Category Archive: 6a) Gold and its Price

Main Author Keith Weiner
Keith Weiner
Keith Weiner is president of the Gold Standard Institute USA in Phoenix, Arizona, and CEO of the precious metals fund manager Monetary Metals.

Inflation Crisis 2022 – Marc Faber Interview (Full)

In today's interview, Dave Russell of GoldCore TV welcome Dr. #MarcFaber editor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report where they discuss #inflation and the precarious situation that #centralbankers are in. What direction will the war with Putin go, and how long can the US pretend to be the America that perhaps the world respected fifty years ago?

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Erst künstlicher Corona-, jetzt realer Gas-Notstand? – Boehringer Klartext (175)

- 25 Millionen Steuergeld für nicht zugelassenen Affenpockenimpfstoff - Ludwig Erhard über „verbrecherische“ Inflationspolitik - Prognose eines dauerhaften Handelsbilanzdefizits - Deutschland kann bald nicht mehr Zahlmeister EUropas sein …

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Inflation: Gold als Sicherheit ? Edelmetallmesse München. Peter Boehringer. Degussa, Pro Aurum.

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Jim Rickards 2022- Must See Interview

Jim Rickards 2022- Must See Interview "Narratives are powerful, but the reality is more powerful" says NYT best-selling author #JimRickards in this new episode of GoldCore TV In this episode of GoldCore TV, Jim and Dave Russell talk about Putin's price hike and why he doesn't think Ukraine can win the war. If you enjoyed the interview, you might also like, The M3 Report, when we also play 'Hire, Fire and Admire' with Jim Rickards:...

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Jim Rickards and Gareth Soloway on Metals, Markets and Money

Jim Rickards and Gareth Soloway on Metals, Markets and Money Everyone wants to know about Jim Rickards’ investments or watch Gareth Soloway’s technical analysis, well we’re bringing BOTH of them to you in the same show! Featuring exclusives from our #JimRickards interview and Chart Watch with #GarethSoloway, the first episode of GoldCore’s The M3 Report is a must-watch for anyone interested in Metals, Markets and More. In Episode One of...

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The death of the #dollar on the horizon? Listen to Charles Nenner make some predictions

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50% of bull markets in gold and silver happened in deflationary era..the bull market will continue

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Countries come to an end after expansion and the #US has all the symptoms. #economy #centralbank

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#Inflation takes off because it’s time for it to take off. #financialmarkets #breakingnews #economy

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Charles Nenner has a thought-provoking take on market analysis. #gold #inflation #financialmarkets

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How Long Will Inflation Last 2022 – Charles Nenner

How Long Will Inflation Last 2022 - Charles Nenner What if we told you that you could predict the future? Dave Russell of GoldCore TV welcomes Dr. Charles Nenner, founder of #CharlesNenner Research Center who certainly believes this is the case when it comes to future market events. He hasn’t got a crystal ball, instead, he has nearly 300 years of historical analysis and models that have led him to the conclusion that markets operate in clear,...

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2023 I really feel is going to be one of the best years ever for #gold, #silver and the miners.

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#DonDurrett #gold #inflation #financialmarkets #breakingnews #economy #silver #shorts #centralbank

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#China is basically Japan on steroids. #gold #inflation #financialmarkets #breakingnews #economy

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The #US economy is a lot weaker than is perceived! #gold #inflation #financialmarkets #breakingnews

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“The underlying driver for #gold is always going to be uncertainty” #inflation #financialmarkets #

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Gold To New All-time-high When Fed QT Fails

Gold To New All-time-high When Fed QT Fails This week, Dave Russell welcomes #DonDurrett of, who discusses systemic vulnerabilities and how the perception of them will lead to a decline in US predominance and a rise in Eurasia's dominance. He believes that 2023 will be one of the best years for #gold and silver but for the time being it's going to be a brutal summer! And if you missed the previous episode with Ned Naylor...

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#Gold is the optimal savings instrument. #inflation #financialmarkets #breakingnews #economy #silver

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#Gold is to disinvest! #financialmarkets #breakingnews #economy #silver #shorts #TheFed #centralbank

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People are finding #gold and #silver a bit annoying at the moment”. Here’s why #financialmarkets

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