Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Will Indebted Nations Globally Follow Venezuela Into Hyperinflation?

Will your fiat paper or #digital #currency become worthless as currency wars deepen? – Fiat currency has become worth less than toilet paper in #Venezuela – Venezuela was once one of the wealthiest countries in South America – Currency collapse due to massive currency “printing”, digital currency creation and socialist government – A roll of …

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Another Gold Bearish Factor, Report 26 August 2018

Last week, we said that the consensus is that gold must go down (as measured in terms of the unstable dollar) and then will rocket higher. We suggested that if everyone expects an outcome in the market, the outcome is likely not to turn out that way. We also said that this time, there is likely less leverage employed to buy gold and that gold is less leveraged as well.

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Sprott Money News Ask the Expert August 2018 – Mickey Fulp

“Mercenary Geologist” Mickey Fulp answers questions on gold, gold mining companies and prospecting.

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Is Silver Set for a Massive Breakout?

Is silver set for a massive breakout? Stephen Flood ( CEO) takes a look at the silver price chart with commodities technical analyst Carley Garner of Silver looks to be forming a base with very strong support. After a long period of consolidation is silver set to soar? How will its volatility compare with …

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What If Gold Breaks $1200?

Gold is technically still in an uptrend with higher lows still being achieved. The strong support level at $1,200 has now been breached since this video was recorded. So what is next for the price of gold? Are we going to see a further leg down in the price or will it rally from here? … Continue reading »

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Gold Speculators Least Bullish in Years

Are gold speculators really the least bullish that they have been in years? In this video we look at what the charts are suggesting. While gold speculators are almost always long the charts are showing that they are the least long that they have been in a while. Historically when this has happened gold has … Continue reading...

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Annual Mine Supply of Gold: Does it Matter?

The topic of how much extractable gold is left in the world has become increasingly discussed within the last few years. This is because of increased focus on ‘peak gold’ and also a concern about remaining levels of unextracted gold reserves. Peak gold is a term referring to the phenomenon of annual gold mining supply peaking (i.e. the rate of gold extraction increases until it peaks at maximum gold output and subsequently diminishes).

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In Next Crisis, Gold Won’t Drop Like 2008, Report 19 August 2018

Last week, we discussed the tension between forces pushing the dollar up and down (measured in gold—you cannot measure the dollar in terms of its derivatives such as euro, pound, yen, and yuan). And we gave short shrift to the forces pushing the dollar down. We said only that to own a dollar is to be a creditor. And if the debtors seem in imminent danger of default, then creditors should want to escape this risk.

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Gold Season – Is This It?

Gold prices have a certain seasonality to them. Typically gold prices tend to bottom in July and August and then rally in to the end of the year. According to Carley Garner of this is driven by a number of underlying factors. However as of yet we haven’t seen gold turn up again and … Continue reading »

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Fundamental Price of Gold Decouples Slightly – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-Up 8 17 18

Eric Sprott discusses the difficult week for the precious metals and mining shares but also looks ahead to where prices are likely headed from here.

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Who Would Invest in a Gold Bond?

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffet famously dismissed gold. “Gold has two significant shortcomings, being neither of much use nor procreative.” I have recently written about how a government with gold mining tax revenues can use gold. The benefits of issuing gold bonds include reducing risk, and getting out of debt at a discount. Pretty useful, eh?

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Monetary Consequence of Tariffs, Report 12 August 2018

Last week in Monetary Paradigm Reset, we talked about the challenge of explaining a new paradigm. We said: “The hard part of accepting this paradigm shift, was that people had to rethink their entire view of cosmology, theology, and philosophy. In the best case, people take time to grapple with these challenges to their idea of man’s place in the universe. Some never accept the new idea.” We were talking about the fact that money is the unit of...

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Jim Rogers on Gold, Silver & Surviving the Coming Crash – Goldnomics Episode 7

Talking about gold, silver and surviving the next financial crash, Jim Rogers, legendary investor and “Adventure Capitalist” speaks with Mark O’Byrne GoldCore’s Director of Research in Episode 7 of the Goldnomics Podcast. Are the actions of the US administration making China great again? What currency is going to challenge the US dollar as the global …

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MARC FABER: Make Bear Market Preparations – DELUGE AHEAD!

Tom Beck’s Top Blockchain / Artificial Intelligence Available AT: LP(S) – My Picks Shelter your Portfolio from the Bonds COLLAPSE: Get Immediate Access to our Exclusive Report on the Coming STOCK MARKET CRASH: Download Our Top 5 Cryptocurrencies for 2018 AT: The Gold Bull Market is Weeks Away From Hitting...

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Two In-Depth Interviews

Keith had two more in-depth, ideaful interviews. Keith was interviewed on the Jason Stapleton Program. Keith had a lively discussion with Peter Bell and Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 8.10.18

Hear Eric Sprott discuss the global economy, the stress in the emerging markets and the latest updates for the precious metals.

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John Vallis #3: Economic Boom or Doom? – Dr. Marc Faber

I was recently in Chiang Mai and connected with world-renowed economist, Dr. Marc Faber. Dr. Faber is a Swiss-born Phd in economics, and is the editor and publisher of the ‘Gloom, Boom and Doom Report’. He is regularly invited on mainstream financial news media to provide his views on various aspects of the global economy …

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Jim Rogers US Dollar Safe Haven Status Under Threat

Another clip from our upcoming Episode of the Goldnomics Podcast with the legendary investor and adventure capitalist Jim Rogers. Jim is an American businessman, investor, traveler, financial commentator and author. He is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and creator of the Rogers International …

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Gold—Even at its Lowest Levels in 2018—is Behaving Just as Prescribed

Gold’s sharp decline over the past month serves as little surprise to the investors who want the asset to perform in just this fashion—that is, as an alternative to assets perceived as risky, like stocks. They’re betting that the opposite will be true as well, that gold will resume its role as protector and diversifier, even inflation hedge, when what they see as bloated price-to-earnings ratios, heavy debt-to-GDP ratios among major economies and...

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