednesday's rally triggered a MADC Buy-signal for the first time in 8-weeks. Markets have been stabilizing and forming consistent bottom levels. With the MACD signal in place,...

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The Federal Reserve: Two Hikes & Done?

(5/26/22) 2022 is turning out to be one of the roughest years ever for market investors; where investors are most likely to make mistakes; How aggressive will the Fed be on interest rates? No one is surprised at Meta's fraud issues; the question of blockchain integrity; software security will be an ongoing business & investing opportunity; what will the Fed's next action mean for markets? The Fed looks at markets differently than do investors;...

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