Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Dr. Andreas Beck: Darum schätzt Du den Immobilien-Markt völlig falsch ein!

Lohnen sich Immobilien noch als Investment? Oder lauert grade eine böse Falle? Dr. Andreas Beck warnt schon länger vor einem möglichen Ende des Booms! Der Portfolio-Manager achtet dabei vor allem auf die Demographie und Wohnflächen-Nachfrage. Doch jetzt hat der Finanzexperte seine Meinung zum Thema Immobilien geändert. Was dahintersteckt und welche Faktoren viele Investoren übersehen – das erklärt Andreas Beck im Gespräch mit Mario Lochner und gibt...

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Why the IRS Needs Armed Agents

Markets' counter-trend rally despite no changes fundamentally; "Inflation" and "easing" shouldn't be in the same sentence; Janet Yellen as "Grand Theft Granny:" Why the IRS needs armed agents; now is the time for all good men to trim equity exposure; why "The Flintstones," "Bewitched," and "Leave it to Beaver" could never be produced today;

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5 Steps to Grow Your Business – Millennial Money – Alexandra Gonzalez, Kim Kiyosaki

Employees of all different backgrounds have recently left their jobs due to the Great Resignation. Millennials have proven to be especially impulsive.  Freelancing, becoming an influencer, or changing your employment classification to an independent contractor are growing in popularity among Millennials and Gen Z. While the initiative is commendable, these jobs have their downside—one being working 24/7 in your business.  In this episode, host...

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Kannst Du gut mit Geld umgehen? Mach den Test!

Hast Du Dein toxisches Money-Mindset schon überwunden? In diesem Video verrät Saidi Dir 5 Anzeichen, woran Du erkennst, ob Du eine gute Beziehung zu Geld hast. Hol Dir die Finanztip App mit allen News für Dein Geld: Finanztip Basics ►...

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Buchvorstellung: Nahrungsergänzung im Selbstversuch von Lorenz Borsche, Hintergründe, mein Vorgehen

Heute stelle ich Ihnen ein Buch vor, in dem ein Autor sehr kurzweilig schreibt, warum und welche Nahrungsergänzungsmittel er nimmt. Er erläutert auch die Hintergründe und ich vergleiche sie mit meiner Vorgehensweise.

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Inflation Lower Than Expected | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(8/11/22) Inflation came in less than expected, spurring stocks higher, as expected. The 0% print was almost entirely due to falling energy prices, but without that variable, CPI actually rose a bit, with Core CPI still in positive territory.

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Are Prices “Stickier” Than We Think?

(8/11/22) Markets' aftermath of a flat CPI print: Has inflation peaked? Markets' 50% retracement of previous decline: What's the difference between a bear market and a correction? World Record Ghost Pepper eater; Markets' response to 0% inflation print (and what this really means); the Fed is tricky--the fallacy of "core" inflation; Are prices "stickier" than we think? The challenge of an unstable economic environment; the fallout from pandemic:...

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Is the Great Reset Happening? – Robert Kiyosaki @Mark Moss

At the World Economic Forum meeting last November, Klaus Schwab, the founder, and chairman of the WEF, Henry Kissinger, heads of state, and other billionaire power brokers determined that by 2030, the little people “will own nothing and be happy.” Today’s guest explains that these ideologies are both dangerous and evil. Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying, “If you control the food, you control a nation. If you control the energy, you control a...

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Building a Promo (8/10/22): If you’re going to run a test feed, might as well try to make it ente…

#Markets #Money #Investing

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Investieren Frauen anders? (Investorella im Talk)

🚀Jetzt Gratis Steuer-Webinar Zugang sichern! 👉 Warum interessieren sich Frauen nicht für #Investments ? Oder tun sie das doch? Und wenn sie #investieren , was machen sie anders als Männer und wann und wie sollte man mit Kindern über das Thema #Geld sprechen? Das und mehr diskutieren heute der gelernte Investmentbanker und Selfmade-Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk und Larissa Kravitz aka....

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Pip Klöckner über Krypto, Techfonds-Manager & nachhaltige Investments! Interview 3/3

Philipp Klöckner im Interview Teil 3/3! Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *📈 In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► 🧠 ℹ️ Weitere Infos zum...

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Robo Advisors – Alles was Sie unbedingt wissen sollten!

Investieren mit Robo Advisors? Zuerst sollten Sie dieses Video sehen! Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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Waiting on the Inflation Print | 3:00 on Markets & Money

Markets have rallied up into resistance over the past few days, consolidating at previous resistance levels, waiting on today's inflation print. [NOTE: At 7:30a CDT, CPI reported "cooler" than expected, at 8.5% year over year.] Weaker inflation will be interpreted as being good for stocks, because the Fed may be compelled to slow their aggressive rate hike campaign. Regardless, markets are very overbought on a short-term basis.

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Anticipating Today’s CPI (8/10/22)

(8/10/22) Going back to school in a Recession: July CPI anticipation [NOTE: At 7:30a CDT, CPI reported "cooler" than expected, at 8.5% year over year], and watching the Yield Curve; NFIB sales expectations are plummeting; workers becoming less productive as wages rise; higher prices are being passed on to consumers; childhood diseases & garden hose immunity; Market Commentary: betting on the Fed to pivot; stock analysis: who's down 20%?

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Was kann ich mit ETFs falsch machen?

Saidi reagiert im heutigen Video auf einen Beitrag vom Hessischen Rundfunk zum Thema ETFs.

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Is the Fed Close to the End? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(8/9/22) The debates are raging over whether we're seeing the dawning of a new Bull Market, or only a continuation of a Bear Market rally. Who'll be correct? More importantly, what should YOU do at this juncture? Markets have been improving, technically...a nice pattern of rising tops and bottoms has led markets back up to resistance levels from June of this year. If markets fail from this point, it will confirm the Bear Market Rally; however,...

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The Pandemic Effect (8/9/22)

(8/9/22) Bemoaning the death of Olivia Newton-John and the loss of our youth; markets' behavior because there's no pressure on the Fed to pivot. Yet. Why flat beer may be the next thing: CO2 shortage, The Roberts' Family vacation: Driving in Italy and Yacht price inflation; hypocrisy of Millennials decrying capitalism on iPhones; NVIDIA & Peloton performance: The post-pandemic effect; lower expectations reflect return to "normal;"...

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Thomas Andreas Beck Kultur Sommer Wien 2022

Kultur Sommer Wien 2022 1160 Wien Kongreßpark 7.August 2022 Der Liedermacher,Dichter und Autor Thomas Andreas Beck. Video: Helmuth Peter Anders

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Userfrage: Hotel, Gastronomie, e-Commerce und Jobflucht

Restaurants kann man schlecht digitalisieren und gelieferte Lebensmittel muss noch jemand zubereiten. Lieferdienste sind der Boom der letzten Jahre, aber weit überwiegend (nicht nur) für Fastfood.

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Is the Markets’ Bullish Mood Just Hype?| 3:00 on Markets & Money

(8/8/22) Negative market sentiment should lead to lower equity prices, but in the short-term, some bullish patterns emerge. Markets' three-week rally is tempting the media to hype the new, bullish mood. Markets still have a lot of work ahead as the Fed hikes rates and tightens policy in its inflation fight,. That's going to lower economic activity, which will, in turn, force stocks to reprice for that. If markets pull-back, where will support be...

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