Category Archive: 9b) Stock Picking, Value & Dividends

Charlie Munger, The Complete Investor (Book summary in Hindi)

About video 1….Warren buffet and Charlie munger jaise bade investors zyadatar time nayi cheezo ko sikhne mein use karte hai. 2….Munger uss investing system ko follow karte hai, jo ki simple or unko jiske baare mein pta hai. 3….Four simple ideas jo ki ek ache investor ko shant rehne mein help karte hai, or long …

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Charlie Munger advice to young people. | [C:C.M Ep.21]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked what advice would he give to young individuals with a passion for business and finance? What would you say is the best possible way for someone to expose themselves and expand their understanding of workings in the business world which without actually currently being involved it in? In …

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Bayer Aktie – Milliardenschweres Bewertungspotenzial / Gespräch mit Hans A. Bernecker

Die #Aktie von #Bayer schaffte bereits eine deutliche Erholung vom Tief, liegt aber immer noch deutlich unter dem Spitzenniveau vor einigen Jahren. Könnte es demnächst einen großen Befreiungsschlag geben? Und was ist bewertungstechnisch bei der Aktie denkbar? Schauen Sie hierzu in ein Gespräch mit Hans A. #Bernecker, Sendung vom 24.06.2020 im Rahmen von Bernecker TV. Das Video gibt auszugsweise Einblick in ein ansonsten längeres Gesamt-Gespräch...

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Charlie Munger on Traditional Moats. | [C:C.M Ep.20]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked that there is a common sentiment that technology is both accelerating the pace of change and its impact broadening across most industries usurping traditional moats and so given his long career, are the traditionally moaty industries being undermined at a pace that’s different from what’s been happening in …

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Charlie Munger, Stewart Resnick, and Dick Ridordan Interview 2020

#CharlieMunger#StewartResnick#DickRidordan Source: Dr. Sabrina Kay United States Wealth Management® ? Website: ? Twitter: ? USWMO channel: ? USWMO News channel: Learn How to Trade & Invest! ? Receive our weekly Options Playbook: ? Sign up for our Investing 101 program: TRADER...

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Hans A. Bernecker: Diese Fehler gilt es jetzt zu vermeiden

Hans A. Bernecker hat schon seit fast 60 Jahren die Börse im Blick. Bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seine Börsenbriefe. Im Interview erklärt er, wie die Lage an den Märkten sieht – und was ein Aktionär mitbringen sollte, um Erfolg zu haben. Für Hans A. Bernecker ist es wichtig, dass Aktionäre stets die Märkte im Blick haben: "'Look on the market!' Ich muss jeden Tag auf den Markt schauen - oder wenigstens jede Woche", sagt er im...

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Charlie Munger on Today’s Journalistic Ethics. | [C:C.M Ep.19]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked about journalistic ethics because the news has always been colored yellow in the voice of their proprietors. With 9 decades of observation under his belt, does that ring true? In this episode, you’ll learn: – What is Charlie Munger comments on current journalistic ethics? – Why Charlie Munger …

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Charlie Munger: Accounting Principles are Inherently FLAWED

FILMED Feb 2, 2010. In this video, Charlie Munger talks about why accounting principles are flawed, and how often times accountants bless financial bubbles. Link to full talk below. Best Investment Books: Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham: Common Sense Investing by Jack Bogle: Principles by Ray Dalio: Poor Charlie’s Almanack by Peter …

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Charlie Munger on BYD and Tesla. | [C:C.M Ep.18]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked about electric vehicles and BYD. Why are electric vehicle sales at BYD down 50% to 70% while Tesla is growing 50% and what does the future hold for BYD? In this episode, you’ll learn: – What is Charlie Munger comments on BYD and Tesla? – Why did BYD … Continue reading...

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Warren Buffett’s Partner Charlie Munger Predicts Economy and Dollar Collapse

USD is going thought the roof while the fed is printing like there is no tomorrow. In this video Charlie Munger the right hand of Warren Buffett will Explain why he is concerned about our current economy and why he believes that USD is set to implode. ==================================================== ?Ledger Wallet: ?Patreon: ?Let’s connect …

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Lufthansa – Schlauer Fuchs im Aktionärskreis / Gespräch mit Hans A. Bernecker

Die #Aktie der Dt. #Lufthansa hat sich - nach der vorherigen Vollrasur im Kurs in den letzten Wochen prozentual sehr ansprechend entwickelt. Im längerfristigen Chart und im Hinblick auf die absolute Kursentwicklung sieht das allerdings gerade mal nach einem kleinen Schlenker nach oben aus. Gelingt es Thiele, den Staatseinfluss bei der Dt. Lufthansa noch etwas zu reduzieren oder zeitlich zu verkürzen? Was bedeutet weniger Staat und mehr Freiheit für...

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Charlie Munger’s investment philosophy. | [C:C.M Ep.17]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked if he was researching a new company that he has never heard of, how would he approach the research process and how much time would you spend? How does he balance the time he spend on companies? In this episode, you’ll learn: – What would Charlie Munger do … Continue reading...

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Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2018 – Warren Buffett – Charlie Munger

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The Psychology of Human Misjudgment. By Charlie Munger. (Harward, 1995)

The Psychology of Human Misjudgment by Charlie Munger is an extremely powerful speech of Munger’s lessons on our decision making and analysis process. The lecture is also known as “25 Cognitive Biases.” These notions are extremely valuable to know not only in Investing, but in any human endeavour.

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Charlie Munger : The power of incentives

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Charlie Munger-The Right Hand Man of Warren Buffett

Charlie Munger-The Right Hand Man of Warren Buffett ?Welcome to Podocarpus Capital? So who is Charlie Munger? When we talk about Charlie Munger, one thing that strikes the mind is his brilliance. His multi-dimensional personality is demonstrated by the fact that he is a lawyer, philanthropist, an investor and not to forget, a business magnate. …

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How Charlie Munger use Inversion Thinking Process in life. | [C:C.M Ep.16]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked whether he use any tools or behaviors to facilitate his rational thinking because as humans we’re constantly hearing the evolutional baggage which just get in the way of us thinking rationally. In this episode, you’ll learn: – What is Charlie Munger’s favorite tricks to help him think rationally? …

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Charlie Munger comments on the problem with nuclear power. | [C:C.M Ep.15]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked on his thoughts on nuclear power because there’s a lot of talk the these days about the climate and the environment and funds divesting fossil fuels, and countries trying to figure out how to generate electricity without polluting the environment. In this episode, you’ll learn: – What is …

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Wie viel CASHQUOTE ist zu VIEL? ??| Sparkojote

?Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► * ❤️ Herzlichen Dank für den Support ►► #Cash #Cashquote #Finanzrudel ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❤️ Herzlichen Dank für den Support ►► ★ Herzensprojekte von Thomas dem Sparkojoten ★ Mittlerweile betreibe ich einige Projekte und es macht mir ungemein Spass, an diesen zu arbeiten. Ich gebe mir …

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Steuerparadies die Schweiz? ??? | Sparkojote feat. Auswanderluchs

?Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► * Steuerparadies die Schweiz? Ist die Schweiz wirklich ein Steuerparadies? Wir versuchen aufzuklären wie Steuern in der Schweiz sehr abhängig von Wohngemeinde und Wohnkanton sein können. Ob man in Zürich oder in Zug lebt, das macht riesige Unterschiede aus, wie viel Steuern man schlussendlich …

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