Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Ask The Expert – Marc Faber (December 2014) Sprott Money News

Buy Silver and Gold Online | Sprott Money Ltd. Listen to Dr. Marc Faber share his thoughts on the global economy, financial manipulation by Central Banks, precious metals, geopolitics and personal investment.

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Marc Faber zur Geldentwertung

Sirup-Experiment von Marc Faber im cash-Börsen-Talk vom 5. August 2011

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DRAFT: The Biggest Monetary Change In 80 Years

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Swiss Gold Referendum: Results and Analysis

In a referendum, the Swiss had to decide about: 1) Ecopop, an ecological-political movement that wants to limit immigration to 0.2% of the population. 2) Abolishment of tax advantages for rich foreigners. 3) A gold initiative. All three initiatives were rejected, the gold initiative by 78%. George Dorgan summarizes the outcome. He explains what it means for gold, CHF and the SNB. He argues that the next economic cycle will be driven by...

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Taxpayers Association Europe: Die SNB, der Franken, Rotkäppchen und der böse Wolf

Offizielle Stellungnahme des Europäischen Steuerzahlerbunds (TAE) zur Schweizer Volksabstimmung zur Gold-Initiative

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George Dorgan auf Finews: Die vier Fronten bei der Goldinitiative

Der frühere UBS-Banker und Ökonom George Dorgan sieht in der Debatte um die Goldinitiative vier Fronten aufeinander prallen. Dabei wird die Abstimmung über das Schweizer Gold immer mehr zu einem Entscheid über den Fortbestand oder die Abschaffung des Euro-Mindestkurses.

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Why was the gold price so low in 1999/2000?

To find further explanations as to why the gold price was weak in the late 1990s we analyze sector balances. Effectively private spending and private debt went in two different directions: a heavy increase in private spending and debt in the US against less growth in private spending and less debt in the rest of world. This combination fostered GDP growth in the US and weakened it in other countries. Real interest rates were positive. Markets...

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Vier Meinungsgruppen im Schweizer Goldreferendum, eine Übersicht

Das Thema der "Abstimmungs-Arena" im Schweizer Fernsehen war „Gefährdet die Gold-Initiative die Handlungsfreiheit der SNB“? Dieser Blog versucht zu vermitteln, dass die SNB ihre Handlungsfreiheit im Sinne der Einhaltung der Preisstabilität schon im September 2011 verloren hat, als sie den Euro-Mindestkurs einführte.

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Swiss Gold Referendum: Proponents Now Actively Fight SNB and Euro Floor

Latest gold referendum poll November 19: The latest poll shows 27% surely in favor of the gold initiative, 36% surely against the initiative. The most important development is the decision of the gold initiative to actively fight against the SNB's minimum euro rate.

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Ukraine Has 21 Tonnes Gold Left.


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Ukraine Has 21 Tonnes Gold Left.


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Chinese housewives spend big on gold

Published on May 3, 2013 Global financial bigwigs are no match for China's "Da Ma", or housewives, who have swarmed into gold stores across China, buying up 300 tons of gold over the past two weeks. No wonder gold prices have steadied after taking a dive. During the May Day holiday, gold stores were crowded with mostly female customers. Most of them are middle-aged "Chinese housewives". This group of buyers has risen to fame...

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Chinese housewives spend big on gold

Published on May 3, 2013 Global financial bigwigs are no match for China’s “Da Ma”, or housewives, who have swarmed into gold stores across China, buying up 300 tons of gold over the past two weeks. No wonder gold prices have steadied after taking a dive. During the May Day holiday, gold stores were crowded …

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Marc Faber: Gold Price, US Dollar & the Swiss Gold Initiative Dan Popescu exclusive interview with Marc Faber (economist and market forecaster, on gold, the US dollar, China and the Swiss gold Referendum. – Is the US dollar coming out of a major bear market started in 1995? – Is it possible for gold to go under $1,000?

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Guildhall Wealth Toronto | Marc Faber On The Real Money Show

Guildhall Wealth Management had the pleasure of interviewing special guest Marc Faber on the world stage economic trends and their impact on physical precious metals.

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Marc Faber – kilka słów o giełdzie, ekonomii, i cenach złota.

W wywiadzie są poruszane bieżące informacje ekonomiczne.

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Alan Greenspan Oct 2014: Gold Is THE Premier Currency

Alan explains there is only one real currency: gold. For some reason, the Council of Foreign Relations, where ex-Fed-Chief Alan Greenspan spoke, decided the following discussion should be left out of the official transcript. We can perhaps understand why... as Gillian Tett concludes, "comments like that will be turning you into a rock star amongst the gold bug community."

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Alan Greenspan Oct 2014: Gold Is THE Premier Currency

Alan explains there is only one real currency: gold. For some reason, the Council of Foreign Relations, where ex-Fed-Chief Alan Greenspan spoke, decided the following discussion should be left out of the official transcript. We can perhaps understand why… as Gillian Tett concludes, “comments like that will be turning you into a rock star amongst …

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Peter Schiff’s Message to Switzerland: Preserve Your Wealth, Gold is Better than Pegging to the Euro

Peter Schiff, an Austrian economist who predicted the financial crisis urges the Swiss to preserve their wealth. Therefore, they should vote yes in the gold referendum. He thinks that buying gold is better than pegging to the euro. The Swiss will be better off if they possess a strong currency. Pegging to the euro implies that the Swiss Franc will become a new Italian Lira, Peseta or French Franc.

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Alan Grayson ‘Which Foreigners Got the Fed’s $500,000,000,000’ Bernanke ‘I Don’t Know ‘

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