Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

BOE Bailout Fuels Rally | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(9/29/22) Markets have been working to hold onto support established back in June; yesterday's news of the Bank of England resuming bond purchases to bail out pension funds provided the octane needed for a rally upward, and fueled expectations the Fed would capitulate sooner than later in its rate hike campaign. Markets could open weaker this morning, following yesterday's sharp rally. Can markets confirm higher ground established on Wednesday?...

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The “Broken Window Theory” is Flawed

(9/29/22) Hurricane Ian pounded Florida overnight; recovery and repairs will contribute economic activity to the area, but the "Broken Window" theory has some flaws and mirrors the relationship between stimulus and inflation. The Bank of England caved to pressure, repeating what caused inflation in the first place; the realization that high valuations cannot be maintained; bond market in biggest bear mode in history; Bond's role in with...

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Manchmal macht es Sinn, eine Zwischenholding zu gründen Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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Are you prepared for what’s coming?

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#1 Cause of Bankruptcy in Retirement – Robert Kiyosaki, John MacGregor

One of the most critical demographic patterns in American history is the increase in the population above the age of 65. Today’s guest explains how 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day, and seven out of ten will require long-term care. 

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Gerd Kommer: Das ist jetzt die richtige Strategie für Anleger / Börse & Aktien

Aktien, Anleihen, Gold – alles rot. Mit einem großen Ausverkauf reagieren die Märkte auf steigende Zinsen und Rezessionssorgen. Wie geht es weiter? Was lehrt die Vergangenheit? Darüber spreche ich mir Gerd Kommer in einem Live-Talk am 29.9. ab 19 Uhr.

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Was treibt die aktuelle Inflation? EZB-Maßnahmen sinnvoll? Ökonom Marcel Fratzscher im Interview 1/2

Wir haben mit dem Ökonomen Prof. Marcel Fratzscher gesprochen. Durch seine früher Tätigkeit bei der EZB und seine aktuelle Position als Leiter des deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung ist er ein echter Fachmann im Bereich Geldpolitik.

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Gerd Kommer: Sind #Aktien aktuell überbewertet? #shorts #investieren

Sind die globalen Aktienmärkte nicht viel zu teuer und überbewertet? Wie sieht es mit anderen Assetklassen aus? Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt einzusteigen. Erfahren Sie, was Dr. Gerd Kommer, Vermögensverwalter & Autor dazu meint.

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The Bank of England Blinks: Is The Fed Next? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(9/28/22) We have long held that market instability would be a key driver in a Fed policy shift from its current course of fighting inflation with higher rates. The Bank of England today is moving from quantitative tightening and starting to buy bonds because of "Market instability." A credit crisis causes much more long-term damage to an economy than does inflation, and any such crisis will dramatically reduce inflation, fast. And the...

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Five Places to Put Cash

(9/28/22) The Bank of England caves to the risk of inciting market instability and resumes its quantitative easing program of bond purchases. Oil Prices may be poised to move higher; Millennials are making more trades than any other demographic; the problem of anchoring; there are benefits to holding cash; the genesis of mutual funds; 29% of Americans are withdrawing from savings for everyday expenses; survey of what women want: more financial...

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Zauberlehrling | Thomas Andreas Beck mit Thomas Pronai (Originalvideo)

Https:// Die Idee zu einer gemeinsamen Band, eine Musikkassette mit analogen Demoaufnahmen und eine harte Corona-Ausgangssperre. Gepaart mit dem Drang, den eigenen Krisen-Frust in ein Kunstwerk zu verwandeln, All das stand am Anfang dieses Albums. Aber der Reihe nach. 2021; Thomas Andreas Beck ist als Musiker zurück: Sein neues Album „Alles brennt“ ist ein poetisches, nachdenkliches und leidenschaftliches Werk. Ruhig und...

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Die Nahrungsmittelkrise ist da! Bald auch bei uns?

Von er Allgemeinheit wenig bemerkt, laufen wir in eine riesige Nahrungsmittelkrise hinein. Un ich meine nicht, ass #Nahrung immer teurer wir. Nein - es geht um ie #Versorgung er #Menschen un ie ausreichene Verfügbarkeit von #Lebensmitteln. Wenn es mit einem Blackout knüppelick kommt,

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Will the Dollar Boost the Markets? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(9/27/22) Markets are set to rally this morning, as a big short-squeeze may be underway; the dollar is showing signs of weakness.

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The Most-forecast Recession in History

(9/27/22) Are markets preparing for a big Short-squeeze? Just a month ago we were talking about rampant market bullishness, and now there's a high level of fear and angst in the markets. The dollar's strength has created more inflation overseas, at three standard deviations above the 50-DMA; that cannot last.

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Employees Want Paychecks for Life: Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Lifetime Income

Annuities and similar products may help address retirement readiness in an aging workforce. People are living longer, which means they may need their retirement savings to last decades. As a result, nearly half (48%) of participants are concerned about outliving their retirement savings.

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Question the path you’re taking #shorts

Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad—the #1 personal finance book of all time—Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money.

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Will We Re-challenge June’s Lows?| 3:00 on Markets & Money

(9/26/22) Markets sold off on Friday, re-testing June's lows. The question now is, is the market set to go lower, or do we get a reflexive rally to sell-into? June's lows will be re-challenged once again this morning, and with markets at three standard deviations off the 50-DMA, a reflexive-rally back up to 3,900 would not be surprising, and a great area from which to lift exposure. Bearish sentiment is now at record levels, and a record number of...

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The Fed has Gone Too Far

(9/26/22) Markets on Friday held onto June bottoms and are expected to rally back to 3,900; there were a record number of put-options placed on Friday, as well, indicating investors are hedging against a market crash. Could Italian national elections installing a fiscal conservative by an overwhelming majority be a precursor to US Mid-terms? Current challenges in the auto market: Few used cars available, prices at a premium; long term result of...

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How Could Inflation Impact Corporate Retirement Plans?

Increasing prices may put pressure on employers and delay workers from retiring. Inflation is the increase in the general price of goods and services, which can decrease the purchasing power of American workers. So how does this recent upward trend affect your workplace benefits, employees and retirement plan?

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The Great Resignation 2022: Der direkt Weg in die Armut

The Great Resignation (die große Resignation) bezeichnet das Phänomen, das mit der größten #Kündigungswelle von ArbeitnehmerInnen in den USA losgetreten wurde und das, obwohl der Bedarf an Fachkräften steigt. Auch in Europa ist #TheBigQuit angekommen und MitarbeiterInnen kündigen scharenweise ihre Jobs.

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